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Crystal Quest Aftermath Epilogue, Part 2

12/09/06 BR --- BR On a mountain range in the borders of the Kalandic States... The wind whips around you as you stand in the rocky crags of the mountains. Standing on the mountain is Andune, Atheele, Akili, Oyaht, Sarai, Kenlow and Kaira. Off to the north and east at the base of the mountains you can see vast forests and farther still to the northeast you see oceans. BR BR Andune looks around. Atheele examines his newly gotten stones of party finding Atheele wraps them in their own separate pouches with markings to distinguish who is who Akili double-checks to make sure he has everything he wants, then inquires, "Ready with that Wind Walk spell, Oyaht?" Atheele inquires of the DM which is the direction to the tower of the watchers - Oyaht asks, "Where are we going?" - Atheele would expect them to be off to the west some great distance from here, on the far side of the Telven Empire which juts up against the Kelandic States, where you are now. Between the two countries is a vast desert that is unclaimed by either country. - All stones of party finding are currently bright red. Akili raises a brow. "Didn't we just finish discussing that? To the Tower of the Watchers, to warn them about what's happened and so they can keep an eye on it while we see if anything can be done." Atheele shrugs Atheele doesn't know much about the tower or who the watchers are - Oyaht says, "Okay, I can do that." Sarai says, "You guys can do what you want, but I'm heading to the watchers." Sarai suffers deja-vu. - DM says, "is Oyaht joining us?" Akili has already made it clear that he's going along with Sarai, as is Kenlow, and he's just waiting for the spell. Akili notes for the DM that the kitten is still sleeping in Kenlow's pouch. Atheele is going along with Kenlow until Kenlow decides to more rigorously pursue the arts of archery - Oyaht asks, "Who am I casting it on? Everyone?" Atheele muses, "So after we go to the Tower of the Watchers, does anyone have any interest or intention on freeing the captured worlds from Matro's minions?" Sarai says, "You just go ahead and do that." Andune asks, "Should we split up?" Sarai says, "I personally would rather rescue my own bacon." Atheele asks, "Why would we split up - unless you have other pressing business after we go to the Tower?" Andune asks, "If we have limited time before the sphere eats all the worlds, shouldn't we try to save those worlds while we have time?" Elminster> Shelly says, "Bacon." Atheele ponders that thought for a moment Akili rumbles lightly, "I'm with Sarai on this one. I'm more in favor of stopping the sphere, if a way can be found. Otherwise, Annor itself is in trouble." Sarai says, "Yeah, we should try to save them before they all die." Atheele asks, "Hey Akili, Sarai - any idea of that sphere will spread or how far it will go?" Akili rumbles lightly, "And it's not going to wait for us. We need to get going as soon as possible. And no, Atheele, I don't. That's what we need to find out." Andune says, "If Oyaht can only cast windwalk on a few of us, that makes it necessary for us to split up." Sarai asks, "And what... once we collect them all, we'll all go into the sphere together?" Sarai says, "I believe it will not stop until it is stopped." Atheele asks, "what about Eldar?" Atheele says, "If he couldn't stop it..." Elminster> A steady stillness settles across the hot plants. Sarai ticks off, "First victim." Sarai says, "If he couldn't stop it, it probably can't be stopped." Andune asks, "So... save the people?" Sarai says, "But I'm sure as matroland not gonna sit around and wait for death." Atheele thinks for a second and then says, "You know maybe this is a very good idea to go to the Tower. Perhaps they might have some ideas?" Akili grimaces. "Look, Atheele... we can all only hope that Eldar is not gone forever, and that he's only incapacitated because he wasn't expecting this to happen. If it can't be stopped, then there's nowhere to go." Andune doesn't remember coming across too many people in those worlds, except for the frozen ones. Akili explains with a lessening of patience, "That's why we're headed to the Tower of the Mages after the Tower of the Watchers." Atheele says, "There was the people on the mining world, the frozen world" Sarai waves her arms around. "Hello - there's a world full of lots and lots of people we should be worried about saving." Sarai says, "We like to call it Annor." Andune chuckles. - DM - Minor note, the Tower of the Mages is about halfway to the Tower of the Watchers from here. Andune asks, "So sever the chains and kick off?" Atheele notes that if the sphere was growing at the same rate as before, then there isn't much time to waste Sarai... Akili exclaims, "Exactly!" Sarai starts walking. Akili follows after Sarai, shaking his head. Sarai says, "If the mages are on the way, I don't mind stopping there." Atheele urges Oyaht to cast the spell quickly - Oyaht says, "I can only do five at a time. Including myself. Sarai says, "Otherwise, they're second on my list." - Oops. 6 at a time. Atheele says, "Akili and Kenlow can fly" Atheele says, "So I suppose that any besides them should be covered by your spell" Akili's player points out that Akili can't fly at 60mph. Sarai says, "Actually... it might be wise to seperate." Atheele counts himself, Andune, Oyaht, Kaira, Sarai and Akili Atheele asks, "Kenlow how fast can you fly?" Atheele asks, "Were you able to keep up with us before or did we have to slow down?" - Kenlow says, "Not quite that fast." Sarai says, "The watchers need to know what to watch for. The mages may have an answer. There's a gathering of smart people at vortex too." Atheele exclaims, "Let's go!" Sarai says, "All those people should be warned, and set to finding an answer." - Kenlow says, "Though I suppose I could use some wind to speed myself up. Atheele nods in agreement - Oyaht asks, "So I'm casting it on everyone but Kenlow?" Atheele says, "Well if Kenlow uses his wind to speed his way and we are wind on our way - we can all make it" Atheele muses about how fast Kenlow would regenerate his wind abilities if a party of people turned into wind and flew with him Atheele asks, "Well sounds like we are in agreement then?" Andune looks to Sarai, "what did you have in mind for separating? What can I do to help?" Atheele asks, "Off to save the world, again?" Sarai says, "I don't know. Just saying that many mouths make fast spreading of the word." Atheele says, "Well if we do separate - finding each other won't be difficult" Akili considers, then says, "If you want to split up, that's fine with me. I'm still going with Sarai." Atheele says, "However, whoever separates from Oyaht won't have the benefit of fast travel for long" Sarai