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Crystal Quest Aftermath Epilogue, Part 4

Somewhere in the mountains, flying in the air, and rather exhausted....

- There is some snow on the tops and things are getting a bit chill. Kenlow shivers.

- The mountains seem fairly uninhabited, too rocky for most civilization.

- This is probably one of the most uninhabited parts of the Empire.

Atheele looks to see if he finds any tracks

Akili swooshes through the air, trying not to pay mind to how long he's been awake, and gives this area of the mountains a cursory glance for obvious signs of civilization, but doesn't spot any. "Looks pretty barren," he says aloud, then looks thoughtful. "Although... huh. I think there might be settlements on the other side of this ridge."

Sarai says, "Let's take a closer look."

- You all fly along the mountain and clear the top of the ridge.

DM checks the log realquick.

Akili looks around for where he thinks he remembers a settlement being roughly located, although he seems more distracted than even has become usual for him.

- It's pretty dark but you can make out the dim lights of what you think may be a settlement far to the northwest.

Andune checks with the group, "So the plan is to get to the lt. and save people along the way?"

- Even farther north you can see maybe more dim lights.

Sarai says, "Pretty much."

- You would suppose they are probably from civilization as well, but it is hard to tell at this distance.

Kaira asks, "And how much time do we have left to do all this?"

Sarai says, "Good question. _I_ don't intend to get left behind."

- You expect you probably have 8 to 20 hours left

Andune chuckles, "That's why *I'm* sticking to this group."

Akili looks distinctly unhappy, but is aware that precious time is seeping away, and tries to figure out how long is left. "We lost a lot from our detour. Kel-Sir said fifteen hours from his temple to where his Lieutenant is. So... probably not very much at all."

Sarai angles upward, and looks for a glimpse of the Sphere.

- Dark clouds roil in the distance and beyond them is utter blackness.

- From the ridge, you can still see the towers of Telven of the Falls, but not much else.

- Of course... it's hard telling as you have not seen the sun in quite a while.

Sarai's eyes widen at a sudden thought.

Akili watches Sarai dart up, and announces loudly enough for her to still hear, "I might be carrying the Bag, but I'm not going to make this decision on my own, not with so much at stake: do we stop here and perhaps spend another hour that we might not have and save who we can find... or move on, and risk discovering that we might have had time to save them?"

Andune asks, "Wasn't the lieutenant suppose to help us save people? maybe we'd be able to save more if we went to him first?"

Kaira glances down to the possible stopping place and then at Akili. "Even if we stop here and save those we can find, eventually we're not gonna be able to save everyone and everyone might include ourselves."

Sarai swoops back down. "I think Andune is right. Let's get to him."

Andune says, "OK, so let'"

Andune says, "So let's go."

Andune puts a burst of wind-speed.

Akili explains, "Kind of. The Lieutenant had a faster transport to Vortex than what we're equipped with... and we definitely need to get there to actually save those we've already rescued." He listens somewhat glumly to Kaira and Sarai, and sighs, giving the light below another longing look.... then nods unhappily. "I'm forced to agree. We can't save everyone like this." He gains a bit more altitude again, and heads after Andune.

Sarai says, "Man, my wind is going to be sore after all this."

Andune giggles.

Andune clears his throat and gives a masculine chuckle.

- After an hour or so of flying to the north, you hear the roar of the ocean.

Atheele laughs

Sarai asks, "Anyone know how to recognise the lieutenant?"

Andune says, "I pictured a big man-thing standing on a shore, so... no."

Kaira says, "Maybe he'll be able to recognize us."

- You soon see the beach up ahead.

- After flying through the mountains for many hours, you see a beach up ahead.

Sarai scans the beach for signs of life.

Andune swoops in for a closer look, looking for an official looking dude.

- The beach is relatively bare, but far to the west you can see the lights of what appears to be a small village.

Atheele looks around for anything that might seem conspicuous

Kenlow pats the kitten...

Kenlow does not care who is on the beach, and lands.

Andune heads for the village.

- The surf pounds the beach heavily. The waves are quite massive.

Sarai says, "FOr lack of better direction, let's take a look at the village."

Akili follows after Andune and Sarai, slowing down a bit, as he seems to be thinking something over pretty deeply. Still, he's not so distracted as to be hit by one of those massive waves by soaring too low.

Atheele says, "Right, the tidal forces are in upheaval"

- As Kenlow lands, a huge wave comes up the shore towards him.

Kenlow sniiiiiiifs the sea-breeze and sighs, realizing he's missed it a bit...

- The wave crashes over Kenlow.

Andune glances back at Akili, "You all right back there? You seem distracted lately."

Kenlow letsthe kitten down and dives into the incominf wave merrily!

- In the wake of the wave, a massive creature looms.

Sarai exclaims, "Yikes!"

Andune gasps, distracted now too.

Kaira asks, "WHAT IS THAT?"

Kenlow goes, "EEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!" and back peddals.

Atheele nods and says, " I would expect the Liuetenant to come from the water"

- Only the head of the beast sticks up from the waves, but it is more than 100 feet tall.

- A massive eye regards Kenlow.

Sarai whisks back out of reach.

Kenlow attempts a sheepish smile...

Atheele asks, "Are you Kel-Sir's Liuetenant?"

Andune wonders what the reach would be if the head is 100 feet.

- The creature's head dips ponderously.

Akili is about to address Andune when the massive creature appears out of the waves, and is snapped quite firmly out of his own distraction. He hovers in the air, still in windform, and gives the apparition a distinctly impressed look.

Sarai judges distances a bit. Probably farther than this.

- The head is somewhat reptilian in shape and it grins toothily.

Sarai bares her teeth in like kind.

Atheele says, "We need to save as many of the people as we can - we were told to meet with you here in this place"

- The massive jaws of the creature part into gaping yawn.

Kenlow resists the urge to quote Lil' Red Ridding Hood.

Akili gives the creature a doubtful look. "Um... are you suggesting that we go in your mouth?"

- The massive head dips again.

Kaira says, "I'm not going in there."

Kaira says, "He might eat us."

Atheele says, "Well its either that or the impending void - take your pick."

Sarai is not... particularly inclined to do that.

Atheele says, "Besides, we have some people here at this village to get into the bag as well"

Andune nods.

Akili looks at Atheele. "Yeah, um, about that. What's door number three?"

Atheele looks around impatiently and exclaims, "Well don't just stand there gawking - we need to get work!"

Andune gets a feeling that this isn't the lieutenant they're looking for.

Atheele starts heading towards the village

Sarai heads off with Atheele.

Andune joings the group, glad to back away from the thing.

Sarai keeps her distance from the hungry sea monster while she's at it.

Kenlow asides to the DM that he is praying to Tariana about weather this is Kel-sir's Leftenant.

Akili eyes the creature a bit longer, and decides it's worth trying to contact Kel-Sir. He's not aligned to him, but it's still worth a try... and he keeps safely out of reach while he does so.

- The massive beast closes its mouth and lies on the beach.

Kaira peers at the beast. "You want to eat us, don't you?"

Kenlow strokes the kitten to calm his nerves...

Kenlow harumphs.

Andune glances back and sees that half the group is not with him.

Atheele notes "Well if it weren't I am sure it would have tried to eat us already"

- The beast looks sadly at Kaira and shakes its head.

Sarai asks, "Don't any of us have the ability to speak with animals?"

- The group heading near the village sees the fires of the village up ahead.

Atheele says, "Well - even I at best can only understand them and their behavior"

Kaira tilts her head to the side. "How can we be certain you are telling us the truth or you that one we're suppose to be getting help from?"

Andune has the ability to Comprehend Languages, written and spoken.

Atheele looks around for people and prepares to get them ready for the exodus

Kenlow feels he wants a salmon, thinks that a minnow sized one would be nice for the kitten, then his eyes roll up to the Creature, and drops the subject from his mind...

Sarai only has the ability to incinerate first, ask questions later.

Andune flies back to the monster's beach and casts Comprehend Languages.

Akili eventually gives up, and returns to the group proper. "I can't reach Kel-Sir at all, and Kala's so faint that she might as well be silent. If we *were* swallowed by it, I could get us out, but we might lose precious time in doing so."

Andune relates to the group, "This is the lieutenant we're looking for! Come on back!"

Andune says, "I can understand what he's saying."

Akili tilts his head. "Hang on. You can't understand what he's saying, but you're sure he's Kel-Sir's lieutenant?"

