Cauldron, Part 13
Tillandor peers between the cracks in the barrier, and asks Jiona, "What manner of circumvention would you prefer?"
* You stand in front of a makeshift wall of wooden planks and beams hammered together with heavy metal spikes and attached to the wall and floor with braces.
Ethkin blindly walks forward...
Jiona also studies the barrier again, her hands on her hips as she contemplates. "Something with a minimum of effort, preferably. ...Um, Ethkin, there's a barrier--" she begins, but probably not fast enough.
The DM unhides Tass
* Jiona rolls 1f20+8: 15,8 = 23.
* Ethkin walks smack into the barrier.
Ethkin bumps into the barrier, "Ouch. Gawrsh..."
Calico asks, "before we make a hole, any idea what's on the other side?"
Ethkin rus his nose, and buised ego, and then tentatively reaches out to touch the barrier with his fingers.
- rus = rubs
Ethkin sends out his senses...
Tillandor says, "My eyes tell me the other side holds darkness. Yuathyb hinted that this way lies the Well of Kazmojen."
Calico says, "he said that that way lies danger. where the well is I don't think he said."
Tass walks up behind the party. "Hello, what did I miss?"
Tillandor says, "Right you are. Nonetheless, he said that the Well was dangerous, and this way lies danger."
Tillandor says, "Miss? Why, you've been right here with us."
Tass says, "Who is Kazmojen? Oh, and before we go any farther, I think I should give everyone the supplies Ethkin and I were sent up to get."
Ethkin says, "We got rid of the uppity lumox, and got him." He jerks a thumb at Kristof. "I think he's a better trade so far."
Kristof shrugs helplessly
Calico says, "uh yes, I believe I asked for some lighting."
Tillandor asks, "Tass... might I ask where you ran off to?"
Jiona doesn't really pay much attention to the background conversation, as her attention is focused almost completely on the barrier blocking their way. She gestures and murmurs indecipherably to herself, as though reasoning something out.
Ethkin says, "I think he was getting out of Rayne's way."
Tass says, "I was in the next room, taking care of some bodily functions. I missed all this about Kazmojen and Rayne leaving."
Kristof rubs his fingers over his chin and muses, "Probably where everyone else was going - away from Rayne."
Tillandor frowns uncomfortably.
Calico holds her tongue with a comment.
Tass says, "That's all. Now, Calico, I belive I have a lamp and some oil for you." Tass begins to rumage through his bag.
Tillandor shakes his head, and attempts to explain what is known of Kazmojen. "Kazmojen is the leader of the creepers, and most likely behind the kidnappings."
Ethkin facinatedly puts one hand on the barrier, and another on the wall, "Whoah..."
Jiona's ears and tail droop as she finishes her investigation. "Whomever built this meant business. I can't get the barrier down... although...." She trails off, and resumes looking throughtful.
Tillandor says, "Of late the sounds of machinery have haunted these dark halls, and the Well of Kazmojen is the source. Or so we've been told."
Calico muses, "burn it down?"
Ethkin nods, "It is wood..."
Tass hands Calico a lantern and 20 flasks of oil. "Well, you could use this. I was able to get a lot."
Tillandor says, "The Well is a passage of some sort between the realm of Jzadirune and Kazmojen's domain beyond."
Tass says, "Oh, and Ethkin you never did get your sandals. Here they are."
Calico accepts the lamp and 1 pint of oil, "all that oil at once is just too heavy for me."
Ethkin is distracted by two different sets of senses telling him divergent information...
Jiona completes her reconsideration, and turns around. "Alright, I can get through this. It'll mean no more tunnels for a little while, though." As she looks back at the others, she blinks. "Oh, you're back, Tass. I wondered where you had wandered off to."
Calico fills and lights the lamp.
Tass asks, "Oh, and I've also aquired rations for everyone. I really can't carry it all, so is anyone in need of supplies?"
Kristof raises his hand tentatively.
Kristof says, "Ah yes... um."
Jiona brightens up at the offer of rations, her ears perking forward. "I would certainly appreciate it."
Kristof says, "I have some supplies but did not expect a lengthy journey..."
Ethkin moves up the barrier, across the corridor. He feels he's on the edge to two worlds; the old world af a true blind man, and this new and facinating one of being able to sense things more than his ears, nose, and skin ever could.
Calico still has a days supply, but could accept another set of rations.
Tillandor checks his backpack. "I have store for three more days, though space to carry a bit more if there's need."
Tass asks, "What about you, Ethkin, and Calico?"
Ethkin gets fliffed by Jiona's tail, which brings him back to the here-and-now, "Wuh? Oh, sandals. Thanks Tass, I'll take 'em."
Calico says, "I'll take a standard days worth. should last me 2."
Calico hopes to be done with this job and above ground before that runs out.