says, "Well, I'm off for the watchers. And if everyone goes with me, everyone goes with me." Akili already has *his* answer to that, and isn't going to repeat that yet again, too. Time's wasting. Sarai is already walking. Atheele Atheele taps his foot impatiently - whoops Atheele asks, "Oyaht?" Atheele asks, "Spell?" - Oyaht cast Wind Walk on everyone but Kenlow. Andune says, "weeeeeee" Andune feels the wind in her wind hair. - DM assumes we are flying off towards the watchers then. - DM assumes correctly Akili, feeling the effect of the Wind Walk spell, takes to the air, and speeds towards the Watchers at maximum velocity with wings spread, even though they're not needed. - You soar over the trees and mountains with tremendous speed. Atheele races along the ground dodging between trees and shrubs, enjoying and reveling in Nautre's beauty - Ahead you see a vast desert slowly approaching. Sarai strives for more speed. Sarai exclaims, "Slowly approaching ain't good enough. Floor it!" - After about 6 hours you reach the edge of the desert. Atheele checks to see how Kenlow is holding up - Kenlow's fur ruffles as the wind blows him along, barely keeping up. Sarai oocly comments, "Sessa says Oyaht wants to go warn his village rather than accompany us. But still cast wind walk before splitting up." Elminster> Cal tastes a very experimental pasta dish. - The desert is vast and looks like approximately 10 hours to cross. The wind walk will only last another 8. - Gah, correction. 9 hours. Sarai grins. "No problem." - 9 hours remaining on the wind walk, that is. Sarai says, "We can do 1 hour in the desert with no trouble." Sarai frowns. Atheele says, "except it won't be 1 hour in the desert" Sarai says, "Right." Atheele asks, "It will be 60 miles on foot right?" Sarai nods glumly. And breezily. - DM says, "Yeah, about that." Kaira asks, "Are we there yet?" Atheele asks of Oyaht, "Can you wait until we reach the tower before going our separate ways?" - Oyaht is not here. Sarai OOCly says, "Sessa has made her intentions clear." Akili coughs, and smothers a grin at Kaira's comment, but deigns not to answer. Instead, he's already thinking of any posible way to speed up their journey through the desert, once the Wind Walk spell expires. - DM says, "I'll have to run a 1on1 game with her sometime. Andune says, "I can Dimension Door us for 2 miles." Sarai strives for sixty_ONE_ miles an hour. Andune says, "hardly a dent, but something." - DM asks, "So we going across the desert for sure?" Akili replies, "Hey, that's still two miles I don't have to walk. If you can cast that repeatedly, that'd help too." Andune says, "That is repeatedly." Atheele nods Akili blinks a few times. "...Oh. Well, okay, that's still something." Andune chuckles, "That's what I'm saying." - After another 9 hours, you all begin to decend to the desert slowly. Andune says, "Dimension Door doesn't go too far, but maybe we should save it in case there's a gulf or something in the desert here." - Far ahead you can see massive cliffs looming with craggy mountains atop them. Kaira repeats her question. "Are we there yet?" Akili checks to see what time of day it is as they begin sinking towards the unwelcome ground. - It is approximately 3am in the morning. The desert is very cold. Atheele says, "We will have to hurry to make the remaining distance before sunrise" - You see a light ahead maybe four miles or so. It is orange-red, looks like fire. Atheele says, "Sends out his Eagle to do some scouting" Atheele says, "er - notates" Atheele takes his Eagle out to scout ahead Andune ponders using Permancy on our Wind Walk. Andune says, "Sadly, that uses XP." Atheele says, "a lot I imagine" Andune says, "Especially for each of us." Akili is glad he's wearing boots as he touches down on the sand, wings furling again, but he shivers nonetheless. "Better cold than baking, I suppose. And I'm afraid not, Kaira. It's going to be a while yet." He listens to Atheele, and slowly nods. "We should make the best time we can, certainly. However, I'm also entirely tapped out of magic." Sarai isn't sure she'd like it to be permanent. Atheele says, "Well you can switch it on and off" Atheele says, "hmmm" Sarai says, "I didn't think you could reactivate it once deactivated." Atheele asks, "I wonder what is up ahead?" Kaira shoulders sag a bit. Atheele says, "Well if you remember, you could become solid or wind within about a minute if you conentrated" Sarai says, "Kaira can become a lizard and ride a shoulder if she doesn't like walking." Atheele says, "without the spell disappating" Atheele starts running ahead to scout the area with his Elven eyes Andune asks the group quickly if they all want the Wind Walk Permanently before it goes away. Andune says, "oops, there goes Atheele." Sarai wonders how tired everyone is. "Do we need rest?" - DM says, "Permanent Wind Walk isn't all that bad, as the recipient can actually change back and forth, albeit slowly." Elminster> The hot stillness falls on the plants. Atheele says, "How much XP would it cost for 6 people though" Andune says, "About 21,000." Atheele asks, "And can you cast Permanancy that many times Andune?" - DM says, "That was about 15 hours of travel. Kenlow is dog tired, and the rest of you could certainly use some rest. Sarai starts looking around for a place to take shelter. Atheele has an idea Sarai says, "An outcropping of rock, or something." Andune says, "I can cast it 5 times no problem. 6 if I rearrange spells." Atheele asks, "Andune - you still have your rope trick right?" Sarai says, "Ah, right." Andune sees that Atheele must have come back from wondering. Atheele says, "We could continue forward during the night and rope trick in the day" - The desert is vast and unkind. There are some rocks that stick up from the sand here nearer to the cliffs, but none that seem to have any horizontal shelves. Atheele scouts around Atheele looks towards the firey glow and tries to make out what is ahead Paw assumes we are approaching the ground still and not yet human. Sarai asks, "Why?" Sarai says, "I thought we'd solidified." Atheele says, "ditto" Andune says, "Raise your hand if you want Permancy." Paw purrs, "Are we doing the permanency thing? We'd have to do it before Wind Walk runs out." Andune says, "I don't think we have much time left... yeah." Atheele says, "which of course would mean the chance for permanancy has passed" Sarai raises her hand. Atheele raises hishand Andune casts it on the group here: Sarai. Andune casts it on himself. Atheele asks, "wait - was that 21k per person or for the entire group?" Akili will elect to have it permanently available. Andune looks at Akili and Kaira. Andune casts it on Akili. - Kenlow starts to raise his hand, then realizes he doesn't have Wind Walk. Kaira raises her hand too. Andune casts it on Kaira. Sarai