Andune tries to repeat the name, "His name is Slajajj."

- The folks of the town look at Atheele warily, somewhat frightened of this man who has barged into their village in the middle of the night spouting doom and gloom theories.

Andune addresses the creature, "We were told to meet you here and that you could help us save people before the void takes over this area."

Sarai spouts some of her own apocalyptic beliefs.

Akili brightens. "Ahh. Nicely done, Andune. Can you ask him if we have time to save the villagers here before going with him?"

Atheele points up at the impending void to dispell any notions of 'theory'

Andune addresses Slajajj, "Slajajj, do we have time to save those local villagers down there before we go with you?"

Akili takes on solid form while waiting for the translated response.

Kenlow snirks, "It sounds like they don't WANT to be saved. Atheels having little luck with them..."

Andune says, "He says he can take us to the 'world's wound' but that he can't go with us."

- The village idiot says, "Yeah sure crazy guy. It's always dark at night."

Andune says, "If we're quick, we can save those villagers, he says. But we need time to 'unbar the rift to the other realm'."

- The old lady next to him hits the idiot with her cane, "But it's been night for two days now!"

Akili nods with determination. "Then let's be quick." Not wasting any more time, he takes to wing, and flies over to the village.

Atheele relays the account of Matro and the destruction of Godslayer, and says, "Well the choice is up to you - we have already met with and brought with us a few other towns."

Andune hurries with Akili.

Atheele says, "But if we don't hurry - anyone not with us will be lost."

- A young fisherman asks Atheele, "But if the world will be destroyed, how can YOU save us?"

Kenlow saves his crampinf wings and gallops off after Akili.

Andune talks to Akili about the plan that worked last time: namely the transport door thing into the sack.

Atheele says, "We have been tasked by the gods, and they have given us a method"

Akili lands in the village square with his Bag of Saving readied, and nods to Andune. "Good plan."

Kenlow stops and uses the beach for personal perposes...

Andune creates Dimension Door that goes into Akili's bag.

Atheele looks at Andune and Akili and nods saying, "Take our portal, it will lead to safety."

Andune addresses the crowd, "Please step this way to safety."

- The villagers are taken aback by the new arrivals, but one by one they go into the portal.

- The village idiot says, "You guys are crazy. How do you know they're not part of the Slavaakians?"

- VI says, "They're kidnapping us all to be SLAVES!"

Andune says, "Everyone who wants to be saved, please step quickly through this door."

- VI goes and picks up some rocks.

Akili's wings spread open a little bit due to his agitation to be finished and on their way, and is quite relieved that the villagers - well, most of them - don't need more persuading. That idiot looks like trouble, though.

Atheele shakes his head and tells the idiot, "Have you ever seen a Slavaakian?"

- Village Idiot says, "No. So how do I know they don't look just like you?"

Sarai asks, "Look, you idiot. If you don't want to be save, don't be saved. But if you get in my way I'll kick you in the shin. You follow?"

Andune says, "Sir, you don't need to come with us, but please allow the others to save themselves."

- Village Idiot looks over at Kenlow and the various elves and the Lion.

Kaira says, "If he's going to complain then he can just stay here."

Andune chuckles at Sarai's tone.

Akili makes sure his holy symbol to Eldar is prominently displayed.

- A massive wave hits the beach.

Andune looks around for anyone else that they might be missing.

- Slajajj's huge head rears up, his mouth agape.

Sarai glances at Andune. "You cleared him, right? He's ok?"

- Village idiot screams and runs into the portal

Andune nods to Sarai.

Sarai says, "Good."

Akili grins, and gives Slajajj a thumbs-up. "Thanks!" he calls back.

Andune says, "Nice timing, Slajajj."

Andune addresses the group. "Okay, we all ready?"

Andune says, "We have to hurry now."

Andune asks, "Slajajj, what do we need to do to go with you?"

Andune takes down the Dimension Door.

Akili gives the place a cursory look for anyone else. No doubt any stragglers would have been awoken by Slajajj's entrance, or fled into the wild, where they won't be found in a timely fashion anyway.

Andune says, "OK, we're to go into his mouth and not poke anything."

Atheele looks around - no doubt he would have noticed anyone lurking around or scurrying off

Andune decides to set the good example and goes into Slajajj's mouth, gently.

Kaira asks, "Can I ride inside someone's pocket instead of touching the inside of that thing's mouth?"

- The village is now devoid of intelligent life. Present company excepted.

Akili stows his bag and warily follows after Andune, keeping his wings tightly furled.

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "You could cuddle with the kitten in my satchel."

Akili looks at Kaira. "You're welcome to ride with me, too."

- Slajajj's tongue is rough and a little squishy, but not too slimey.

Sarai reluctantly steps onto the tongue.

Atheele looks around reluctantly and asks, "Is there anyone else we can try to save with the time we have?"

- The inside is roughly 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Andune says, "I don't think so, Atheele, from the impression I get from Slajajj."

Akili shakes his head to Atheele, while waiting for Kaira to make up her mind. "Our last best chance was at the ridge, and we passed them by."

Atheele nods and says, "Alright, off we go then." and steps inside tentatively trying to be respectful of the creatures insides

- About an hour or two flight back.

Kenlow politely washes the sand off his paws in the surf before hopping into Slajajj's mouth from the side.

- Kenlow hopes that seawater isn't considered a seasoning.

Andune asks, "Everyone in?"

DM supposes Kaira hops in Kenlow's satchel?

Kenlow wonders if Slajajj has a lavatory for thet...

Kaira is in Kenlow's bag.

Atheele oocly says, "Great thanks! See you all later!" and vanishes

- Slajajj's mouth closes and it's suddenly MUCH darker.

Kenlow passes the drool-catching bag to Atheel.

Andune says, "hang on everyone! Slajajj's on the move."

Andune hangs on to a tooth.

- Everyone feels an acceleration as Slajajj dives into the ocean.

Kenlow finds a plank of wood stuck in Slajajj's teeth. He pries it loose. There are letters on it, 'Unc...

Sarai hopes she doesn't inhale water.

- In the darkness you can hear a low wave of sound throbbing in your ears.

Akili tries to keep his balance as best he can, wings involuntarily fluttering a bit as he attempts to remain standing. As he does so, another thought strikes him hard enough to distract him from his own ruminations. "Hey, Kenlow... Kaira shouldn't stay in your satchel."

Kenlow is a little preoccupied with keeping his own ballance and his popping eardrums...

Andune asks Slajajj, "Unseal the rift? How do we do that?"

Kenlow is unworried, unless a fight breaks out in his satchel...

Akili isn't as preoccupied, and goes over to Kenlow himself, occasionally walking four-legged if need be, and attempts to take Kaira out. Kenlow may not be worried, but Akili is more all-cat than Kenlow is, and he's worried.

- And that's exactly what begins to happen in the bag, a fight, something is zipping madly around inside.

- You hear another low wave of rumbles throbbing in your ears.

Andune addresses the group, "When we get to the other side, Slajajj says we will need to run up to the top of the city on the wound and unseal the rift there. He's not sure how we're suppose to do that."

- After what seems like half an hour, you feel the forces of deceleration on you.

Andune says, "We are grateful for your services, Slajajj."

Akili reaches in and grabs the kitten by the scruff of its neck since Kenlow seems disinclined to do anything about the fight, and allows Kaira to scamper out - either into Akili's other hand, or wherever else she chooses to go.

Andune thinks that Kaira could just turn into a wolf...

Kaira spots the hand and scampers up the hand, up the arm and into mane of Akili.

Andune addresses Slajajj, "We will try to do what we can to save what is left of this world. Any further advice?"

- Not long later you see the dim light of the night sky.

Akili is relieved that the lizard appears okay, and releases the kitten back into Kenlow's satchel before moving away again, and finally starting to pay attention to what Andune is speaking about.

Andune relays to the group, "He says we should take care of what we have since there may not be much left."

- You hear voices of many people as you look out of Slajajj's gaping mouth to the port area of Vortex.

Andune prepares to run out the mouth when it opens.

- The streets of Vortex wind up the city in a spiral, with streets radiating from the center outwards.

Akili nods to Andune. With Slajajj's mouth open, he spreads his wings once more, and takes to air, hovering in front of the lieutenant and making a somewhat awkward midair bow. "Thank you for helping us. I wish we could save you, too."

Andune says, "he says we may save him after all. As long as we go quickly."

Andune runs out and up the hill, hoping everyone follows.