Ethkin says, "I took my share back at the shop, remember Tass? I'll take my sandals though, thanks."
Jiona also double-checks her own pack, and is surprised to see a couple rations already in there. "Oh. I'd forgotten about those. Well, I can still carry more if needed." She looks up and over her shoulder, startled when Ethkin brushes against her tail, but decides against saying anything. One must make allowances for the mostly blind, after all.
Kristof waits patiently as the rations are passed out and looking around curiously.
Ethkin blinks, "Didn't I?"
Calico inspects the width of the wooden barrier.
Ethkin says, "Oh, wait. No. I'll take a few then."
Tass hands a day's rations to Calico, 10 days rations to Jiona, and 10 days to Kristof.
Kristof takes them gratefully and puts them away carefully in his pack.
Ethkin has four days still, because he has also eaten apples, meat wraps, and other such.
Tass says, "I may have gotten a bit much. We may need to make a stock pile, but I was thinking that the children will most likely need to be fed once we find them."
Tass also hands Ethkin and additional 5 day's worth, just in case.
Kristof nods sagely at Tass' assessment.
Jiona also steps forward and gratefully accepts her share, storing them safely in her pack.
Calico looks closer at the edge of the barrier where it meets the stone wall.
Jiona then turns to face the barrier again, and remarks, "I'm open to suggestions, but I think it'll take a lot of effort to break through it. Or I can just dig out the supports... but I won't be tunneling for a while afterwards."
Calico says, "We might find a way around."
Tillandor asks, "What makes this slipshod blockade so difficult? Can we not just pick it apart?"
* All the boards are at least 2 inches thick, the entire barrier is about four boards or more thick.
Calico asks, "multiple layers of 2 inch planks? slipshod?"
Ethkin says, "I almost wish Rayne were back. He could throw a fire ball off his sword at it or something..."
Tillandor says, "Ah, I'd not examined it so closely."
* Metal brackets with heavy bolts hold it tight to the floor and walls
Calico says, "perhaps if we had a strong man with a great axe."
Calico asks, "were there any tools in the forge area we might use?"
Kristof raises his eyebrows in perturbed interest. "Rayne could throw fireballs from his sword?" he asks.
Tass says, "What about a bonfire with 19 flasks of oil? I can't really carry these either..."
Calico says, "one flask should be enough to light the wall. then we come back in a few hours when the air clears."
Kristof says, "You are a braver man than most to stand toe to toe against him."
The DM says, "Anyone could attempt a strength check to break it. It's pretty heavy duty, but may be possible for someone particularly strong."
Kristof shudders at the thought.
Ethkin walks back up to the barrier...
Ethkin b-r-e-a-t-h-e-s...
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+3+4: 14,3,4 = 21.
Ethkin's foot flashes forward (_LITERALLY_). A tracer of white light follows his foot. "HAISH!" he hollars as his heel conncts to a board in the center of the wall, which all but explodes forward down the hall. Smoldering splinters and the smell of a campfire in a rainy forest fills the corridor...
Tillandor eyebrows rise up into his hairline.
* The dim light shed by smoldering debris light the short hall ahead another few feet as it opens up into a large room with some lighting in it.
Kristof stands off to the side, a look of amazement on his face.
Kristof asks, "My you are full of surprises aren't you?"
Tillandor asks, "I fear I must reiterate. What reason had we to misdoubt that we could circumvent this slipshod blockade?"
Tass,who was about to pull out a flask to light on fire, stands dumb struk at the move.
Ethkin turns to the rest of the party, a look of peace on his face. He simply bows...
Calico is speechless.
Jiona leans backward at the shout and corresponding cacophony of sound as Ethkin kicks through the barrier, most of her visible fur standing on end in shock until she recovers.
The DM says, "In case it wasn't obvious, the red Xs are bits of debris"
Tillandor cautiously moves forward, peering into the darkness.
Kristof follows behind Tillandor, equally catious.
Calico looks down the hall into the newly open area, be nice if we could see furthur...
* This enormous chamber has a ceiling that soars to a height of forty five feet at it's peak. Two great marble pillars support wooden balconies fifteen feet above the chamber's east and west wings...
Tass moves along behind.
* two iron staircases spiral up to the balconies from the first floor. The furnishings on the ground floor suggest some sort of assembly area (construction, not instruction).
Calico looks up towards the ceiling, "are we that far underground to allow that high a ceiling?"
Jiona shakes her head, still looking impressed, and takes a moment to pat her puffy tail-fur back into order, then also follows. "Very impressive," she murmurs to Ethkin. "I might believe we won't miss Rayne's skill with his sword after all."
* Desks occupy much of the room, though a few boxes and crates fill various corners and nooks...