waves to the invisible observer. Paw chuckles. Atheele looks for scrying devices - Atheele sees no scrying devices. Andune oocly isn't sure of the order of events that just took place, oh well. Sarai says, "So, we all now (except Kenlow) have permanent wind-walk. I still think we need rest though." Atheele nods Atheele asks, "Andune - can you give us a rope trick?" Andune asks, "Oh, Atheele, are you back from scouting again?" Andune asks, "Did you want Permancy?" Atheele looks at Kenlow and then says, "Or perhaps 2?" Andune has a hard time keeping track of Atheele every time he wonders off. Atheele notes that the permancy would have had to be done before Atheele scouted - as Atheele assumed he was solidifed again - The light in the distance dims and then winks out. Andune says, "You can be solid by choice and still have had time left." Atheele shrugs Atheele says, "I was a little confused by order of events" Sarai frowns at the light. Atheele asks, "Hmmmm I wonder what that was?" Andune casts Rope Trick. "I think we all fit in this one." Akili's eyes narrow as the light dies. "Hmmm." Sarai OOCly says, "As we were landing, we had a long and drawn out discussion about permanency. Atheele never scouted, and Sarai never looked around for a campsite." Atheele says, "Thank you" Atheele decides to check out what the glow was prior to heading into the rope trick Atheele says, "Hey guys" Sarai says, "Thought the glow was rather far off." Atheele says, "I am going to check that out - I don't need as much sleep as you so I will be bak shortly" Andune occly says, "then Atheele was around for the spells and now has Wind Walk permanently." - DM says, "It was about 4 miles off. Atheele notes 60MPH/4Miles = 4 minutes Sarai says, "Ah, but wind-walk. 4 miles == 4 minutes." Sarai chuckles. Atheele chuckles at Sarai's use of Program (is equal to) - Atheele flies quickly across the desert floor and somes to approximately where he supposed the light was. However, the desert is as featureless here as it was where the rest of the party stopped. Atheele flies off in the direction of the glow in Wind form - Kenlow looks about, then clambers up into the Rope Trick. Atheele looks for tracks Akili also climbs up the rope into the extradimensional space, feeling somewhat more vulunerable without magic at his call. Sarai whisks into the trick. Andune climbs up too. - There is no glow remaining, however some scorched bones lie next to a stone formation. Sarai suddenly OOCly laughs aloud. Paw asks, "Hm?" Sarai says, "Poor Akili... you went to all that trouble for boots of flying, only to get wings. And spent time learning to fly with them... only to get wind walk." Atheele laughs heatilry Atheele heartily - Kenlow snores heartily. Atheele asks, "Hmmm scorched bones eh?" Akili thinks about that. "Hey... you're absolutely right. Not only that... but each progressive upgrade cost me less." Atheele takes a closer look and looks around warily for whatever caused it Sarai nods. Akili rumbles lightly, "The boots were something like 30k gold or more. The wings cost me 1k. The permanent wind walk was free, even though it cost Andune plenty." - Atheele sees humanoid tracks that lead to the pile of bones, but no other apparent tracks. Sarai settles in for an elfnap, slowling fading in and out of wind-form. Atheele notes that no matter what - it really looks like Akili can fly Akili oocly grins. "Yeah. I could weather two dispells, and still fly." Andune appreciates the note from Akili and feels extra tired tonight. Atheele asks, "Does it appear that the remaind os the humanoid was the probably cause of the tracks?" Paw purrs, "Yep." Atheele asks, "Any other details about the humanoid or the remains?" Akili quickly dozes off, remaining in his solid form. Fighting a God will do that to you. - The bones appear to have gouges in them caused by something very sharp and strong. Atheele asks, "anything on the ground next to it?" Paw purrs, "nope" Atheele asks, "or on it?" Paw purrs, "Soot" Atheele asks, "any distinctive features to indicate what kind of humanoid it was?" Paw purrs, "Nope" Atheele sighs Atheele does a once over aorund the area looking for the perpetrator Paw purrs, "You're feeling particularly tired after a long ardurous journey, having a bit of trouble concentrating." Akili asks the DM, "We get our level back in hitpoints while sleeping, right?" Paw purrs, "Correct, Akili." Paw purrs, "You've been awake for nearly 24 hours at this point." Akili sees he's still under, but by an insignificant amount. Atheele nods Atheele says, "Well I still search anyways, but after like 30 minutes I go back to the rope trick if I don't find anything" Paw purrs, "Okay. After a thorough search, you don't find anything interesting." Paw asks, "Everyone goes to sleep or are we keeping watch?" Atheele returns to the rope trick, relays what he found to anyone still awak Paw purrs, "Kenlow is not available to keep watch." Sarai asks, "In the rope trick?" Andune is sleeping and assumes all is safe in here. - Kenlow is sleeping very SOUNDly. Akili mirrors Kenlow. Akili rumbles lightly, "Except for the all-caps sound." Atheele assumes a meditative position Sarai will rest her 4 hours, and then be awake. "So that COULD count as a watch." - Kenlow was so tired, he didn't even remember to ask Sarai for her put-anywhere stick. Atheele snaps his fingers suddnely, jumps out the rope trick, and then casts alarm Paw blinks. "Does Sarai even still have it?" Atheele then jumps bacck into the rope trick Akili oocly blinks, then grimaces. Sarai says, "I don't have my character sheet with me, but I do not think I've gotten rid of it." Akili rumbles lightly, "Dammit. I just took Hover as my feat, too." Paw purrs, "But that's still useful." Sarai laughs. Atheele shakes his head in amusement Paw purrs, "You can't hover in combat using Wind Walk. You can't even cast spells while Wind Walking." Akili rumbles lightly, "Ahh, good point." Akili feels better. He turns onto his side, and sleeps more deeply. Paw purrs, "And it takes a while to shift over." Paw purrs, "5 rounds" Paw purrs, "The 'night' passes uneventfully." Paw purrs, "4 hours later, Sarai's done with her rest as well as the other elves." Atheele changes some of his spells in preparation for the day Akili asks, "Any problems recovering my Eldar-attributed clerical spells, DM?" Paw purrs, "Kaira, and Atheele." Atheele asks, "yes?" Kaira asks, "yes?" Paw purrs, "Akili, Andune and Kenlow are still sleeping however." Paw purrs, "Oh, sorry. Kaira and Atheele 'wake up' (detrance) when Sarai does." - A peek out the little window reveals it is daylight outside. Atheele relays what he saw of the bones - Kenlow snores and rolls over. Andune shrugs and is glad we can wind walk over the rest of the desert. Andune says, "oops, I guess I'm still