Kenlow wings out of the mouth as well, and holds up the plank reading 'Unc', and raises a querying eye brow.

Sarai wind-forms and breezes out.

- The radial streets of Vortex are quite steep near the edges and you find yourself panting after several blocks.

- Still, as the streets get nearer to the center, the streets become more level and easier going.

Sarai doesn't pant.

Akili does follow on the wing, still carrying Kaira, pleased at the thought that Slajajj could still be saved, since they're now here thanks to him, which may well have been impossible otherwise. He looks at Kenlow holding up the board and raises both his brows. "Huh. Well, it's not much good to us now."

- In the center of the city, there is a large open grassy field.

- In the center of the field you see a sculpture of warriors battling lizardlike beings leaping from a massive portal.

Kenlow remember that he was here not too long ago, and had his last regress int Lord Naarn mode at that time...

Andune looks around for a rift or seal thing.

- Many humanoids stand looking to the southwest in fear.

Sarai glances around. "THere's supposed to be a wound up here, or something."

Akili watches the others look around, and points to the field with a grin. "Ten to one it's under there."

- Oyaht drools into Atheele's drool bag.

Sarai whisks over to the center of the field, and investigates the sculpture. Including spellcraft and know:arcana.

Akili drops to his feet on the field next to the sculpture, and does the same thing Sarai's doing.

Sarai also turns solid as she investigates.

Kenlow considers doing now, what he had originally intended to do here at the end of CQ, but figures he'll just get another 'Away" message..."

Akili pauses in mid-investigation, like he's discovered something... although as he doesn't speak up, it's probably not about the sculpture.

Sarai frowns. "There's some sort of protection spell on this sculpture."

Andune asks, "We're suppose to unseal something. This spell?"

Andune recalls "unbar the rift"

Akili distractedly mutters to himself, "There's... something missing. Something... I'm missing. What....?"

Andune eyes Akili.

Sarai asks, "What are you mumbling about?"

Kenlow thinks, totaly off topic he realizes, that a Satchel of holding would be handy...

Akili doesn't respond right away, although he has a look of extremely deep, perhaps frustrated, concentration.

Andune puts a hand on Akili's shoulder.

Andune asks, "Come up with anything?"

Andune asks, "Sarai?"

Andune looks around himself for anything that looks like a rift, DM.

Akili sighs, and looks up at last to see the Andune and Sarai looking at him. "Oh. There's... something I don't have, that I think I'm supposed to. I'm not sure if I need it for this, but since it occured to me when I got close, maybe I do. Something about some sort of stone, left in the possession of... an old wizard. I think."

Sarai says, "Well this sculpture depicts a rift."

- You see a field of grass, a massive building nearby made of red bricks, this statue, and lots of people.

Sarai frowns. "How many old wizards have you met?"

Andune says to Sarai, "Ah, missed that, thanks."

Sarai tries to dig through her memory for all the old wizards SHE's met.

Sarai says, "There was Mystic, or whatever his name was."

Kenlow sighs, and calles out the the crowd, "You guys know of any rifts around here?"

Akili focuses on the task at hand, and attempts his own spellcrafting and knowledge-arcana checks against the sculpture. In the meantime, he shrugs to Sarai. "All the way back to my training in the Tower? Lots. How many have I known *personally*... well, Mistyc is the first to come to mind, now that you mention it," he says with a grin.

Sarai says, "And... I think he gave you a stone of some sort. Maybe."

Akili scratches his head. "Really? He gave me the Book of Chaos, I remember."

Sarai says, "For some reason, I associate the tie-dyed stone I carry with Mistyc."

Andune asks, "Something that you would have put in one of your bags?"

Kenlow briefly wished we'd pit the void thing in the Bag o' Stasis when we had the chance...

Akili laughs. "Oh. No, I'm pretty sure I made that. I liked the pattern. No... this one...." He tilts his head a little. "It doesn't make a lot of sense. My memory suggests that the stone was, at least at one time, in a place that... wasn't really a place. I can't grasp it any better than that."

Sarai asks, "Where we fought that dragon?"

Sarai wracks her memory.

- The crowd parts around Kenlow... backing up and looking a bit in awe/fear

Akili scratches his head again. "When we fought in that arena place after we Left from the remains of the boat? I don't recall picking up anything there."

Akili admits, "Anyway, I can't even be sure it's important to this. But if it's here on Annor, I have the impression it'd be important to find before we are forced to leave." He eyes the sculpture a bit more, and says, "I think... well, this sounds simple, but I think destroying this sculpture might be sufficient. Doing so may not be so trivial, of course."

Kenlow ponders issues of 'hiding in plane sight', then shrugs and turns to the crowd once more...

Sarai rubs her hands together. "Stand back!"

- The crowd recoils a bit more. And then even more when Sarai shouts.

Akili prods at it a bit more. "On second thought... I think it has to be destroyed at the same time as--" He's cut off by Sarai, and steps back. "Um... you might want to hang on--"

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "Does anyone mind if we destroy this sculpture? If it helps, the survival of the univers itself may depend on it."

Andune moves away, knowing Sarai.

Sarai asks, "At the same time as what?"

Sarai pauses with her hands prepared to cast.

Akili adds the missing bit, "I think the enchantment has to be dispelled at the same time as the sculpture is destroyed. I'm not sure what will happen if it's not done that way, but that's how I interpreted the spells."

Sarai scratches her earlobe. "Anybody have a dispell?"

Andune says, "Uh...."

Andune has Dispel Magic.

Sarai actually scratches the edge of her ear, as she has no earlobe.

Andune asks, "So you need me to cast the spell at the same time that Sarai blasts the statue?"

Akili ponders. "That should be sufficient... but I don't think Dispel is perfectly reliable. We'd have to know that it was correctly cast, and then almost instantly Sarai can destroy-- ah. Sarai, do you have a Detect Magic-type spell?"

Sarai doesn't think so, but is OOC afraid she doesn't know where her character sheet/spellbook is.

Andune has Detect Magic.

Andune Detects Magic.

Andune says, "The stone portal is magic."

Akili muses. "If you tell Sarai that it's dispelled... that might be fast enough." He looks thoughtful for a few moments, then shrugs. "I suppose it's the best we can manage."

Andune focuses on trying to Detect what type of magic it is.

Andune says, "if that would help"

Akili grins a little. "Dispelling that would probably be bad. On the other hand, if you can target just the sculpture, that should be enough. I'm not sure any of us are strong enough to disspell the entire portal."

Andune says, "I detect very strong Conjuration from the portal. And a weak adjuration shell (protection spell) around it."

Andune now knows the difference and can easily Dispel the weak protection.

Andune says, "Akili, you still think it's a timing thing?"

Andune asks, "So I blast a Dispel and then you, Sarai, blast the statue?"

Akili nods. "That was indeed the sense I got from it." He adds, "It's always possible I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain."

Akili makes sure to keep a safe distance from the two, ready to cast defensive spells himself in case something goes haywire.

Andune nudges Sarai, "ready?"

Sarai says, "Yeah, one delayed fireblast is ready to go."

Andune says, "Oh wait."

Andune says, "I have this bar thing I found... A Rod of Cancellation."

Sarai says, "Just make sure you don't dispel the portal."

Andune says, "It's like a crowbar with Dispel magic on it."

Akili raises his brows, and grins. "That should do nicely. Just don't *over*do it."

Sarai says, "Sweet."

Andune says, "Right. I sense that the portal's spell is too powerful for me to Dispel anyway."

Andune goes up to the statue, looks around at the crowd to make sure no one is looking, and WHACKS it with the Rod.

- The statue cracks a bit.

Akili chuckles again, nodding. "Yeah, I suggested as much earlier." He watches intently as Andune and Sarai start.

Sarai asks, "Is it down, is it down?"

Andune Detects, "Looks like it worked."

Sarai yells, "Get back!" and lets loose the delayed fireblast.

Sarai | | \ \ | | | || | | || \/ || |

- In a searing bright flash of flames, the statue detonates sending chunks of rock everywhere.

Kenlow screams, "OW!"

Akili reflexively looks away, shielding his face with his hands.

- In place of the statue is a wavering shimmer in the air, hovering 6 feet above the ground where the stone 'portal' was.

Sarai bows, and gestures. "One portal, as requested."

Andune asks, "So now we gotta empty your bag into that thing, Akili?"

Akili curiously spellcrafts the portal, once the chunks of rubble stop falling around the immediate vicinity.

