Republican vs. Democrat

Each major parties position on various issues as described by the opposition, in some cases rather extreme elements of the opposition.  Note that these positions aren't necessarily accurate from internal or objective viewpoints.



Protect the right of every hick, hillbilly, survivalist, and thug to be well armed.
Disarm everyone, or at least the law abiding, leaving them vulnerable to thugs with illegal guns or corrupt government.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Punitive taxes on achievers, dragging down economy.
Big Business free to cheat and exploit employees and customers.
Tough regulation driving entrepreneurs out of business and forcing layoffs.
Religious zealots forcing their God on others.
Godless wanton perverts.
Narrow minded.  Deny children knowledge about their bodies.
Gay marriage, consensual sex with whoever you want.  Value free sex ed.
Oppressing women, telling them what they can do with their bodies.
Baby killers.
Starving children, throwing the poor and elderly into the street.
Wasteful spending of others money, paying people to not work, fostering dependence on the government.
Racist, sexist...
Race hustlers, poverty pimps.
Lock people up for the influence of others, Jack booted thugs.
Excuse criminals of their actions, soft on crime.
War mongers.
Pacifist weaklings, giving in to foreign opinion.
Party of the rich.
Party of the leach.
Divisive, liars
Divisive, liars