sleeping." - Andune falls back asleep. Atheele changed his 2 level 1 spells to Endure Elements Andune mumbles in his sleep. Sarai says, "Sounds like a dragon." Sarai says, "With a flagon of humanoid." - Dragon says, "Yum!" Atheele says, "hmmmm could be" Atheele says, "No tracks other than the humanoid were present that I could see" Sarai shrugs. "Dragons fly." Atheele says, "So the theory of flight does make a good case for dragon or other being with fire capability" Atheele wishes he had the presence of mind to look up when searching Paw purrs, "There was also a big rock there that a dragon could have perched upon." Akili flutters his wings a bit in his sleep. Atheele must have been really tired Atheele snaps his fingers and goes off to explore the rock after relaying that information - looking for claw marks or other assorted thigns Atheele after Atheele after casting endure elements on himself - You see some claw marks that are probably dragon claw marks or at least some large reptile. Not sure how fresh they are, though. Atheele notes that dragon is also a favored enemy of his - Nothing else of interest. - I am aware. Atheele looks at the geography and thinks about the mostl likely location for a resting place of a dragon to be - Depends on the kind of dragon. Atheele asks, "Hmm well there are only so many that can breath fire right?" Sarai fixes up a tasty breakfast of cold rations. - Some might burrow under the sand, others nest in the cliff walls. Perhaps there might be a cave hidden under one of these rock formations. Atheele asks, "How many rock formations are there?" Sarai plans to get back on the 'road' as soon as everyone is up. - Andune, Akili and Kenlow wake up to the smell of cold rations. MMmmmm. Andune stretches. Sarai offers Cold Rations around. Akili wakes up with a yawn, and sniffs the air. "Mmmyuck. Rations again? Why, oh why, did I have to dream of eggs and bacon." Paw purrs, "Miles and miles of them, Atheele. Hundreds easily with a few miles." Atheele takes to the air - looking up for anything that might resemble a dragon Atheele and looking down for cave openings Kaira says, "Mmm, tasty cold rations." Atheele particularly ones that could fit a dragon Andune asks, "So, are we off again? Shall we climb out of the rope trick before it expires?" Sarai packs up her things, and fades to a breath of air. Andune follows Sarai's gust. Akili accepts the cold rations anyway. "Man, I needed that rest. Wouldn't mind sleeping for a week, admittedly, but that luxury will have to wait." He tilts his head slightly, recalling another one of his returning memories, then shakes his head quickly. "That's gonna be distracting. Alright, time to go." - The desert is vast and getting pretty hot. Sand as far as you can see in all directions but east. To the east about 60 miles away is a massive cliff. Sarai wonders if Atheeeeele will notice them leaving. Atheele returns to the rope trick Akili scarfs down the rations, then fades himself enough for the spell to take effect and winds after her. Kaira follows along. - Rope trick is gone. - You don't see any caves or dragons as far as you can tell, but lots of sand and rocks. Atheele takes solid form, casts Endure Elements on Kenlow, then resumes the form of wind Atheele lets the party know what he found - Or didn't find... =) Atheele says, "I don't see anywhere that looks like a typical residence for a dragon" Atheele says, "However two things" Andune asks, "Dragon?" Akili coughs again. "Well, if we handled Matro, we can handle a dragon. And right now we probably stand a good chance of outrunning one. I'm not worried." Atheele says, "One, it could be buried beneath the sand, or two there are some massive cliffs over there that could possibly house a dragon" Sarai shrugs, and doesn't care overmuch. "He'll die as easily as the rest of us if we don't succeed." Atheele nods and says, "Either way we should continue and just keep on our guard" Akili asks, "DM, did the permanent Wind Walk cost each target player XP, or just the caster?" Paw purrs, "Just the caster." Andune says, "Just me" Atheele says, "Well - even if we did have a dragon chasing us, it probably wouldn't be able to keep up with us unless it was extremely ancient and pwerful" Sarai thinks we owe Andune a debt. Kaira agrees. Akili rumbles lightly, "I think you're right, Sarai." Andune smiles... tiredly. Atheele nods Sarai doesn't know how to pay it yet, but will keep it in mind. Andune says, "Just trying to save the world here." Paw whispers, "You did get your morning divine magic back, by the way. It does feel a bit different though." to you. Andune assumes we're flying in the right direction, it being night and all. You whisper, "I was just about to ask that. Can I determine what source it's now coming from?" to Paw. Atheele says, "Well its morning" - It is daytime now, actually. Andune says, "Oh, nevermind then." - About 11am Atheele asks, "Says are we off then?" Atheele notes that while he isn't particularly affected by the heat, everyone else besides him and Kenlow can't be too comfortable Akili can put up with it for the hour or so it'll take to get out of the desert. Andune is a hot Latin wind. - Everyone's already in flight at this point. Probably getting close to the cliffs. Akili keeps a watchful eye on the cliffs. Atheele looks up and down for dragon(s) - The cliffs loom massively and stretch for as far as you can see to the north and south. Atheele looks for any openings resembling a cave or lair - The cliffs are nearly a mile high and very rough. Caves could dot the face and you might never know because they could be hidden so easily. - Atop the cliffs ahead you can see rocky and barren mountains. Akili wonders, "*Is* the Tower of the Mages directly on our way to the Watchers?" - As you fly along the air begins to cool a bit and you approach the stark lifeless mountaintops. Atheele notes that our of all the party members, Kenlow would look like the only one with any meat on him to a Dragon Andune asks, "shouldn't we stop there anyway?" Sarai whizzes over the top. Paw purrs, "Yes, you'll probably pass right over it or telven of the falls you think." Atheele says, "Might as well if its on the way" Sarai says, "Yeah, let's stop and warn them if we fly over." Atheele laughs Akili zooms behind Sarai, wings spread wide once more. "Hmmm. I'll watch for it, then." - Once over the top of the ridge you see a valley of pine trees nestled between two ridges. - At the bottom of the valley you see a small village of rough buildings Atheele OOCly thinks flying overhead shouting, "The British are coming the British are coming!" would be pretty funny Paw thinks shouting "The Sphere is coming, the Sphere is coming!" would be more accurate. Sarai chuckles. Atheele thinks so too Andune looks for something like a Tower. Atheele