Sarai asks, "Don't think it would be easier to empty the bag on the _other_ side?"

Sarai says, "It would certainly keep the line down."

Andune asks, "Yeah, but still gotta shake out the bag. Can we get back here once we cross over?"

Sarai guesses, "I think so... if it's not too late."

Andune says, "I can test it. I have Dismissal, which I can cast on myself to get back here if I need to."

Akili looks at the two. "It's possible, but I wouldn't necessarily count on it. I figure we can get people to start going through now, and we'll bring the bag with us as we go."

Sarai asks, "Kenlow, you still have Loud Voice skeelz?"

Andune asks, "Anyone else we need to save here before we walk through ourselves?"

Kenlow awaits for the disission makers to tell him what to do...

Kenlow nods.

Sarai says, "So get with the yelling. Tell everyone to jump through the portal or die."

Akili looks cautious. "Can either of you get a sense to where this leads? I'm a bit worried about our bags of holding and the like."

Kenlow 'oh rights'...

Sarai pokes her head through and looks around.

- Sarai disappears.

Kenlow takes a deeeeep breath...

Andune plugs his ears.

Kenlow exclaims, "Hey everyboy MOOOVE!"

Kenlow exclaims, "Into the portal, by order of Eldar!"

Akili watches Sarai behave with her typical recklessness, and waits for her to pull her head back, only to see her vanish. "Oh, gods. Well, if there's a way back, I guess we'll find out momentarilyyaoowWW!" He belatedly covers his own ears.

- Sarai reappears almost instantaneously after she disappears.

Andune asks Sarai, "What did you see?"

Sarai says, "There's a big pile of chalk."

Akili rolls his eyes, but looks relieved. "I'm not sure anyone charges headlong into the unknown quite as recklessly as you, Sarai." He then hushes to listen to her report.

Sarai says, "And some sort of run-down military encampment, surrounded by jungle."

Andune says, "Uh, I guess I can live in chalk... as opposed to dying here."

Sarai says, "I didn't see any people."

Akili nods slowly. "Jungle at least means habitable area. Might not be into a civilized area. Either way, still better than Annor's current outlook. Oh... since you already went through, could you check your bag of holding?"

Sarai cautiously checks her bag.

- Everything appears to be in order.

Sarai asks, "Looks fine. Why?"

- A God in black robes appears before you. You cannot see his face. It steps into the portal and vanishes.

Sarai acks!

Akili explains, "I was concerned about-- Whoa!!"

Andune says, "I see"

Akili looks... baffled. "Was that Tarlek?"

Sarai says, "That... wasn't Eldar. Or Eryn."

Sarai says, "And I doubt it was Tariana."

- You suspect that was Tarlek. Looks like his statues.

- Another God in black robes wearing a red mask over her face appears and steps through the portal.

Sarai rolls his eyes. "Well you're welcome, oh great and mighty god. Like I opened the door for YOU."

Sarai guesses Nox.

Akili looks both amused and pensive. "The God of Death is the first one through. That's... whoops. I guess their own exodus is beginning....?"

Kenlow sighs, takes out his 'To Do' list, sighs again, flicks his thumb like a Zippo, lights the list, lets it burn to ash, the shakes like a dog thus turning his fur light brown.

Sarai asks, "Nice to know there are Evil gods on the other side. You clerical people care to ring your GOOD gods, and see if they care to go?"

Akili tries to find some good in this turn of events. "Well, if there are gods on the other side already... better that Tarlek and Nox be the first to worry about them. I suppose."

Sarai grumps. "Right. Who better to announce our coming than those who champion death and destruction?"

- Night, Deception, Death and Insanity.

Sarai says, "Indeed."

Akili's face falls. "Hadn't thought of that." He looks around the square, wondering how the residents are reacting to this turn of events... the checks on the Void. There's a bright line in the distance where the water is vaporizing in its path. "Um... we'd better hurry."

Sarai says, "We should all just wear signs on our foreheads reading 'We are evil. Do not tolerate us in your world.'"

Sarai says, "Right you are. I'm off."

Sarai teleports out of the room.

Sarai has left.

Kenlow wonders what the people are doing after his announcement...

Akili explains to Andune, since Sarai dashes through the portal, "I was worried that our magical bags of holding and this special one might not cross through properly. Sarai's seems fine, so I suppose I'll take my chances with this one."

Andune nods.

- People are lining up to get into the portal.

- In response to Kenlow's comment.

Andune makes sure there's no shoving or pushing in the rush to get through the portal.

Andune keeps an eye out for Slajajj.

Akili seems distracted again, probably thinking about that stone he mentioned earlier. Although that in itself spawns an interesting thought, and he takes a moment to compare the detection stone for Sarai against the one for Kenlow.

Sarai teleports into the room.

Sarai has arrived.

Sarai says, "Ok guys, I have something to report."

Kenlow pets the kitten and hums the Jeprdy theme.

- Sarai reappears almost immediately after leaving.

Sarai asks, "But first... How long have I been gone?"

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "A few seconds.."

Andune blinks.

Sarai says, "As I suspected. Time is different there."

Andune asks, "Wha..?"

Sarai says, "I waited for over an hour before coming back."

Andune asks, "How?"

Sarai says, "And I think days passed between the first time I went through and the second."

Andune asks, "How would that be helpful to us?"

Sarai says, "I'm not sure how many days."

Kenlow thinks he knows...

Akili looks... fascinated. "Wow. It's moving a lot faster relative to here."

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "Andune."

Sarai says, "Also, Nox and Tarlek are either dead or... something."

Akili is quite startled by that news.

Andune gasps. "That can't be good, can it."

Sarai says, "Anyway, the extra time MAY give us a chance to figure out how to save more of Annor."

Sarai says, "Though I don't know how."

Andune says, "Ah. Good stuff."

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "All these people run through, one after the other. To us here it takes less than a second between crossings, to the other side theres minutes if not hours between..."

Akili gestures to the line of people heading through the portal. "Well, I think Vortex is pretty well taken care of at this point. If your bag of holding was okay, then the bag of saving should also survive the trip."

Kenlow hears Sarai, "Right... that too."

Andune asks DM, "How big is the portal opening? I.E., how many people can fit at once?"

- The portal is easily large enough for six people to enter at a time.

- Only problem is making it easily reachable. It's 6 feet off the ground.

Sarai didn't know that. "How did I get to it?"

Akili thinks a raised platform should take care of that, and shouldn't be too difficult to assemble.

Sarai could have flown, of course.

DM asks, "Not sure. Jumped?"

Kenlow looks around for chunks of the sculpture...

DM says, "You're not a white guy, so you can jump."

Sarai says, "Ah. Fair enough."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Ah. Hang on."

Kenlow eeps, "What about Slajajj? If it's a jungle on the other side, where's he gonna go?"

Akili takes a bit of dispelled sculpture, places it near the portal, draws out his Wand of Polymorph, and turns it into what resembles a six-foot-high, 15-foot wide, solid stone bleachers.

- Non-issue. Slajajj is far bigger than the portal.

- turns it into

DM says, "Nice one."

Akili imagines he could fit Slajaaj into the Bag of Saving.

Andune says, "Nice, Akili."

DM gives Akili an extra 150 xp.

Akili grins.

- People start scrambling up the bleachers into the portal.

Akili ohs, pulls out the bag of saving, and hands it to Sarai. "You've been there already. Might as well empty this out on the other side first."

Sarai says, "I don't really care to wait forever for you guys. If we're ready, let's all go together."

Andune nods.

Andune says, "Together, so we don't have to wait hours for each other."

Sarai says, "Or days. Or worse."

Kenlow offers a paw to any one on either side...

Akili looks a tad frustrated. "I wish I could get this out of my memory before it's too late. Of course... in all likelyhood, it probably is. And along those lines... where are the other Gods?"

Sarai says, "I'd guess they're still struggling to stop the void. Or have already fallen to it."

Andune asks, "maybe they know enough that it "killed" those first two who went through?"

Akili blinks suddenly, and looks up a bit. "...Kala?" he calls out.

Andune hopes Sarai is right.

Akili grimaces. "She's here, but busy. Maybe doing exactly that."

Andune says, "Sorry. I hope you're right about the gods busy stopping the void."

Sarai says, "If we don't go through together, it will be days or months before we meet up on the other side."

Akili asks the DM, "How long for for the remaining population of Vortex to go through the portal?"

Sarai says, "I don't think it will be years, but I can't really say."