* an eight foot diameter wooden gear hangs from the ceiling at the north end of the chamber, suspended by a great pair of iron chains. A bright light burns in the center hollow of the gear, lighting the middle section of the room well, showing a massive mosaic of interconnected gears painstakingly painted on the ceiling and walls of the room...
Calico wonders if the noise of breaking the barrier will attract any attention.
Kristof walks carefully into the room, glancing over the room and its contents.
* the faint sound of clattering gears resonates from somewhere not far away. (done)
Ethkin stage whispers bac to Jiona, "Thank you. T'weren't nuthin. Honestly, I wasn't sure I *could* do that. Usefull to know now though."
The DM says, "Yellow = Desks. Grey = Boxes. Blue = Stairs up."
Calico draws a dagger and edges into the room.
Jiona gives Ethkin a smile in response, forgetting for a moment that he can't see it, then replies, "I'd say. Very remarkable, and nicely done." She gives him a companionable pat on his shoulder, then carefully moves further into the room, peering around.
The DM says, "Black = pillar."
Kristof rests each of his hands the finely crafted hilts of his swords.
- 'on the finely'.
Tass move cautiously at the back of the group, taking his time to pick through the debrie.
Calico sneaks up the stairs.
Kristof sneaks behind Calico.
Jiona spots Tillandor exploring ahead of her, and catches up with him. "This sure is a lot of desks... a workshop, perhaps? Or something like your school, Till?"
Tillandor investigates the desks.
* Ten long thin tentacles reach down from above Tillandor and attack him.
Tillandor rolls initiative.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+2: 11,2 = 13.
* Six of them hit, dealing serious damage.
* Calico rolls 1f20+dex: 30,5 = 35.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+3: 2,3 = 5.
* Kristof rolls 1f20+9: 2,9 = 11.
* Tass rolls 1f20+4: 3,4 = 7.
* DM rolls 1f20+2: 12,2 = 14.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 7,4 = 11.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 19,4 = 23.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 4,4 = 8.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 14,4 = 18.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 16,4 = 20.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 13,4 = 17.
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+3: 4,3 = 7.
* There is a big lumpy grey blob hovering in the air above Tillandor. Ten tentacles come from it's body, near a massive beak.
* The creature is probably four feet in diameter.
Tillandor shrieks as the tentacles hit, and convulses painfully several times.
* the creature lifts Tillandor up in the air.
The DM says, "Go calico"
Ethkin whirls at Till's shriek!
Kristof gasps in horror at seeing the monstrosity attacking Tillandor.
Tillandor hangs motionless, tentacles entwined around him.
Calico rushes to the top of the stairs and casts summon monster 2, Celestial giant bombardiar beetle
Tass is glad he has barely entered the room as he watches in horror as Tillandor is raised up into the air.
* The creature flies farther up towards the ceiling with Tillandor in it's grasp.
The DM says, "Kristof go"
Calico directs the beetle to charge and attack.
* The creature is about 20 feet up in the air.
* It's method of flight seems to be just floating through the air like a balloon.
The DM whoopses and gives the beetle an attack, and a free AoO as the creature moves away.
The DM says, "Roll it."
* Calico rolls 1f20: 14.
* The creature's body hovers near the rail of the balcony that Calico stands on.
* Calico rolls 1f20+2: 5,2 = 7.
* Calico rolls 1d4+1: 2,1 = 3.
* The beetle seems to summon up holy strength to inflict a heavy wound on the creature as it attempts to float out of reach.
* bleeding a little, the creature moves further away.
The DM says, "Tillandor make a fort save"
Kristof draws out two finely crafted rapiers and seeing Tillandor drifting out of reach, watches helplessly and waits for an opportunity where he can do something.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+4: 18,4 = 22.
Ethkin says, "What's going on!? What's happened?!"
The DM says, "You regain consciousness."
The DM says, "Take your turn, Till."
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+12: 2,12 = 14.
Tillandor shouts three mystical words and attempts to slap the shape above him, but swings awkwardly and misses. Nothing happens.
The DM says, "Go Kristof"
Kristof went already.
The DM says, "Go Tass"
* Tass rolls 2d2+4: 1,2,4 = 7.
* Tass rolls 1f20+6: 13,6 = 19.
* Tass rolls 1f20+8: 30,8 = 38.
* Tass rolls 1d2+1d6+4: 1,3,4 = 8.
* Tass gestures at the creature and you see a glint of steel fly towards the beast. It hits with a deadly accuracy, causing the creature to squeal a bit.
Tass tales and offensive stance and judges the distance from him to the creature. A flash of silver flys through the air and stikes the creature.
The DM moves Tass's icon for him.
The DM says, "Go Ethkin"
Ethkin,unfortunately, is clueless. He runs into the room a bit and stop when he senses the collum and Tass again, shouting, "What's going on?! What happened to Till?!" He stops as he hears the whirl of Tass's tossed blade, "What was that?"