looks for anything resembling to so called Tower of the Watchers or Mages - As you pass over the second ridge, you find yourselves flying among several mountains, all jumbled together, as if the mapmaker got kinda lazy here. Atheele chuckles Akili glances up at the sky, and hopes that the sun's path won't go too near the sphere before it touches Annor, should it grow that large. Sarai shudders. "Let's hope THAT doesn't happen." - After six hours of flight, you pass over another massive mountain ridge and see a monstrous tree next to a deep lake. You are surprised you didn't see the tree over the tops of the mountains. Atheele says, "Well that is why we are flying at amazing speed" Andune flies closer to the tree. Atheele asks, "Do I know anything about this area?" Akili eyes the tree as he goes by. "Hey... that looks familiar." Sarai grins, and knows this area. Sarai says, "I once tried to gank a roc feather in that tree." Atheele raises an eyebrow - As you approach the tree, you see a small bird perched on one of the top branches. Sarai says, "Back when I could cast 'fly' if I had a feather from a magical bird." Akili snaps his fingers, or would if he weren't in wind form. "I thought that was here! I remember that, too. And I think we managed to animate a tree with the gree-- um, with magic." Sarai laughs. "Right. The um, magic." Atheele looks at Akili wondering what he would have said - As you get closer, you realize the bird is not so small after all. But rather... huge. Colossal, even. Sarai makes a silly face at the bird, and sticks out her tongue. Akili very determinedly says nothing more, and ignores Atheele's look. - This also makes you rethink the scale of the tree. That is a MASSIVE tree. Atheele likes trees - Far below you see another lake with an island in the middle over, covered in rocks of varying sizes. Akili looks vaguely surprised. "Wow, it's still here. I guess you weren't enough of a nuisance for it to find a new place, Sarai," he teases. - A river feeds out of the lake off to the south, winding through the forested valley. Akili takes a closer look at those rocks. Sarai says, "I think we're near Telvin of the Falls." Andune keeps his eyes open for a tower thing. Akili mentions, "I don't recall a pile of boulders near here." Atheele looks around carefully, remembering there was a dragon in the area and also looks closely at the bird Sarai doesn't either. Andune says, "Does that mean we're close, Sarai? I don't know the area." - The rocks seem to be partially carved. The remains of architecture, perhaps. Sarai says, "Does anyone remember where exactly the tower of the mages was? Akili should." Akili visibly pales. Akili darts down to the island. Paw whispers, "Yeah... the tower SHOULD be on that island." to you. Sarai catches the look on Akili's pale-furred face, and shivers. Atheele looks at the curved stonework and says, "Was it perhaps there?" Sarai follows Akili. - As much as someone might be able to pale while in wind form. Atheele accompanies the two - And covered in tawny fur. Akili rumbles lightly, "Yup. Quite a feat." Andune follows. Kaira follows along. Atheele thinks for a second, and then attempts to disbelieve what appears to be the rubble - As you approach the remains, you note that no stone is remaining standing in it's original position. In fact, dirt has collapsed into where the foundation once was. Sarai breezes through the crumbling stone, looking for signs of what might have brought it down. Akili settles onto the island, returning to solid form, and looks on with total shock. "What in the names of the Gods happened here?!" Sarai asks, "Knowledge: Engineering?" Atheele looks around cautiously at the placing of the rubble to the surrounding area looking to see if it would be viewed as a likely spot to build a place to live for a decent sized community considering surrounding area and resources - wh sarai = You think a very powerful varaint of something like Felder's SPE Boulder might have done it, but the Tower's magical wards would have to be taken down first. Paw grumps, "I can't whisper to Sarai." Sarai blinks. Akili laughs. Atheele chuckles Sarai says, "Whisper to Calin." Akili suggests, "Or page." Paw whispers, "You sense a presence among the rubble. Something familiar." to you. Sarai says, "Hmm. It looks like Felder's Self Propelled Exploding Boulder... only more powerful than I've ever seen." Andune turns solid and looks for remnents or artifacts. Akili notices Atheele investigating around, and slowly shakes his head. "This... this was the Tower, Atheele." Kaira asks, "So now what?" Akili tilts his head with ears perked, as though he hears something, and starts climbing among the rubble. Sarai returns to solid form. "WAS the tower. Of the most powerful mages of our world." Andune sees something and goes off into the rubble. Atheele looks at Akili and Andune and then thinks to look for survivors trapped in the rubble Sarai looks to see how old this damage is. - As Akili climbs over the rubble after Andune, he sees a woman weeping among the rubble. She is dressed in a white dress. Andune gently approaches the woman. - The woman continues weeping, seemingly unaware of any other presence. You page, "Would Akili remember what Kala looked like?" to Paw. Andune almost puts his hand on her shoulder and asks, "Lady, what happened here?" Sarai says to Atheele, "Don't bother looking for survivors. This is at least a few weeks old." - Kala turns to look at Andune, her face and dress streaked with tears, "All my power and magic... and I cannot stop it." - Kala weeps uncontrollably. Sarai appears through the rubble, catching up to Akili and Andune. Akili cautiously approaches, too, and as he draws near, recognition strikes. "...Kala," he murmurs. Sarai's eyes widen in shock, and she sits down HARD. Atheele wanders towards the group - looking warily about him and the surrounding area Andune asks, "What caused this, Kala?" - Kala wails, "My children all destroyed... and now... and now.... Atheele Atheele glances upwards from time to time - Whoops... not children. Followers. Sorry - The Management. Atheele does not mean to duplicate himself Andune stands in awe. - Kala weeps, "I could not even save him from himself." Sarai stands, and walks up to Kala. Akili steps closer, and puts a comforting hand on Kala's shoulder, despite knowing it'll be little comfort. "Lady Kala... this was my home. If there is anything, anything at all I can do... I am at your disposal." Atheele raises questioning eyebrows to Sarai, Kala, and Akili - Kala turns to Akili, "Save what you can! This world has not much longer..." Atheele eyes widen Sarai says, "Kala. I feel for your loss. For our loss. And one way or another, the world will burn for it. But we - no, the world - need your help" Sarai says, "Mourn later. There