Sarai says, "If we wait until the last moment before going through, we may find a thriving civilization over there."

DM says, "Probably would take about 30 minutes or so, at a brisk pace."

Sarai says, "I'm not suggesting it. More like warning."

Andune exclaims, "So let's go!"

Sarai says, "Time is MUCH faster there."

Sarai takes Kenlow's and Akili's hands.

Andune grabs the little girl's hand.

Akili notes that Kaira is in Akili's mane in lizard form, where she's been the entire time.

Andune says, "Ah."

Kaira hasn't changed yet.

Andune grabs Akili's paw then.

- Oyaht and Atheele try not to drool on anyone's hands.

Akili still seems inclined to stay, but doesn't resist having his hands taken.

Sarai asks, "When did Oyaht get here?"

DM says, "He's been here on drool mode."

DM says, "I mentioned it earlier."

Sarai says, "But since when? He didn't arrive with us."

DM says, "He was here before you."

Akili sees it.

Sarai just searched her buffer, and does not.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Just after Akili said 10 to 1 that the portal was under the statue, the DM said that Oyaht drools into Atheele's drool bag."

Sarai says, "Right. I assumed that was a typo because he wasn't with us."

Akili rumbles lightly, "That was kind of an awkward insertion, DM. Just commenting."

Akili thinks he assumed the same.

DM says, "Ah. Sorry."

DM says, "I just wanted to make sure you guys knew he was there, but didn't want to actually play him without his player."

Sarai says, "Anyway, fair enough. When we arrived, we found Oyaht already there."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Right. Understood."

Kenlow sighs and tugs every one towards to portal...

DM says, "Yeah."

Sarai heads to the portal.

Akili struggles one last time to unearth whatever that stone was out of his memory as he approaches the portal, and hopes that the other gods will follow. And that Eldar is not lost forever.

DM says, "I'm assuming all players in the room are going through the portal."

- As you walk into the portal you all fall into a pile of powdered chalk.

- Surrounding you is a rough encampment of the Vortex people who had already gone through.

Akili stumbles, and gets chalk over his shirt and fur.

Sarai surreptitiously fills a bottle with chalk powder.

- Beyond that is thick jungle. The sky is bright with the blue sun overhead in a blue sky.

Kenlow sniffs the air...

- The ground is dry and the air is filled with the scents of summer in the jungle.

Akili stands back up and dusts himself off, and tries to get his bearings, stepping out of the way for other people from Vortex to pass through.

Sarai coughs a tiny cough.

Akili looks at his companions, and asks, "Shall I empty the bag here?"

Andune shrugs, "Why not."

Sarai says, "I think so."

Andune asks, "Maybe closer to the jungle. These are going to be confused people. Where is everyone else?"

Andune says, "Err, the military bunker, not jungle."

Akili nods, and moves a bit closer to the indicated structure, making sure there's a lot of empty space before he takes the bag out, opens its mouth, and attempts to empty it out.

Andune oppses, and sees the people now.

Andune points out the encampment to Akili.

Kenlow merfs, and starts sniff-sniff-sniffing along the edge of the jungle.

- A few folks from the encampment walk up to you. The rotund one says to you all, "Welcome to 'Otherside'."

Sarai asks, "Thanks. How long since you came through?"

- The rotund one says, "We've been setting up camp here for about two months now. People have been coming in about once every day or so.

Sarai nods. "We're going through as fast as we can on the other side. Time moves different here."

Akili grins to the representative, and says, "There are about to be a lot more, from places beyond Vortex."

- Rotund guy says, "We've found that some of the jungle plants here are edible and quite tasty. Be careful of the jungle though.

DM says, "I forgot to mention..."

DM says, "Akili."

Akili senses a train wreck.

DM to Akili: You find yourself walking more comftrably than you have in ages. Your clothes and items seem quite ill-fitting the moment.

Sarai blinks. "Whoa. Akili...?"

Sarai peers at Kenlow and Akili.

Akili gives all of you a confused look, both between the stiffness of his clothing and your bizzare looks. "What? Did I grow another pair of wings or something?" he says with a grin, giving them an experimental flap.

- Akili's wings are conspicously missing. And not flapping for that matter.

Kenlow meets Akili at some point, also on all fours.

Sarai exclaims, "Akili, you're a lion!"

- With the lowered point of view to the ground, Kiara the lizard, scampers out of Akili's mane and transforms back into a girl.

Sarai says, "And Kenlow, you're a...."

- Kenlow is looking more and more like a red fox.

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "I would say 'whatever', but they have purple feathers and curved beaks."

Sarai says, "A freaking FOX? Of all the animals I could have guessed, THAT is not on the list."

Andune chuckles.

Akili's look at Sarai, translated to words, could be expressed as 'Duh!' "Of *course* I'm a lion," he answers. "I'm... wait a sec. Where are my wings?"

Sarai refrains from saying, "Kenlow, you're quite a fox."

Kenlow looks at his new paws, and fur...

Sarai says, "No, now you're REALLY a lion."

Akili glances at Kenlow, looks visibly shocked, and looks over himself.

- Kenlow's change was slow and subtle, whereas Akili was rather instantaneous.

Andune checks down at himself, just in case.

Sarai investigates her own anatomy.

Kenlow looks at his shrinking wings...

- Sarai looks... you know... like Sarai.

Sarai is glad to hear it.

Andune refrains from checking out Sarai's anatomy too.

Akili coughs.

Kenlow starts quivering, a maddened expresion on his fuzzy face...

- Only Kenlow and Akili seem to have changed much (other than Kaira, but that's to be expected.)

Sarai says, "Ears, boobs, legs... I'm all elf."

Akili struggles a bit in his ill-fitting clothing. "Before you go crazy, Kenlow, give me a minute."

- Kenlow's shape begins to gain size, shedding fur for thick grey skin.

Kenlow whispers, "No..."

Sarai draws her dagger, and offers to help Akili out of his clothes.

Kenlow murrs, "By all that is sacred, no..."

Andune watches in amazement and peeks a glance at the encampment visitor.

Akili gives Sarai an amused smile. "Why Sarai, I didn't think you cared for me like that." He grins at her as only a true lion can, then says, "Although if you could first pull my wand out of my small waistbag, I think Kenlow would appreciate it."

Sarai removes the wand, and hands it... er, paws it to Akili.

Andune asks, "Ah, polymorph?"

- Kenlow's wings have completely vanished now, as he stands as a 10 foot tall gray humanoid with massive clawed hands and feet.

Kaira whispers, "Creepy."

Sarai asks, "Gak. Kenlow, what ARE you?"

- Naked except for the loincloth.

Akili grips it as well as he can, points it at Kenlow, and invokes his last quite clear memory of Kenlow's last shape in Annor.

Kenlow shakes his fists at the heavans, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

- Kenlow's familiar shape reforms before your eyes.

Sarai breathes a sigh of relief. "I was not sure that would work here."

Akili releases a deeply relieved breath, clearly also half-afraid that wasn't going to work.

Kenlow looks at Akili, "At the risk of sounding, uh, well, thanks."

Andune asks, "So, uh... what's the plan now?"

Akili grins at Kenlow, and nods in complete understanding. "Anytime."

DM asks, "We didn't dump the bag yet, did we?"

Sarai asks, "What about you, Akili? You changing back too?"

Akili tells the DM, "Nope, didn't get quite that far."

Kenlow eyes his wings carefully, makes sure they are staying the same size.

DM says, "Just checking."

- Kenlow's form seems stable.

Akili looks thoughtful. "Maybe... in a bit. This... this is going to sound odd, but this shape feels like home. I suppose I want to make sure I can remember it first before I start thinking of trying to switch back and forth."

Akili admits, "Although it's going to make it hard to carry all of my gear, unless we have a seamstress here."

Sarai says, "I'll carry your stuff for the time being."

- The rotund guy says, "That's... some pretty weird stuff."

Sarai says, "I'll bet you miss the wings as much as the hands."

Kenlow chuckles, "You shoulda seen us last week..."

- Several people from Vortex are staring in amazement.

Kenlow checks his fur, is he dark grey? white w/ silver stripes?

Akili grins thoughtfully. "Definitely the wings, now that you mention it. Just give me a day or two, and I'll probably change back for now. I have charges to spare."

Sarai would guess white, unless Akili had the presence of mind to remember the recent change.

Akili thinks he was responsible for helping Kenlow make slight changes to his form the last time, and thus should have a clear memory of that.

