PolyPong A network game using Java:RMI Developed by Peter Hanely for CSc85, fall 1999 The Game: Inspired by the classic vidio game of PONG, this program adapts the game for network play with up to 8 players. Initial serv goes to the first host. later serves go to whoever was the last to successfully field the ball before a miss. A score of the number of players goes to this same person. The Game Field: The game field is divided into several parts: The field proper is a circular area divided into sectors for each player. Moving the mouse about the field will move the paddle to intercept the ball. To the right are several buttons: - Connect: connects to a game host named in the input field(below) - Host Login: Become a host for others to log in. Requires rmiregistry to be installed on your system. - Serve (or --): When "Serve", allows you to serve the ball to begin a round. - Help: Show this. - Exit. Below are 7 text display fields followed by an input field. These allow you to chat with other players. The input field also specifies the host for logging in to a game.