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["Shingo"] nods and is thinking of getting a weekend job to get enough to buy a vehicle.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Yup. Takes money to buy things."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "And unless you have exceptionally generous parents, an allowance isn't going to cut it."

["Shingo"] chuckles, as he doesn't get paid a dime.

["Kimia"] laughs. "Awww, darn it."

["Akili"] grins. "Well, I hope you're not lacking endurance. It'll take three times as much for the cost of insurance. :)"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "That's the thing with cars. They're the gift that keeps on taking."

["Kimia"] laughs. "That they do."

["Shingo"] eyes trail off, "To be honest... I wasn't getting a car."

A soft stillness quietly settles in a gentle sprinkle.

["Akili"] counts things off on his claws. "Price of the car, price of insurance, price of registration, taxes, more taxes, repairs, smog checks, fuel...."

- ["Shingo"]'s eyes hop along the bunny trail.

["Akili"] asks, "What were you thinking of?"

["Shingo"] says, "A [wiki:Vespa Vespa], they are good for college."

["Akili"] asks, "[wiki:Vespa Vespa]? Are those one of those gas scooters?"

["Shingo"] nods with a grin, "Yep."

["Akili"] grins. "I wanted one of those for a long time. I'm scared of driving one down city streets now, though."

["Akili"] exclaims, "Most drivers = totally bonkers!"

["Shingo"] grins, "I know, just call me careless"

- Random Driver #1: "Hey, did you know that lights timed for 35mph zones are also timed for 70? Here, let me demonstrate."

["Kimia"] laughs!

- Random Driver #2: "I've heard you need to rev your engine at a high speed periodically to get the carbon blown out. Hmm... I think I'll use this little side street, and see if I can hit mach 1."

- Random Driver #3: "If all drivers were as good as I was, they wouldn't care about the fact that I don't signal and move into whatever lane I choose with death-defying, heart-stopping precision. And I wear earplugs to block out the sound of screeching tires."

- Random Driver #4: "My car has 400 watt speakers! I cause earthquakes when I drive, and I couldn't hear an emergency vehicle if it was pushing me! So that's why I don't hear your horns honking at me when I'm doing something you don't like."

["Kimia"] laughs harder!

["Shingo"] falls down laughing, "It's true, high school students might as well invest in hearing aides, because with current conditions it look like they may turn into a big thing ;P"

- Random Driver #5: "All speed limit signs are just fine, they shouldn't be raised. That's because all the morons who don't know how to drive would hit things. Whereas I can drive three times the speed limit and feel perfectly safe. I sure hope you're not trying to follow me anywhere."

- Random Driver #6: "Due to a bizzare injury, my neck has no joints. Do not expect me to look anywhere but straight ahead. And if I still don't see you, it's because I was blinking."

["Kimia"] snickers.

- Random Driver #7: "It's not burning oil. It's a smoke screen. If it bothers you, just don't drive behind me."

- Random Driver #8: "I got so tired of people cutting in front of me that I drive approximately three inches away from the bumper of the car in front of me. Even if it's a semi, and we're doing 75mph down the freeway."

- Random Driver #9's bumper sticker. 'I brake... for NO ONE! MUHAHAH! Bicyclists and pedestrians beware!'

["Kimia"] deals with the number 8 daily.

- Random Driver #10: All of the above.

["Akili"] grins. "I haven't been on the road a while or anything."

["Kimia"] laughs. "No, not at all."