The DM says, "Go jiona"
Jiona reels back as the tentacles come stretching down just in front of her, and she shrieks in panic as they latch on to her friend and yank him up in the air. "TILLANDOR!" she screams frantically as the creature continues to drag him away, and does the first thing that comes to her mind. She dashes up as close to the thing as she can, and makes a desperate gesture.
* The creature and Tillandor move towards the floor as if a massive weight had been tied to it.
* Tillandor is not laying on a desk, covered in tentacles, the creature four feet above him.
Kristof, seeing the opportunity rushes towards the creature.
* s/not/now
The DM says, "Okiedoke, initiative."
* Kristof rolls 1f20+9: 16,9 = 25.
* DM rolls 1f20+2: 9,2 = 11.
* Calico rolls 1f20+dex: 12,5 = 17.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+2: 19,2 = 21.
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+3: 11,3 = 14.
* Tass rolls 1f20+4: 4,4 = 8.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+3: 30,3 = 33.
The DM says, "Go Jiona"
- With the creature now brought within reach, Jiona hurls her spear with all of her might at the creature, amplified with all the Air she can muster behind it.
* Jiona rolls 2d4+1d6+4: 3,1,3,4 = 11.
The DM says, "Go Kristof (as soon as she poses)"
- Lunging forward and putting all of her body in the throw, Jiona's spear unerringly strikes true, moving even faster than her strength would suggest, and the tip buries itself within the creature.
* The beast squeals in pain.
Kristof sets himself into a combat stance and moves gracefully towards the creature, striking simultaneously with both blades in a flashy but deadly display.
* Kristof rolls 1f20+2: 12,2 = 14.
* Kristof rolls 1f20+2: 3,2 = 5.
Kristof blades dance wildly around the creature but seem unable to find an opening.
Kristof retcons.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+12: 17,12 = 29.
Tillandor shouts, "Fuar tine lamh!" and leaps up toward the creature, slapping its body with his open-palmed left hand.
* Kristof rolls 2d6+4: 5,1,4 = 10.
* Tillandor rolls 1d6+1: 3,1 = 4.
Kristof slips a blade past the tentacles to score a vicious hit on the creature.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+2: 13,2 = 15.
* On Tillandor's touch, the body of the creature freezes solid, the tentacles breaking off at the base and flopping onto the desk. The body begins to drift upwards.
Tillandor sags to the floor, the bluish glow leaving his left hand.
Kristof, seeing the opportunity created by Tillandor, takes advantage of the creatures movement to get in a parting shot.
* Kristof rolls 1f20+8: 8,8 = 16.
* Kristof rolls 2d6+4: 1,4,4 = 9.
* Kristof deftly stabs it in the center as it drifts upward, shattering it into several chunks that drift to the ceiling... the beak falls heavily to the floor near Tillandor's feet.
Calico charges towards Tillandor to make some immediate healing, cure light wounds.
- Ignoring the creature once Tillandor is released, Jiona quickly rips open her pouch and does whatever she can for his wounds, while also yelling for Calico's help.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+8: 19,8 = 27.
* A ruined spear falls the floor, and a small dagger next to it.
* Calico rolls 1d4+3+mp: 1,3 = 4.
Calico adds 3 MP to that.
Tillandor picks up his staff from the floor, and uses it to pull himself to his feet.
* Calico rolls 1d8+3+3: 6,3,3 = 12.
Kristof assist Tillandor after quickly sheathing his blades.
Calico heals 11HP of damage to Tillandor.
Tass moves twards Tillandor and the remains, careful not to get in the way of the healers, but checking for further foes.
Jiona looks over as her ruined spear clatters to the ground, and she sags a bit, but leaves it be; Tillandor is her greater concern at the moment.
Ethkin is thoroughly confused. He heard Tillandor scream, then Jiona, then lots of movement, some things getting thrown, something inhuman squeel a few times, and then Till shout something and then something shatter.
Calico looks over Tillandor to see if he's in need of much more healing.
Tillandor says, "I'll be alright, thank you."
* Tass rolls 1f20+8: -10,8 = -2.
* Tass leans over and picks up the small dagger on the floor.
Tillandor is standing much straighter now, not needing to lean on his staff at all.
Tillandor crouches to examine the beak.
Jiona finally steps back at his reassurance, looking relieved. "Gods, Till. I think my heart skipped a beat when that thing came at you."
Kristof begins looking around to see if they truly are alone now, or if there are more enemies to be concerned with.
Ethkin moves forward and bumps his shin on a Gnome desk, "Dammit."
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+10: 10,10 = 20.
Calico is shocked by such language from the monk.