are those who are NOT dead yet." - Kala points off to the massive tree, "Go... see Kel-Sir at her temple... she can help. I... have nothing left. My followers are all gone." Atheele whispers to Akili, "Who is she?" Kaira glances at the tree. "There is a temple there?" Sarai says, "I will go see Kel-Sir. And you will come with me. If you give up, you may as well already be dead." - Kala nods, wiping tears from her face, "In the lake." Akili considers that for a moment, then bows his head, and gets down on one knee. "I followed your husband. In turn, I shall follow you. You shall not be alone." Sarai attempts to keep her voice firm, though her knees seem to be shaking. Atheele suddenly realizes who this is and has very large wide eyes indeed - Kala smiles a bit at Akili, "He had great faith in you. And in you all. I know now that he was right." Sarai glances at Akili, and nods. "I follow your craft, and will follow your lead. If you will but lead." Andune offers Water Breathing for the group, if needed. Atheele glances at Sarai and Akili with a somber expression on his face, "What of Teriana?" Atheele says, "What else has happened here" Akili gets up again, smiling at Kala. "I remember enough to know that he is to thank for my being here, and I would repay that in whatever way I could. If a way can be found to bring him back, we will find that way. Together." - Kala looks up as if listening, "She and Eryn go to stop the void. But I fear the best they can do is delay it a short while." Atheele takes that in for a minute - Kala says, "We have not much time." Atheele asks, "Is there anything we can do to help them in stopping the Void?" - Kala stands up, "I will go and assist them, perhaps bring the other gods with me. You must rescue what there is left of this world. Kel-Sir can help. She knows of strange and wonderous things. Atheele nods - Kala says, "There is a village too, if you can rescue any of them after speaking with her... perhaps this world may live on in some small way." Sarai says, "Go then. You are not alone. Your fellow gods fight, as do we." Atheele nods and says, "Even though we may not be dieties, we all fight together" - Kala says, "At best we can keep it at bay another day or two. Move quickly! Akili nods determinedly. "We shall fight with all we have." Sarai slips on her ring of waterbreathing. Andune nods firmly. - Kala looks to Akili, "Show me your bag." - Kala says, "I will mend it's broken threads. You will need it for gathering people, as they cannot fly as you can." Akili gives Kala a briefly puzzled glance, then holds out the malfunctioning Bag of Stasis to her. - Kala holds it in her hands and it glows brightly, then hands it back to Akili. The bag seems a little whiter than before. - The import of her fixing his bag for that purpose causes Akili to swallow hard; saving the population of the world in his Bag of Stasis... is a profoundly disturbing thought. - Kala says, "That is all the remaining magic I can spare... I need the rest for the task before me. Atheele asks, "Kala, is there anything else we can do to help stop this void?" Atheele says, "It was caused by the destruction of Godlayer..." Akili deeply bows his head to her, his voice is trembling a bit. "Thank you, Lady Kala. I will rescue all I can." - Kala says, "I fear your mortal magic and abilities, though impressive, are but naught against the void." Atheele nods and expected as much Akili asks, "I trust in your knowledge, but I must ask: the void is the opposite of being. Could not a rift of magic be forced open into the heart of the void?" - Kala says, "It was not just the Godslayer, but its relative proximity to Matro's source of power. It was magnified horribly... how could we have known?" Sarai says, "Wait. Before you go..." Atheele thinks for a second Atheele asks, "You mean the purple mineral we call matrite?" - Kala turns to Sarai, "Yes?" Atheele takes a sample of it and shows it to Kala Sarai takes a small stone from the rubble, and casts her locating-stone spell on it. Instead of part of a person though... she uses some earth and grass. Sarai says, "This stone is a link to Annor. Do not forget us, nor lose hope." Atheele smiles - Kala nods, "I will never forget. I hope I may find you again some day." Atheele says, "Kala - is this the source you are referring to?" holding the matrite - As Akili doesn't get an answer, he suspects that's answer enough, but still he wonders. Andune ceremoniously takes off his Cloak of Coolness and hands it to Kala. "As a remembrance for the love we bear to Eldar, the one who gave this to me. You may need its Coolness." Atheele asks, "Akili? doesn't get an answer?" - Kala grimaces, "Only partly. It was also the pattern he had formed it into... fortunately it means that the sphere eats through Annor more slowly, but all his worlds that were laced with the material... those were consumed very quickly. Sarai grumbles. "There was a REASON I wanted that castle you know.," Atheele asks, "Would this materialaid you in your quest to stop the sphere?" Sarai says, "And it wasn't the decor." - Kala smiles to Andune, "Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Thank you." Atheele glances at Sarai - Kala embraces Andune. Atheele says, "If it does, we have a lot more of it" Sarai meant to own a tool of immense power, and doesn't care who knows. - Kala says, "The Matrite, as you call it, only accelerates the sphere. I would not want to feed it." Atheele ponders that for a moment Atheele asks, "I don't suppose there is a way to reverse that function? Make it reverse the sphere?" Atheele asks, "perhaps sucking the matrite out of it?" Atheele doesn't know entirely what he is talking about but it soudns good - Kala nods, "That is what we are doing... there is a substance that we gods can manufacture that slows it slightly. But we cannot create it fast enough. We are wasting time, though. We have our tasks and must be to them. Atheele ponders that information and says, "So you need a way to manufacture that substance more quickly" Sarai nods, and shifts to wind. - Kala says, "I wish you all good speed and great fortune. Akili, I hope you don't mind me supplying your divine spells for the short season we still have contact. Atheele says, "Is there any way you can grant others the ability to make it?" - Kala says, "Only by birthing and raising them as Gods... which I have no time for. This is why I must seek the help of the other Gods." Akili smiles softly. "I suspected you were. I don't mind at all. In fact, if I may before I leave...." He opens his arms to give her an embrace, too, feeling she needs it... and wanting her to know how much he owes to her husband, through her. Andune waves and sad farewell to Kala. - Kala vanishes. - how much he feels he owes Sarai breezes off toward the tree. Atheele turns