Sarai says, "Ok guys, lets get someplace comfortable and talk."

Andune says, "Good idea"

Akili allows Sarai to take what gear would be too awkward for him to carry, although his backpack still works when properly adjusted.

Sarai asks the rotund guy, "Can we sut up camp anywhere, or do you have some sort of rules?"

Kenlow grins, shrugs, ans uses Elemental Spirit to change his fur to Red Fox markings.

- Rotund Guy says, "Well, we have this area over here that is unclaimed. We're running out of cleared space, though.

Sarai says, "Well, we may not stick around for TOO long, but we'll take that space for now."

Akili comments, "We have a crowd of refugees from several places outside of Vortex that we brought with us, too. We should put them somewhere they can gain their bearings."

Sarai asks, "Did we or did we not already empty the bag?"

- Rotund Guy says, "Where? I don't see them. I'm certain we can find some places for them to stay as well, if they are willing to do their part.

DM says, "Bag is not empty yet, methinks."

Sarai says, "Ok."

Akili hands Sarai the as-yet-unopened bag, having been interrupted in his task by the discovery of his new shape.

Sarai walks off a few paces, and upends the bag.

- A pile of people unceremoniously appears.

- People begin untangling themselves and some of them swearing at their situation.

Kenlow also resumes what he was doing before he was destracted, sniffa-sniffing the perimeter if the jungle.

Akili busies himself with getting used to this new, and yet strongly familiar form. He also realizes that he'll have a tough time fighting in this shape, should it come to that.

Kenlow eventually sniffs his way to the chalk pile, a curious look in his eyes.

Sarai prepares a small campfire in their site, and begins to relax for the first time in days, if not weeks or months.

Kenlow's brain makes a leap.

DM says, "Heh. Nothing like having 'ALMOST' all the time in the world."

Andune says, "I think a good night's sleep is in order."

- Once the fire is prepared, and some water heating for tea, Sarai looks around at her companions.

Andune says, "Thanks for the fire, Sarai."

Akili ambles over to the campfire, and sits down on his haunches with a giant yawn, as all the stress of the last few days finally lifts from his shoulders. He doesn't think this is all finished just yet, but surely there is time for a long snooze.

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "I think I know what happened to the lizard people who were attacking in that sculpture..."

- The pile of people has somewhat dissipated and Rotund Guy is helping them be useful. The old man looks around the camp and wanders off.

Sarai says, "Ok guys, I have something serious to consider."

Sarai rummages in her bag, and pulls out two dark cloaks... and a red mask.

Kenlow ahems...

Akili checks on the refugees to make sure they're keeping themselves in order, then looks at Kenlow inquisitively. "Oh?" Before he can respond, he also looks at what Sarai pulls out. "...Oh."

Sarai says, "When I went through the portal the second time, after Tarlek and Nox had gone through, I found these on the ground."

- The old man sees Akili and says, "Eldar's magic no longer holds you back."

- Old man says, "Are you beginning to feel more comfortable in that body?"

Akili's head darts up from his inspection of Sarai's items, and whirls around to look at the old man. "Wha... who are you?"

Kenlow looks at Akili, points at the 'chalk' pile, "Tarlek..."

Andune looks to Akili for explanation.

Sarai says, "No, the chalk was there before Tarlek went through."

- Old man says, "Me? Just an old man these days."

Akili's eyes narrow. "You're more than what you seem, if you know more about me than I can currently recall clearly. Who were you?"

Sarai, holding the cloaks and mask, frowns and the interruption.

Sarai asks, "Old Man, if that is your real name, who are or were you, and why do you interrupt us?"

- The Slavaakian you saved runs up to the old man and drops to his knees. Several Vortex folk are following him, looking as if they're ready to stone the Slavaakian.

Kenlow jestures at the cloaks and asks Sarai, "May I take a sniff?"

Akili blinks!

Sarai's eyes widen. "Koron?"

- The old man looks at the Slavaakian and rolls his eyes.

Akili came to the exact same conclusion, but Sarai beat him to the name.

Sarai grins.

Kenlow double-takes...

Sarai says, "Bet you're glad Kenlow took you down NOW, aren't you? Alive is better than dead."

- The old man looks to Sarai with a smirk, "You're clever."

- The old man grins, "Yeah. Fortunate that. But truly... I'd still be alive. You brought the one thing that would have sustained me. The one thing that Tarlek and Nox forgot.

Akili's brow furrows. "Let me guess: followers?"

Sarai asks, "Ah... dragon golem core halves?"

- The old man says, "The problem with being a god: If you abandon your constituents you have no power."

Sarai asides to Akili, "I was going to think of followers soon, but you beat me to it."

Akili gives Sarai another leonine grin. "Then we're even."

Sarai asks, "Well, does '1' even count?"

Sarai glances at the kneeling slavaakian.

Akili points out to Sarai, "Koron's mortal now. He doesn't need followers, because he's no longer a god."

- Old man says, "Exactly."

Sarai says, "Interesting gift, this mortality."

- The old man nods.

Sarai says, "You can learn all there is to know about it in a few years, but still be surprised."

Akili curiously attempts to reach Kala while Sarai and Koron speak a bit.

Sarai frowns suspiciously at Koron. "What are your plans now? You're not entirely off the hook for, you know, being The God of Evil."

Kenlow muses about 'point-of-view'...

- The old man says, "What would you do with that kind of power? Do you even know?"

- The old man says, "I'm just a man now. And that's fine by me. Better that than in the void... or... worse.

Sarai nods. "I do. I almost had it in my grasp, before Eldar destroyed the world."

Akili receives the result he expected, and returns his attention to the discussion at hand.

- The old man looks meaningfully at Sarai's 'Loot'

Sarai says, "I'd fly around in my castle, and take a few hundred years off."

Sarai says, "I'd do some gardening, and maybe some painting."

- The old man says, "Well, the real test is to have it. I failed, none of my constituents even liked me."

- The old man chuckles.

Sarai says, "Yeah... I don't think I'd do too well with constituents."

- The old man says, "I'm aiming to see what life is like at this scale. I don't think you'd deny me that. A second chance?"

Kenlow racks his brain for something to say to Koron, a million and one and a half all come to mind and seem... inadequate.

Akili leans over to Sarai's ear, and mentions something to her.

You page, "If Koron is here, and we're going to let him have his chance... perhaps it would be wise to make a stone for him first. Just in case, you know." to Calin.

Sarai frowns once more, and nods. "Koron, or whatever you go by now..."

Sarai says, "I need a few hairs from you."

Andune stifles a snicker.

Sarai frowns at his head. "Or a fingernail clipping, if hair is out of the question."

- The old man laughs, "Well, I'm sure I can spare something.

Kenlow, in the end, hearing Sarai and Koron's conversation, still at a loss for words, wlks up to Koron, shrugs, and simply offers his hand...

- Koron peers up at the looming Kenlow.

- Koron scratches his head and takes Kenlow's hand.

- Koron says, "Thanks for fixing that eye thing, by the way. You wouldn't believe how horribly it itched.

Kenlow's eyes bug, then he starts laughing!

- Koron says, "Well... as a mortal... I think I only have so much time for this world. I better go get a nap."

Sarai clears her throat.

- Koron says, "If you don't mind," as he wanders off to find some space.

- Koron turns around, "Oh... Right.

Sarai holds out her hand.

- And not in the same way as Kenlow.

Akili grins to himself; it's been a long while since he's heard Kenlow laugh quite like that.

- Koron huhs... "Um... anyone got a knife I can borrow?"

Sarai grins widely, and offers to trim his nails with her dagger.

Akili grins to Sarai. "Want to borrow the Scepter?"

Andune isn't going to be the one to hand anything sharp over.

- Koron says, "Umm... just a uh lock of hair maybe?"

Kenlow mimicks patting down 'pockets', "Nope, sorry."

Akili ohs. "If I can take a little more of your time while Sarai's busy with that, Koron...."

Sarai says, "That would be fine."

- Koron leans over for Sarai, "Yes, Akili?"

Kenlow reaches into his satchel, pulls out the kitten, looks in, "Nope, no knife." Puts the kitten back...

Sarai carefully slices a few hairs with her dagger, and tucks them into a belt pouch.

Akili slowly says, "I would... appreciate it, if you could fill in what important parts you might know of myself. My memories are returning, but with many gaps, and are still largely incomplete. I suspect something went wrong when Eldar... left."