Kristof, satisfied that no other enemies are apparent, turns his attention back to Tillandor.
Ethkin remembers his quarter staff, and uses it as he always has, like a blindman's cane, and probes his way to where the action was...
Tillandor shakes his head and laughs softly to himself.
Ethkin pauses, "Oh. Hello Jiona. Uh, what happened?"
Calico satisfied that her patient is in no immediate danger, turns to explore the room. She starts opening drawers on the desks.
Tillandor says, "Well, it seems I have reaped the rewards of my guess as to Yuathyb's warning."
Ethkin hears a desk drawer open, remembers this WAS a Gnome city... "Wait stop!"
Calico mutters something about rushing into an uncertain, nay, known dangerous room.
Tillandor says, "Likely the wooden barrier was to restrict the movement of this Grell."
Calico freezes at Ethkin's warning.
Tillandor says, "Well what's done is done, and both the blockade and its purpose are no more."
Jiona now can smile a bit, nodding her agreement. "And now we know to check the ceilings as well as the rest of the area before entering. We don't need to be stunned by any more of those Grell-things-- huh?" She also pauses, looking over at Etkin's warning. "What is it?"
Kristof asks, "So are we closer to our goal now than going around?"
Tillandor flexes an arm, which still bears the mark of a tentacle. "And I'm little the worse for unpleasant treatment."
Ethkin judges distance of the last thing heard and senses Calico, "Be careful opening those. This was a Gnome city. Think about the doors and the voice back in the foyair."
Kristof asks, "So where to from here?"
Ethkin addresses Calico, even though the statement was for all.
Jiona relaxes again when the monk indicates what his concern was, and then goes to check on the ruins of her spear, wondering if it will even serve as a walking stick anymore. She had no real intention of poking around in the desks.
Calico asks, "Till, what you make of these tools in this drawer?"
Tass moves around to look as well, curious about the contents of the desks but warey of opening any of his own.
Tillandor uses his dagger to scrape some flakes of the beak into one of his bottles, then stands and approaches Calico.
Ethkin rewinds some of the conversation, "What's a Grell?"
* Tass rolls 1f20+8: -10,8 = -2.
Jiona concludes the spear's damage isn't necessarily irrepairable, and hangs on to it until such time as she can figure out how to mend it, or something more suitable turns up. Turning to Ethkin at his question, she answers, "A nasty floating thing with tentacles."
Ethkin says, "Ah."
Tillandor says, "Quite a nasty denizen of the underdark."
Ethkin asks, "Are we likely to run into more down here?"
Kristof moves over to the creature and examines the area
Tass picks up the beak after Till puts it down to examine it for himself.
Tillandor shrugs, and glances up into the depths of the arched ceiling. "Who can say? I'd not call it unlikely, though I at least will pay more heed to the ceiling henceforth."
Jiona glances at Tillandor, and thinks about what he has said about the Well. "I'd consider that and worse to be all but a certainty."
Tillandor's eyes widen at the collection of tools and assorted oddments.
Tillandor says, "This was the workshop of a wizard, likely long ago."
Calico looks around for passages.
Tillandor says, "A wizard who may have specialized in the manufacture of wands of lightning."
* There are two doors, the round toothed kind, flanking the northern half of the room.
Calico asks, "think the key to a door in in any of these drawers?"
Jiona listens with interest to Tillandor's revelations. "Hmm. A wizard's workshop, you say. Well, that makes me even more cautious of poking around in here."
Calico pulls open another drawer, a little more cautouisly this time with the tip of a dagger.
Ethkin says, "Probably, which is all the more reason to be careful opening them."
Kristof sighs and gestures to Tillandor, "Come check this out."
Tillandor takes a look.
Kristof points to what appears to be the remains of something with a black robe.
Ethkin steps around jiona and Tass, and wanders East...
Kristof holds up a dagger, 2 potions and a small black pouch.
Kristof says, "I found this near the remaind."
- - remains
Tillandor asks, "Might I examine that dagger?"
Kristof hands over the dagger to Tillandor.
Calico prefers extreme caution with unknown potions.
Calico asks, "what's in the pouch?"
Tillandor turns away from the others, apparently in careful study of the dagger.
Kristof, careful to have the pouch in a separate hand from the potions, gives it a light shake to accentuate the sound of coin.
Tass moves to look at the new discovery as well.
Tillandor hands the dagger back to Kristof. "This is a nice piece of work."
Calico opens more drawers the same way looking for anything she properly recognises.
Kristof nods appreciatively and asks, "Would anyone mind if I made use of that dagger? I don't really have any way to make myself useful if I can't get in range of my opponent with my blades."
Tillandor makes a 'by all means' gesture.
Tillandor returns to the workbench with the tools, and carefully scoops several items into his backpack.
Calico gestures at an open drawer, "Till, need some potion materials?"