into wind, somberly pondering the last 2 days events Atheele heads after Sarai - Akili feels her lasting embrace as she disappears. Akili smiles a bit more, sadly, and shifts to wind as he leaps up, flapping his wings until the spell finishes taking effect, and darts after Sarai. - When Sarai reaches the tree, she shifts back to solid and dives into the water, her ring allowing her to breath. Andune follows. Andune casts Water Breathing on those who need it. - You all approach the massive tree and now can see the waterfalls beneath it going from the deep lake into the lake where the Tower's island rests. Atheele doesn't have a ring of waterbreathing and looks to Akili - As Sarai swims down, she sees the remains of an ancient city laying at the bottom of the lake. Akili is grateful for the spell, as he also didn't have a way to breathe water, and the Wind Walk does not function in water. He also shifts back to solid form while diving, timing it so that he's solid a little while before he dives into the lake after Sarai. Atheele follows suit - Others catch up and follow Sarai's bubbly trail down into the depths. Andune makes sure everyone can breathe before following underwater. - The water is quite chilly and clear. Sarai looks around for signs of a temple, a god, or inhabitants. Atheele isn't bother by the cold Atheele searches for a temple as well - As Sarai approaches the bottom, two very large shapes swim out from one of the larger buildings. Akili has more important things to worry about than the cold, unless it is hypothermia-inducing. Sarai asks, "What kind of shapes?" Atheele attempts to identify the shapes - The shapes swim up towards Sarai, dark and rather creepy. They swim like fish, but it is rather dark under the water this deep, so it is hard to tell. Atheele notes that as elves, the dark doesn't bother us much Atheele casts darkvision if his elven vision gives him trouble Sarai does have a fireblast prepared, should she need it. "These are most likely Kel-sir's people though. So we need to NOT kill them." - As they get within about 100 feet, Sarai can tell they look very much like sharks. They continue swimming closer. Akili barely refrains from drawing his scepter, as he can draw and ignite the blade at less than a moment's notice should it be necessary. Sarai calls out, "We need to speak to Kel-Sir." Andune says, "We were sent by Kala." - They swim past Sarai towards the rest of the group. Sarai blinks. - They then turn around and begin swimming alongside Sarai. Sarai follows their lead. Atheele eyes the sharks warily and continues to swim Akili looks bemused, then shrugs and continues following. "I guess we've got an escort." - They lead everyone further into the city towards a massive building with crumbling statues upon it. - You all swim over what appears to be a very large fountain as you approach the huge front doors of the building. Sarai wonders if the statues are anyone she recognises. Sarai says, "A fountain? Huh." Akili grins a little. "I guess they don't have to worry about it running dry here." - The statues are of various types of sea-folk with one massive statue above them all that appears to be of Kel-Sir, though it is in bad repair. - The doors slowly swing open as you approach the massive structure and the sharks lead you inside. Atheele asks, "Do they resemble the sea creatures on the one planet we encoutnered?" Akili resists checking to see if the fountain is actively pushing water around, and focuses instead on keeping up with Sarai... and trying not to think about how he feels about Eldar and Kala's plight, or his past memories that keep trying to sneak up and distract him. - When you are all within, the two sharks swim off to either side and the doors behind you swing shut. Sarai waits. Akili comes to a momentary stop inside this apparent courtyard as the doors close, and also looks around. - The main hall is all made of coral and a massive statue of Kel-Sir in much nicer repair is at the far wall. - The statue stirs as if waking from centuries-old sleep. Andune calls out, "Kel-Sir?" - Kel-Sir's booming voice echoes strangely through the water, "I am she." Atheele says, "We were sent here by Kala, looking for help against the Void that threatens destruction of us all" Akili stifles what would have been a wholly inappropriate snicker at the sudden memory of Sarai being ridiculed by a priest of Kel-Sir in a long-ago incident. Andune says, "Kala said you could help us save the people here while she fights the void." - Kel-Sir booms, "The Devouring Orb... will devour all worlds in this realm. It will devour all peoples as my peoples were devoured. Sarai keeps her face in the shadows, for that very reason. Akili pleads, "Can Annor and the other threatened worlds not be moved?" Andune asks, "What can we do, Mighty One?" Atheele says, "I understand she, Teriana and Eryn go to stop it, but she will need help" Sarai asks, "Is there nowhere our people can go?" Atheele says, "We go to save the people" - Kel-Sir looks deeply at each of you, "I see you all are brave and ready. Perhaps some may live as some of my followers did." - Kel-Sir stands up straight, "Many centuries ago... the errant sun swallowed my people before burrowing into the world." - Kel-Sir booms, "Many in the land fled frantically through a rift to another realm." Sarai frowns. "How did they survive?" Akili starts to respond, then pauses to listen instead. He also recalls that sun, presumably now rolling behind a certain moon. Atheele asks, "Is there no hope for Annor then?" - Kel-Sir intones, "That gate still stands hovering above the world's wound. Encased in stone it remains." Atheele says, "Kala said that the gods could make a substance to slow the sphere" Akili muses, "A gate of stone... in Vortex?" - Kel-Sir shakes her head slowly and ponderously, "Annor soon shall follow my people into oblivion." Sarai says, "So we must tell the people to flee to Vortex." Akili needs to page the DM a few questions. - Kel-Sir says, "You must go quickly. You cannot move as fast as you need, so you must go to the northern shore. I will send my lieutenant for you. Atheele says, "There must be something more that can be done" Sarai asks, "I have never heard of a rift there though. You say it is encased in stone?" Paw purrs, "Ask away, Akili." Atheele asks, "How many more gods would it take to stop the sphere if there aren't enough?" Sarai says, "Atheele... I don't think they can stop it." - Kel-Sir booms, "He will take you quickly to the city. You must dig through the city to find the rift. You page, "A while back, when I was talking about ways for Akili to find his way home, I mentioned one way was for a particular 'focus' stone of his to be returned to him, but its existance here wasn't established. I'm wondering if it actually exists, because