- Hairs of a dedeitied god.

Sarai grins.

Sarai prefers 'hairs from an ungodded man'

- Koron says, "Well... not sure what all I know of that. But I can give you a few nuggets, I suppose."

Akili nods. "It might save me some time. I have the nagging suspicion that I might have left something on Annor, but I know not exactly what nor where, and there is not much time left for that world."

- Koron says, "Eldar doesn't oft get a chance to interact with his... err... peers. Kala was literally the only other God of his calibre he had regular contact with.

Kenlow notes that now that Koron is no longer a God (and that his eye no loger 'itches'), he seems to be an OK guy...

- Koron says, "So when he does get a chance..."

- Koron hrms, "Lemme sum up."

- Koron says, "You came to Annor at the bequest of some other God, from what I understand. Eldar wanted to have your help for something. And the other power... not really sure what they gained by sending you here.

- Koron says, "Pretty sure it was always in the plan for Akili to go somewhere after his tenure in Annor. Not sure what that entailed, though.

- Koron says, "Nor was I particularly privy to the details. I wasn't involved, really. But Eldar was particularly proud of the deal, so did tend to let details slip occasionally."

Akili nods slowly; that seems to fit with what he's pieced together so far, but he certainly appreciates the confirmation.

Kenlow hmmms at Koron's tale, happy for Akili, and a little jealous...

- Koron says, "Well, that's enough tales for one day, I think. Daylight or not, I need some sleep. That's the oddest sensation."

Akili actually smiles a little, nodding. "I understand. And... I never thought I would say this to you, but thank you."

- Koron wanders off.

Andune finally settles down next to the fire and feels his eyelids getting heavy.

Kenlow chooses to let Koron nap before pestering him with questions about his own origins.

Sarai says, "So... that was unexpected."

Andune, glad not to have to keep watch, falls asleep.

Akili watches Koron wander off, then nods to Sarai. "Indeed. At least now we know why we have two cloaks and a red mask. The question is...."

Sarai says, "And it fairly confirms my suspicions. Nox and Tarlek are dead."

Sarai says, "Which means, with Koron ungodded, there are no evil gods left."

Akili wonders aloud, "Dead, or too far diminished? I would want to wait until they have a follower show up to be absolutely certain. If there are any left to come through."

Sarai asks, "Fair enough. Kenlow, you said you have an idea what happened to the lizard people?"

Akili has something else to add, but waits for Kenlow to talk about them first, as he's still interested.

Kenlow nods and points to the chalk pile.

Sarai asks, "Ok... what about it?"

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "I at first theought perhaps Tarlek did it, but Sarai said she saw it here before he came through..."

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "Now I'm thinking, they tried to go through the portal with a sculture covering the other end... or the shield spell."

Sarai asks, "So you think the protective magic reduced them to dust?"

Akili grimaces. "I suppose that's possible. I couldn't discern what would happen if the portal was used with the seal still in place."

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "Either thad or running into a stone wall at magically high speed."

Akili frowns. "Um... I know we have a lot of time to think about this now, but... we should consider trying to find a way to unmake the portal. We don't want the Void reaching through."

Sarai says, "We also don't want to cut off any survivors."

Sarai says, "They will be a long time in coming through."

Kenlow nods.

Akili nods. "I agree. Timing will be crucial. I'm hoping Kala will come through when the world is empty of survivors. She's not here right now. I suspect my magic of hers would not work... and definitely won't recharge."

- There was still at least 5 minutes worth of refugees when you guys left.

Sarai says, "I'm worried that she (and others) will wait too long. If they have no followers left, they will be killed or reduced."

Akili grimaces again. "Right. We'll have to check up, then. I can't see another way. You and I are both aligned to her, Sarai, so she could be the last, with one of us on each end."

Sarai nods.

Kenlow gets a brain storm, "Akili?"

Akili gives Kenlow a curious look. "Uh-huh?"

Kenlow asks, "Your wand, the chalk pile, a cushion and a welcom arch or monument of some kind?"

Akili tries to piece that together. "You... want me to make a decorative arch out of the chalk?"

Sarai says, "Um, gross."

Kenlow nods, "That and some sort of cushion for the people falling down."

Akili looks doubtfully at his wand, and shakes his head. "I'll have to refrain for now. Changing you back to preserve your sanity was worth it. Arches can be built by hands. Recharging this wand here may be anything but trivial... I suspect it's become greatly valuable."

Akili grins a little, adding, "Even more than it was."

DM wonders how long everyone's been awake.

Akili thinks the answer to that is Too Long. "Somewhere past exhaustion and on the giddy far side."

Sarai YAWNS in response to the DM's query.

Kenlow shrugs and wanders off to find a sturdy branch to hang from...

Andune continues to snore.

Akili oh yeahs. "One last thing, Sarai...."

DM has a little more game he wants to run...

Sarai asks, "Oh?"

Akili lowers his voice, and says with a slight smile, "Um... I would appreciate some help with my shirt and the like. Wearing it is one thing, but it's not going to be comfortable to sleep in."

Sarai giggles. "Ok. I guess I don't need to cut it off of you?"

Kenlow thinks that if it does not involve him, he's goin ta 'bed'.

Akili chuckles. "I would prefer to keep them intact, if possible."

DM Kenlow snores loudly from a distant tree.

Sarai sighs. "Alrighty."

Sarai attempts to wrestle Akili's clothes off of him.

Akili rolls his eyes. "If you want to cut a scrap for some packrat reason, go ahead."

Sarai says, "No no no, I don't need it just now."

Akili grins widely. "Only when you need a spell component, I'm sure." He braces himself, and helps as best he can.

DM asks, "Anything anyone else wants to do before heading off to sleep?"

Sarai shakes her head, and banks the fire.

Akili feels far more comfortable, and looks for a good place to spend the night.

DM asks, "Anything in particular people want to do over the next several days?"

You page, "Akili will work on continuing to piece together his memories, of course. Focusing on that other stone." to DM.

Andune occly think of finishing leveling up, but guesses it really doesn't matter in this style of gaming.

Kenlow will go on hunting expaditions to find meat for Camp Otherside.

DM asks, "Sarai and Kaira?"

Akili will also experiment with his magic to discern any changes between Annor and this place.

Sarai figures she'll do some exploring, trying to find a place to set up a cabin, lab, and garden.

Kenlow follows Akili's example.

Andune will help around camps, getting people settled and keeping the peace.

Akili also believes he'll make some use of Aid/Query while he has downtime.

Kaira will do whatever Kaira's do best.

Kenlow generally helps Sarai, Akili, and anyone else who asks... even Koron.

- Divine magic seems totally useless. Elementalist, Wizardry and Chaos Magic all function well. Elementalism feels a bit different, but works fine. Chaos Magic and Wizardry seem to work quite well for the basic types.

- Every day or so, six more folks from Vortex pop and have to be brought up to speed. The camp expands and clearcutting becomes needful.

Akili would offer his Scepter to a party member to assist with that.

- On the fifth day, Kala flops into the chalk pile.

Andune smiles and is good at clearcutting large areas.

Kenlow does ask Koron at some point what he knows about Kenlow's origins and how and why the whole Lord Naarn persona came to be (though he has his own theories to that last bit)

Sarai asks, "Any intelligent or hostile natives?"

- Koron is nowhere to be seen at the moment, and by the third day, no natives have yet been seen. Though a mass graveyard of lizardmen bones was found.

Sarai asks, "What's the approximate age of the mass grave?"

Sarai asks, "And... are there any clues as to who dug it?"

- Hundreds of years. The pit itself seems to be a natural formation.

Sarai asks, "When you say no natives, I assume you mean intelligent or hostile. There is native fauna, yes?"

- Probably. But none that you'd seen yet by the fifth day that was hostile or intelligent.

Sarai asks, "I mean, have we seen ANY animals at ALL?"

Sarai asks, "What has everyone been eating?"

- Kenlow occasionally did find large hairy beasts during his hunting much like a Sloth that he brought back to camp as meat.

Sarai asks, "Small birds? Rodents?"

Sarai says, "Sorry to nit-pick."

- A rabbit like creature with little horns has been the mainstay of the encampment since before you all arrived, however.

Sarai says, "Just trying to ascertain the level of life."

DM says, "I thought you meant more of note type animals. Sorry. Hostile and intelligent. not food."

Kenlow grins, "Jackalopes!"

Sarai says, "Ok. So basic animals are in normal quantities for a jungle. Unknown animals, but of normal types."