Jiona looks over at the dagger curiously, and then at her damaged spear, but shakes her head after a period of internal debate. "Not I," she answers.
Kristof examines the two potions and then asks, "I don't recognize these - can anyone make sense of what they might be?"
Tillandor says, "I haven't the skill at making potions, but it may be useful nonetheless."
Calico tries to identify the potions...
* Calico rolls 1f20+1: -10,1 = -9.
Calico totally draws a blank.
Tass not wanting to mess around in a wizards work shop, wanders over to see what Ethkin is examining.
Kristof shrugs and barring any objection, puts the potions in a safe place for later examination.
Calico continues searching drawers.
Tillandor pokes around in drawers and desks as well.
Kristof heads over to the boxes and starts poking around there.
Jiona leaves the cleric and wizard to investigate the desks, and wanders over to see what Ethkin is doing.
Tass is distraced on the way over to take a closer look at the wonderfully intracet gear murals.
Ethkin senses Tass and Jiona approaching, "I found another fence guys. I'm not sure I have it in my to knock in down again. I prob'ly could, but then I'll be in similer shape as you Jiona."
- Insted of walking twards Ethkin, Tass walks slowly around the room, examining the mural as he goes, leading him back to the door at the north side of the room.
Calico pulls out items he recognises and places them on top on the desks for a closer look.
Tillandor packs away a few items, and then turns to Kristof. "Did you have some potions for me to look at?"
Kristof nods and says, "And perhaps a few things over here as well."
Jiona frowns thoughtfully as she looks at this new barrier. "I should have guessed," she muses to herself. "I'm no longer in a position to dig through this one, either, after encountering that Grell-thing."
Kristof pulls the 2 potions out and hands them to Tillandor.
Kristof then points to the contents inside the boxes - showing various powders and ingredients.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+10: 17,10 = 27.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+10: -10,10 = 0.
Ethkin asks, "Wassup, Tass?"
Tass says, "I am just looking at the paintings. For such hard cold things, the painters were able to infuse so much life into the gears."
Calico looks over the assorted items and tries to identify anything of use the the party.
Ethkin turns to Jiona as he waits Tass's answer, "There's an intersection beyond this. The sides though I think are just, like... guard alcoves though, not actual passages."
Tillandor hands them back to Kristof one at a time. "This one is a potion of water breathing. And this one is most likely a potion of invisibility."
Kristof says, "Neat."
* Tass rolls 1f20+4: 13,4 = 17.
Kristof makes note of which one is which.
Calico returns to searching drawers.
Ethkin smirks at Jiona, "Figures, we got a Rogue who's also an Art Reviewer."
Calico yawns, and looks around, "with only one way in, this might be a good place for the night."
Kristof ears perk up at Ethkin's comment.
Tass says, "I just appreciate fine things." Hautely.
The DM says, "Er. Nix that."
The DM says, "Ethkin, resay your say."
The DM says, "Blind man"
Ethkin appologizes, "I'm keeping the Art Reviewer comment though."
Ethkin winks...
The DM says, "That's fine."
Jiona replies to Tass, "It *is* remarkable work." Looking around for a moment herself, she wonders aloud, "Do you suppose they were put on their magically? This being a wizard's workshop and all?"
- s/their/there
Calico snuffs the lamp, the overhead light being plenty.
Ethkin sighs, any art beyond sculpture being lost in him.
Kristof walks over to the rest of the group, leaving Tillandor with the boxes.
Ethkin whispers, "Did you see my pose/say to you about beyond the next barrier?" to you.
Calico, having no skill in potions or brewing, has no personal interest in the ingedients she's finding.
Kristof asks, "Did I hear there is another barrier to break through?"
Tillandor also has no such skill, and joins his comrades.
Tass leans over and opens a box that intrests him near the north wall.
Calico wanders after to see what's up.
Ethkin nods, "Aye, with a couple of side alcoves just past, and a further coridor beyond those."
Kristof examines the barrier.
You whisper, "I think so. About the intersection past this, like guard alcoves? Heh." to Ethkin.
Ethkin whispers, "Ethkin nods." to you.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+8: 10,8 = 18.
Kristof says, "Please back away from the barricade."
Kristof then moves a good distance away.
Jiona also studies the barrier for a few minutes, then blinks at Kristof, and does as he requests.
Kristof meditates for a moment.
Calico takes cover behind a desk.
Ethkin moves back...
Tass looks up to hopefully watch the new baricade come down.
Kristof opens his eyes, fully focused on the barricade and charges in lumbering strides, letting out a loud shout as he smashes into the barricade.
* Kristof rolls 1f20+8: 8,8 = 16.
Calico cringes at the crash.
* DM rolls 1d6: 6.
