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- Calin appears.

- Calin says to Calin, "After ten years of nonstop research, prototypes, unlucky test subjects, and catastrophic temporal disasters, you complete the time machine! And I've taken it on its inaugural voyage back to the exact date you embarked on this project to tell you one thing: DO NOT INVENT THE TIME MACHINE!"

Calin blinks at himself. "But this is so cool!

Calin says, "It works!

Calin says, "Look, you're proof!

Calin says, "So, you want to explain why I should blindly trust you on this, and not proceed to invent the coolest damn invention of the century?

- Calin says, "Yes but... the temporal disasters?

Calin says, "Oh, and by the way... if I don't like you're answer, I'll mug you and jump-start those 10 years.

- Calin says, "Not to mention the rabid wombats..."

Calin looks around. "I don't see any of that. And I like wombats.

- Calin shudders, "...the wombats."

- Calin says, "Anyway, why wouldn't you trust your future self, dude?"

- Calin grins a toothy grin.

Calin says, "How do I know you're really me?

Calin says, "You could be some imposter from the future.

- Calin says, "Um. Good question. I remember the last time we did this, I gave the wrong answer... but I forget what that was."

Calin says, "Come back to trick me into not working on the coolest invention ever. Because you work for a company that is ALSO working on time travel, but finished it too late for the patent.

- Calin says, "But this time I'm wearing body armor, so you won't be able to impale me in the chest."

- Calin says, "But... why would you work on a competing product against your own self? That makes no sense!"

Calin says, "Yeah, it WOULDN'T make any sense. IF you were really me. But you're an imposter. Working for a competitor.

- Calin says, "Right right, imposter. But I'm not. I mean LOOK."

- Calin says, "I'm YOU dude."

Calin looks. "Uh huh. Dude, if you have the tech to travel through time, you most certainly have the tech to be an imposter.

- Calin says, "Yeah, and if I can travel in time, I can pretty much do whatever I want. Except convince myself to not invent time travel."

Calin says, "And besides, if you really ARE me, with MY time machine that I invent starting now, you also have my impostor kit. Which I started on yesterday.

- Calin says, "Why would I impersonate myself?"

Calin frowns at himself. "Why INDEED?

- Calin says, "Because see... for one thing, I'm NOT impersonating myself. That's silly. And for another thing..."

- Calin says, "If I wasn't you and I needed to keep you from inventing time travel, I'd just squish you as a kid or something."

Calin 's eyes widen in horror. "That was you!

- Calin says, "But that would be DUMB because then I'd squish ME as a kid, and then I'd be DEAD."

- Calin looks around.

- Calin says, "Um. No. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Calin says, "Uh huh. You know it doesn't work that way. Cause if you were dead, you couldn't kill yourself.

- Calin says, "RIGHT! Duh. Catastrophic Temporal Disorders."

Calin says, "Just as you KNOW that I _WILL_ be able to stab you. And you know that I _WILL_ invent the time machine. You made sure of that by coming here. I am now predestined to invent it.

- Calin says "..."

- Calin says, "But I have a contingency! Since I can't stop you from stabbing me, I have brought..."

- Calin appears.

Calin says, "Uh oh.

- Calin says, "ME!!!"

Calin says, "Ok, there is now 3 of me in the same room. Please explain to the jury how I can be in the same place at the same time without being an impostor?

- Calin says, "Duh. Catastrophic Temporal Disorders."

Calin says, "Are you the new guy or the old guy?

- Calin appears.

Calin says, "Quick: which of us is older?

- Calin1 says, "Um. Whoops. Where did he come from?

- Calin2 says, "I brought him along to keep from being stabbed. Duh."

Calin is not this dumb.

- Calin3 says, "What? Stabbed? Who said anything about being stabbed? I thought I was going to help you test the prototype?"

Calin says, "Thus proving that YOU are an impostor.

Calin stabitystabs Calin3!

- Calin3 dies a stabbitystabbed death.

- Calin2 phews.

Calin says, "Ok. One temporal disorder down, 2 to go.

Calin glares at the other Calins.

- Calin1 says, "Well... that works too, I guess."

Calin says, "By the by...

Calin says, "Did each of them appear with their own time machines?

- Calin2 peers at Calin, "Hey Calin1... how do we know this is the right guy anyhow?"

Calin says, "Ah HAH!

Calin says, "Again proving the impostor! You'd remember this if you were me!

Calin says, "'cause trust me, I remember it.

- Calin1 says, "And you would have worn body armor too."

- Calin2 uhohs.

Calin stabbitystabs the youngest-looking Calin, not counting himself.

- Calin2 dies to stabbittystabbingness!

- Calin1 vanishes.

Calin grins. "Problem solved.

- Calin2's body vanishes.

Calin looks around for a time machine.

Calin frowns at the disappearing body.

- Calin3's body bleeds.

Calin says, "Uh oh.

Calin says, "What are you still doing here?

Calin hmms.

Calin o O ( Note to self. Build in fail-safe to prevent the time machine from going to destinations within my lifetime. Other than 'home' time, of course. )

- Calin3's body vanishes.

Calin glances down at himself. "Yup. Still here. Worrisome though..."

Calin says, "Man, the weirdest thing happened to me today."