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Crystal Quest Aftermath, Part 10


The adventurers take some time to divy up their various findings, then deliberations resume upon which direction to head in. They finally decide to intercept the supply line for the Red Tower travelling towards the Tower of the Mages, and after a good night's rest and a hearty breakfast, set off away from the tower and towards the northern coastline. After almost a day's worth of travel, Akili starts flipping through his book of Chaos, looking for travel information. After determining that Aid/Query is often useful while travelling, according to the book, he casts it once.

And almost trips over a small square in front of his toes. It ends up being a composition book with gridded lines, and a pencil. Puzzled, he stows them in his Bag of Holding, and tries once more.

Instantly, the area is dark, and the group i sstanding in a shallow puddle of water. After a moment of confusion, Andune swings her newly-acquired Sunblade around, fully illuminating a room with a couple doors, and several four-poster beds. It looks vaguely familiar, but they're not quite sure where they are.

After a bit of exploring, they determine that they are back in the temple that they originally explored on the way to the Tower of the Watchers. The room they move into has several mannequins on stands, wearing molded inline skates. Sarai promptly animates one, and gets it to remove its skates, and now has an animated mannequin to aid her... however it would do that. Upon realizing it's nightfall, and that the flying stingrays were in this area, Akili and everyone else relocates to the library they first took shelter in, and Sarai uses her magic immovable rods to secure the doubledoor entrance. They all pick a table to lie down on, since the floor is still covered with water, and take turns watching through the night.

Rather than trying the door, the flying stingrays instead come in from the outside door, and attack the party just as they're getting ready for bed. After dispatching them, Akili voices the suggestion to retreat to a more defensible position. While attempting to relocate themselves, they encounter more of them. The stingrays are handily defeated, and the group charges for the room they started out in, which is fortunately empty. They barricade the doors, and rest for the night.

In the morning, they come down, kill some more guys, search around, and finally vacate the mountain. Kaira, as a lizard, climbs down easily. Oy-aht using a staff of airwalking. Kaira makes it look so easy that Sarai follows her down, and is extremely lucky to not seriously injure herself. Andune goes down with the aid of Spider Climb, and Akili just jumps off of the edge, falling gently with the aid of his Ring of Feather Falling.

The game is paused here.

Rod of Chaos: 2lbs- 1/day: Wild Strike 1/day: Prismatic Weapon 1/wk: Wild Rain 1/wk: Prismatic Spray 1d6+2 bludgeoning damage, +2 to hit

Silver Ring of Regen (blood-red gem)- 1hp*level per hour major body parts that are damaged are instantly repaired only damage taken while wearing the ring is repaired

Silver Ring of Improved Climbing- Improved Climbing +10 to Climb

Staff of Striking (green gem) Quarterstaff +2 32 charges 1 charge: 2d4+2 damage, 60' (no save) 2: 3d8, 120' (no save) 3: 2d6, 60', for a 30' radius

Large Steel Shield of Spell Resistance- SR plus 13

Long Sword of Thundering (+1 enhancement plus sonic)- Creates a thunderous roar with critical hit, and deals an extra 1d8 of sonic 1d8+1

Sunblade (bastard sword; weight of short sword)- 10' light +2 bastard sword Additional +2 to evil Double damage to undead/negative plane, x6 Sunlight power 1/day: Wielder can swing above their head, and will shine full daylight in a 10' radius, spreading 5' per round, up to 60'.