The DM says, "ow"
Kristof slams into the barricade, then slumps to the ground.
Tillandor jumps, cringing in sympathetic pain.
Kristof rolls and starts pulling himself up, holding his shoulder.
Kristof grimaces and says, "Well that didn't quite go a planned."
Tass asks, "Well, if we don't get through the baracade, I do belive I have found a new key. Maybe we can try it on the northern doors?"
Jiona cringes as the barricade reverberates with the impact, her ears flattening at the imagined sensation.
Ethkin remembers is begining atempts at board breaking, and flinches in sympathy.
Calico's attention is caught by mention of a key.
Jiona shakes her head, then looks over at Tass's suggestion. "Might be worth trying... I can take down the barricade eventually, but not in a timely manner at this point. Still, I think someone mentioned something earlier about this being a fairly closed-off place. Maybe we should get some rest...?"
Tass holds up his find, "I mean, I do belive it is similar to the one before, yes Jiona?"
Kristof walks back over to the group, rubbing his shoulder occasionally.
Ethkin says, "A key sounds great, but let's have a real rest first."
Kristof agrees.
The DM hits the brakes, "Hokaydhokay."
Ethkin says, "One moment DM."
Tass sees no problem with this, what with all the running about he and Ethkin did earlier today.
Calico says, "rest sounds good", and proceeds to push a desk into the open passage.
Tillandor is now Active. (ACT)
Kristof is now Active. (ACT)
Jiona thinks Calico has a good idea, and helps the cleric block off the only other entranceway a little before settling down herself for some rations and a refreshing rest.
Ethkin says, "Heads Kristof off 'at the pass', and spends his last two points of Spirit to Heal Kris's shoulder."
Kristof is now In-Character. (IC)
Ethkin woopses at what was supposed to be a pose.
Calico finishes with blocking the passage, then heads upstairs to find a place to rest.
Calico is now Active. (ACT)
Kristof thanks Ethkin for the healing.
Tass settles by the north door leaning against the wall, eating a bit before settleing down.
You are now Active. (ACT)
Kristof is now Active. (ACT)
Tass is now Active. (ACT)
The DM again hits the brakes, "Hokaydhokay."
DM is now Active. (ACT)
Jiona lurches to a stop.
The DM says, "XP, and not the Microsoft kind."
Ethkin works his way to the north end of the room and snuggles between the wall and some boxes.
Calico chuckles.
Ethkin says, "ZZZ, zzz, ZZZ, zzz..."
Ethkin is now Active. (ACT)
Calico says, "Ethkin for the great sunder, Tillandor for surviving..."
The DM says, "First of all... 150 blanket."
Jiona says, "We can adjust later for whomever took watches while we slept."
Calico says, "Jiona for the fantastic spell."
The DM says, "150xp to Ethkin, that was a mighty sunder indeed."
Tillandor exclaims, "Kristof for the bruised shoulder!"
Tillandor grins.
The DM says, "150xp to Jiona for making it possible to kill that beastie."
The DM says, "50xp to Kristof for a good college try."
The DM says, "But it was not a do."
Ethkin grins.
Kristof says, "Will do."
The DM says, "25xp for Tillandor living despite all odds."
Jiona says, "Tillandor for not dying. That would have sucked bad."
Tillandor says, "I was down to 2."
Kristof says, "Tillandor for knowing the nature of the wizard's lab and identifying stuff."
Jiona shudders. "I don't want to find out just yet what she would do if her best friend was killed here."
Calico intends to squeeze in any needed healing before sleep time.
Jiona says, "Ever, preferably."
The DM says, "And 250 each for that scary scary beastie."
Calico asks, "that all?"
Tillandor says, "Kristof had the final hit on the beastie."
The DM says, "50xp for Tillandor's exPERT knowledge again. Very handy."
Jiona says, "By the way, Till, the second half of that drag-back effect was a pretty decent damage reduction effect for you. Which, fortunately, you didn't end up needing."
Ethkin nods, "Kris finished off the beast."
The DM says, "Technically, Tillandor killed it. Kristof just made it... likely to be very messy later when it melts."
Kristof chuckles.
Calico puts out a hand for helping keep Tillandor alive.
Tillandor chuckles. "Ahkay."
The DM gives Calico her 100 for keeping the party alive.
Tillandor says, "Oh yeah, good healing there."
The DM mysteriously gives Tass another 100.
Jiona was technically pulling the beast back by dragging Till to get away with that, which is why it started to float up when the tentacles broke off.
The DM says, "You didn't see that XP."
Ethkin applauds the cat.
Tillandor says, "Ah, neat."
Jiona is also very grateful to Calico.
Calico says, "We do have the healing potions, but if we can save those we may need them later."
Ethkin nods.
Jiona says, "...Huh. I remember that, but it's not on my inventory."
