A multiplayer networked roguelike
@(12, 43, catacombs) health=72/100 gold=0 AC=elven cloak:3 Hit=sabre:18
select >
A>sabre - 1
B>elven cloak - 1
|| wearing elven cloak
.. found weapon longbow
.. Troll has attacked you
.. fighting Troll...
... Troll has attacked you
T..||...... fighting Troll...
|#@....... Troll killed
|#||...... Troll has attacked you
.. Troll has attacked you
.. fighting Troll...
.. Troll has attacked you
|. fighting Troll...
| Troll killed
Troll has attacked you
System requirements:
- Server: PERL 5.6. PERL earlier versions might work. PERL
5.003 tested as not working.
- Client: telnet with a VT100 compatable terminal, color prefered.
Clients tested ok include: - unix telnet with Xterm or Gnome term
- cygwin telnet
- MS telnet (patches were needed here)
- putty
Core engine pretty much done, needs object and level building. Level
designers and builders wanted.
- Latest release.
- merchant working for buy and sell
- assorted refinements in selection lists
- supports 'add on' AI in .pl files, easier to write/debug
- Hey is only a 53kB download!
- screen refresh takes less bandwidth
- monsters now navigate 'smarter'
- merchant working, for sales anyway
- NetHack direction keys supported
- 2 handed weapons
- merchant 'monster written (testing required)
- prototyping 1 monster type based on another
- bug fixes, new login screen
- mostly bug fixes from 0.7.3
- hunger
- levels by name or number
- magic on get/drop/wear/remove of items
- refinements of display
- refinements of code
- some levels randomly generated
To install and run:
- Unpack archive
- CD hacknet
- ./hacknet.pl
- telnet <host> <port>
default port is 1067. this may be changed in the line '$port = 1067;'
- enter <name> <password>\n (all one line followed by <enter>)to
login as a character. these are defined in the players file and are
case sensitive.
- A command list is available by typing '?' while in game.
Hacknet Encyclopedia
A partial listing of what you may encounter.

Dungeondweller A heap of
info on roguelike design

Another multiplayer NetHack
takeoff named, what else, HackNet