then Akili might remember it to ask Kel-Sir of its location, since she knows many things of wonder and power." to Paw. Sarai nods. "No time to waste then. What will you do?" - Kel-Sir sorrows, "Many more gods than we know... the sphere grows faster as it gets bigger. You could not have outrun it except by the assistance of Eryn's Avatar. - Kel-Sir says, "I will go to the aid of my mother, her call pulls me to her and stirs me to waking. I could not save my people, but I can save something of this world. Atheele asks, "Kala mentioned the birthing of gods that it could affect the outcome... - is that possible?" Sarai says, "Then we should all be about our tasks." - Kel-Sir glares at Atheele, "You wish to presume that you know better than your Gods? Atheele says, "Not at all - I just ask the questions to which I don't know the answers" Akili oocly waits for a reply from the DM. Atheele says, "I seek any means of saving Annor" Sarai says, "Atheele... Annor is lost. But its people are not." Atheele says, "For my people are at the same risk as all others" Atheele says, "And they may not readily leave it" Sarai says, "Then they will die with it." Atheele looks at Sarai and says, "Exactly." Paw pages, "The stone is one of the memories you haven't retained yet, if there is such a thing." to you. Paw pages, "But I would encourage you to ask me again sometime. =D" to you. Sarai frowns at Atheele, but turns away and prepares for departure. Paw dms a bit. LOG> HUH from Atheele(1053) in Game Room(199)[Akili]: -wh Paw, "I am making assumptions of typical Elven behavior with a slowness to move in beaurocracy?" Paw purrs, "Err... responding to Akili, that is." Sarai nods. You page-pose, "Akili hehs. "Okay. The chances are good that it will exist, judging from Akili's present-time development, but I'm not sure how powerful it will be yet. I'm not sure what memories I am and am not able to recall, so I'm just winging that on my own. So yes, I'll keep asking. :)"" to Paw - Kel-Sir nods, "I seek to save what can be saved of Annor. Whatever YOU wish to save of Annor, I recommend you snatch it up quickly." Akili hangs his head at the news that Annor's doom is sealed, even if the people on it may not yet be. "Kala has given us means to save many, and I will make all the use of it I can." Andune says, "And I will aid all I can." Kaira glances around. "So shouldn't it be time we go out there and start saving all that we can?" - Kel-Sir says, "Go ye now to the north and you will meet my lieutenant at the shore. He will take you quickly to the city on the sea. Save who you can on the way, but do not delay." Atheele nods Sarai says, "I think at this point we MUST split up. We have to spread the word as fast as possible." Atheele agrees Sarai says, "Split up after we find the rift, if you like." Atheele says, "Andune, it was a good thing for making Wind Walk permanent" Andune smiles. - Kel-Sir frowns, "But who can move as fast as thee? For ye have but one bag." Akili nods unhappily to Kel-Sir, having been seeking a tactful way of saying so. Andune asks, "Akili, if you have the bag of Saving, can we gather people and meet you somewhere to be saved?" Atheele asks, "Are there more bags like it?" Sarai frowns again. "You mean there is no time for people to travel to Vortex?" - Kel-Sir frowns more deeply, "It is the only one of its kind, in many ways." Akili sighs softly. "Yes, Andune, but they must be transported quickly. With only one bag, only teleportation spells and effects would be sufficient, and we do not have sufficient long-range ones at our disposal," he regretfully points out. - Kel-Sir says, "You have but merely a day or two. It shall take you fifteen hours as wind to reach the shore. Atheele ponders for a moment and then says, "Well is there any way we can transport a large amount of people to one location if we all gathered them up?" Atheele asks, "From many locations?" Akili looks exasperated. "If we could gather them all in one spot, the problem of only having one bag wouldn't *be* a problem, Atheele." Atheele says, "Right, what I am saying is that if we all had a way to teleport people to YOU, Akili instead of taking you to them, we could save more" - Kel-Sir ponders, "There is the Telven of the Falls to the south merely half an hour away, then there is the settlement to the west, and more at Vortex. Akili throws up his hands. "Great. If you have one, go to it. Vortex will likely be our last stop, so you can gather anyone you can teleport there." Paw purrs, "It's about time to wrap up, as some of us have to get up early tomorrow." Kaira says, "Well if we don't get out there, we're not gonna save anyone." LOG> DISC: 9 PuppetMaster(#461PBM1), 2 cmds P#8002 Somewhere on the muck, PuppetMaster has disconnected. Sarai nods and heads out. Akili steps over to Sarai. "I'll remain with you, for the time being." Atheele looks at Kel-Sir, and back to Akili and says, "I am asking because Kel-Sir is here. By ourselves we may not have that ability, but maybe He does..." Akili doesn't pay much attention to Atheele. If the gods had the spare power to teleport all the threatened lives of Annor to a safe location, they would do so. - Kel-Sir grimaces at Atheele, not keen on having her gender mistaken. - In Akili's opinion. Sarai says, "I'll go with Akili. Since you have the Bag of Salvation, and I can't teleport people, there's no point in splitting up." Andune doesn't know what he can do, but follows Akili and Sarai. Andune says, "If only to be saved myself." - Kel-Sir says, "You may find that some have gotten to Vortex by the time you get there. My lieutenant has made sure of that. Akili nods his understanding to Kel-Sir. "Then we shall save that spot for last, if we can." Andune hopes the message gets to Oyaht. - Kel-Sir says, "But he can only aid those brave souls who live near upon the shore. Akili oocly thinks that as an Avatar of Eryn, he'll Know. Andune smiles. - Kel-Sir says, "Eryn's Avatar already makes his way to the city on the wound. He may yet beat you there." - Kel-Sir looks to Andune, "But he will need your aid to find the rift. Sarai and the others are ready to go. Akili rumbles lightly, "Indeed. It is past time to be off with all possible haste." Kaira nods. "Yes, lets get going." Akili would be off with impossible haste, were it possible. :) Atheele nods - Kel-Sir bows to you all, "Annor needs heroes as yourself. Be brave and fear not, the gods are with thee!" Sarai supposes wind walk may count as impossible haste. Akili rumbles lightly, "Improbable, certainly." - Kel-Sir vanishes in a cloud of bubbles. Paw purrs, "And I think that's a wrap for the evening? We know what we're doing next session methinks." Sarai grins, and tries turning into wind form, hoping for the same effect. Atheele says, "yeah" Akili swims away, headed north.