- The jungle seems to have plenty of life... toads and small birds, that kind of thing. Not that you'd EAT toads or small birds...

Kenlow has been building a treehouse, when he's not helping others...

DM says, "Anyway..."

- On the fifth day, Kala flops through the portal onto the chalk pile.

Akili has still not reverted to his upright form by the fifth day, and except for anything that requires sustained standing up, has otherwise managed quite well. Although he's still looking for a refugee with some spare time to make his clothing a bit easier for him to put on and remove.

Akili jumps up from whatever he'd been in the middle of when he spots the familiar new arrival, and rapidly sprints over to the fallen Kala.

- Kala is tired and looks worn. She is barely conscious.

Kenlow follows Akili!

Sarai also joins the party.

Akili helps Kala up as much as he can, wishing he had healing magics prepared, and suggests carrying her on his back. "Thank the Gods... C'mon, Kala, let's get you somewhere more dignified."

- Kala looks up at the group surrounding her and smiles faintly.

Kenlow shouts to the camp, "Any followers of Kala, please come to the portal!"

- Kala is coated in chalk like every other person who has come through the portal.

Sarai smiles, and was about to do that.

- Various people in the camp look up from whatever they were doing and the majority of the camp comes over to see.

- A great cheer rises from the people!

- Kala's smile widens, but she still seem very tired, "thank you all."

- Kala raises a hand to Sarai, "Take this...

- Kala's hand has a small handful of blue stone, "Throw it through the portal."

Akili nuzzles Kala like an affectionate lion would before realizing what he's doing, and looking a bit embarrassed. "It's... it's good to see you. We were concerned for your welfare on that side."

Sarai takes the stones. "What will they do?"

- Kala looks down to Akili, "Heh. You look good, Akili."

- Kala says, "We must... slow the Void. It's the only thing that does it.

Sarai spellcrafts the stones.

Akili looks more embarrassed still, but any blushing is only evident by the slight pinkening of the inside of his ears. "Um... thank you. I didn't expect this to happen, but... it feels right." He looks at the stones, and takes a moment to spellcraft them himself, visibly curious.

DM pages, "The stone is exceptionally rare material. It's called Corvin, sometimes used as a spice." to you.

Sarai's eyebrows shoot up. "Well that's unexpected. Who knew a spice could save the world?"

Akili makes a startled sound, and reaches into his battered back of holding, rooting around... and pulls one one last, somewhat stale, blue cookie.

- Kala says, "Where... did you get that?"

Andune blinks.

Sarai grins. "Tasty, and useful."

Sarai asks of Kala, "Should we toss our cookies, too?"

Kenlow sniffs the cookie and 'stones', and starts busting up!

Akili remembers that quite well, and summarizes, "I randomly teleported to the third continent, and there was a shack there. Pressing a button made it spit out one of these cookies. I collected ten before it ran out, but this is the last one I have."

- Kala says, "The cookies should help... though there is far less there.

Kenlow asks for a couple of the 'stones'.

Sarai, with Akili's permission, takes the cookie.

Sarai says, "What for, Kenlow? I think the sooner the better, on tossing them into the portal."

Akili meant to give it to Kala, but readily hands it over to Sarai.

Kenlow deeply rrrumbles, "I want to dedicate a couple of them."

Sarai says, "Ok. Make it quick though."

Kenlow tosses one stone in, "For Latara!"

Kenlow tosses the other, "For Daktin!"

Kenlow wonders if the crate of Corvin in Latara's metalized boat will help much...

Sarai tosses the rest of the stones in, and tosses her cookie last.

Kenlow asks EVERYONE what they think will happen in two or three years when the Void inevitably reaches the Portal.

Akili has no answer for that, and looks at Kala to see if she has one.

Kenlow asks Sarai, Akili, Kala, and even Koron if he's around.

- Kala says, "Perhaps it will only destroy the portal... but perhaps it will come here. I do not know for sure."

Sarai thinks the void will not traverse the portal, but does not know if the portal will be destroyed.

- Kala says, "That is also a possibility.

Akili asks, "Can the portal be unmade with what we have here?"

- Kala says, "But... I cannot say we even know what the sphere is... it is much like the sphere of annihilation... but not quite.

- Kala says, "Perhaps. I do not know what this world contains."

Akili nods thoughtfully. "While there is still time left for Annor... I have one last question, if I can impose upon your time for a more personal matter."

Kenlow asks, "Might it be a last ditch 'if-I-can't-have-the-world-then-no-one-can effort on Matty's part?"

- Kala says, "If so, it is more like 'If-I-Can't-Have-The-Universe-Then-No-One-Can'..."

Sarai says, "... Universe."

- Kala says, "We only have yet another day or so... I can make some more Corvin... but not enough to stop it.

Sarai says, "So you mean it's only a matter of time, even if it doesn't traverse the portal."

- Kala says, "Well I am unsure whether or not this world is connected in any way to Annor other than by the portal."

Akili slowly nods. "I suppose I should ask now, then. I seem to recall something important that I might have left on Annor, and if it is still there, I should try to fetch it before all time is gone. But I cannot remember exactly what it was, or where it was last kept, except perhaps in the possession of an old wizard. I hoped Eldar might have mentioned it to you."

- Kala says, "But if it is... then surely it will reach here eventually.

- Kala looks wistfully at Akili, "I will be sad to see you go."

- Kala reaches into her robe and pulls out a small stone, "This is what you are looking for?"

Akili tilts his head, bemused. That clearly wasn't an answer he was expecting. "...Who said I was leaving?" he finally replies. He curiously looks at the stone, and out of habit attempts to spellcraft it.

- Kala smiles, "I am very glad of your help you have given us. I wish we could do more for you."

Akili looks at the small stone, which is a circular shape with a ovoid bulge only on one side, and the color pattern is a clear swirl of every possible color. Similar to tie-dye, but far more precise. His expression when he looks at it is probably a few stages beyond Kenlow's shock when he started to change his form.

Kenlow kneels before Kala...

- Kala turns toward Kenlow as Akili ponders, "Yes?"

Kenlow grins rewfully, "I'm not gonna get any straight answers to where *I* come from am I?"

Sarai can answer that.

Kenlow asks, "Who I am? What I am?"

Akili accepts the stone as though taking a milennia-old holy artifact that would crumble to dust if touched wrong, and holds it, then looks up at Kala, nodding, his eyes shining a bit. "I... understand. You have done more for me than I could repay. I only wish there was something within my power I could do to save Eldar. I owe him that."

Sarai says, "You came from MatroLand."

Kenlow glares at Sarai...

- Kala cries a little at mention of her husband, "Yes... Kel-Sir seemed to think there was yet still hope. I cannot see it."

Akili looks down at the stone again, then up at Kala's tears, but refrains himself the moment, wanting Kenlow to get his answers.

- Kala turns to Kenlow again, "You are the blood of the Dark God. The scales of the Hero. The fur of the Maiden. And the wings of Magic."

- Kala says, "You have the courage of the Adventurers who brought you from the world of the Dark God. You may have HIS power, but you have their love and compassion. He could never really turn you... because you are much more than he could ever be."

Kenlow nods.

Kenlow takes Kala's hand. He kisses the back of it tenderly.

- Kala says, "I am gladdened to see you finally lifted of his curse."

Kenlow stands up, "To all my friends, it has been a great honor knowing you all. I bid you all fairwell."

Kenlow spreads his wings, takes a running take-off, and flies away, untill he dissapears...

Akili looks at Kenlow. "Before you go... where are you headed?"

Kenlow's voice is carried on the wind to Akili, "I'll know when I get there..."

Sarai says, "About like the last time he disappeared into the distance."

Kenlow doesn't like long good-byes...

Akili watches Kenlow fly off with glad sadness, then smiles a bit at Sarai. "Yeah... I don't think we've seen the last of him." He turns to Kala, then, and asks, "Kala... is there any way I can speak with Kel-Sir? There may be a few resources I can draw to our aid, now... if I have sufficient skill to do what he thinks must be done to save Eldar."

- Kala says, "Well... without returning to the other world. And I think she is still preoccupied with slowing the Void... she thinks there is still a way to save the world... but how I know not.

Akili looks down at his stone yet again, then firms his lip. "If there is any hope, then I should go. I do not believe Annor can be saved, but if Eldar can, I will offer what power I now possess."

Kenlow goes flap... flap... flap... flap... flap...