Calico says, "about not seeing the monster, I did look up."
Kristof suspects a failed spot chec.
- check.
Ethkin blinks, "Didn't we get them? Tass and I? A bunch of healing potions? Or was that just rations, oil, and sandles?"
The DM says, "Well, you were heading up the stair, actually."
Tillandor really needs to stop jumping in first.
Calico says, "we all got a healing potion before coming down here."
Tillandor says, "But I'm not likely to."
The DM says, "The monzer attacked before you got up there."
Jiona agrees, Tillandor.
The DM says, "Yeah, that 12 AC does not help either."
Tillandor chuckles.
Calico hands the 'mr. dangerous' title back ti Tillandor.
Kristof says, "Especially when in all the places - you end up in front."
Jiona says, "Let me lead. I've at least got a 17."
Tillandor says, "It just seems too ridiculous for us to all cluster in the doorway and peer cautiously in for 15 minutes."
Tillandor says, "Till gets impatient, and decides to get it over with."
Jiona chuckles. "Point."
Jiona duly notes that to remember for next time.
Kristof suspects the reason why we peer for 15 minutes is because of things like those tentacle monsters.
Calico says, "ac 18, and near fighter grade HP."
The DM says, "I know... I need to speed things up... it's not likely to improve much more than where we're at, unfortunately."
Ethkin says, "I can understand that."
Jiona giggles again. "Point to Kristof as well."
Ethkin asks, "Remember when we first met Yuathyb?"
Tillandor says, "Well if none of the players are willing to move in, that's not the DM's fault."
Kristof was moving in.
The DM says, "Well it certainly gave me a little time to prepare..."
Calico says, "I took an approach in under cover."
Tillandor says, "I know. This time wasn't bad."
The DM says, "Though typing up that room @desc slowed me down bad."
Jiona thinks the we-don't-know-he's-a-rogue should scout first.
Jiona grins.
Tillandor says, "I'm just saying - that's why Till has such a history of going in first and getting konked."
The DM says, "I didn't even finish it."
Kristof asks, "Hmmm maybe typing descriptions ahead of time would help?"
Kristof asks, "Like in a file somewhere?"
Tass thinks he likes his skin too much and likes having other people go first.
Calico says, "pre-typing and copy-paste would help."
The DM says, "Except I don't necessarily know where you will go every time. But yeah, this time I should have had this one done way ahead of time."
Ethkin says, "I think maybe _I_ should go in first more often. I can sense things before most of the rest of us can see them."
Kristof nods.
The DM says, "Because we started the last game knowing for sure."
Tillandor says, "Yeah. Lead on, blind man."
Jiona says, "Says the blind monk that missed the entire fight with the Grell."
Kristof says, "Well in any case - someone other than the 12 AC guy should go first."
The DM says, "I need to set aside even MORE game prep time."
Jiona would go first instead of Till, if it came to that.
Jiona asks, "Anyway. Any more exp, and when is our next session?"
Calico asks, "before I take the scout position, who can patch me up afterwards?"
The DM says, "Well at least he'd spot it through the barrier."
Kristof says, "You can."
Tass would not mind seconding, if pursueded.
Kristof suspects he will end up taking the scouting position eventually.
The DM says, "Ethkin's got the same HP as Calico, and almost as good AC."
Kristof probably has the best AC here.
The DM asks, "That cover us for XP?"
The DM says, "By far."
Ethkin says, "Well, _had_ I been in front, I might have sensed it before even being in range of it's tentacles, iven if the room HAD been pitch black, which it wasn't."
Calico is in many ways a good scout, other than being the party's main healer.
Tillandor thinks so. We covered what - 40 feet?
Jiona chuckles ruefully. "One room."
Kristof says, "Dungeon Crawwwwwwl."
Calico got more XP last time dealing with Rayne.
Jiona maintains that she'd really like a longer session one day.
Kristof laughs out loud!
Tillandor says, "Not that I'm complaining. It's just hard to eke much XP out of a short march."
Kristof says, "I think Rayne was a greater challenge."
Tillandor agrees.
Ethkin nods, "This was just a Grell. Rayne was a pissed off PC."
The DM says, "40 feet of DEATH"
Tillandor says, "Tentacular death."
Kristof says, "Well - sorta - the Player wasn't pissed."
- tentACKular
Kristof says, "Just the character."
Jiona is now 610 away from the next level. Inch, inch....
Kristof says, "Yeah - probably 2 sessions for me."
Calico is 475 from l4.
Ethkin says, "Meh. I'm just happy to be Gamin' at all."
Jiona seconds that.
Kristof is 900 away from lvl 4.
Tass thirds.
Jiona needs to start her own game, somehow.
Kristof says, "True."
The DM says, "Yeah, the grell got 2 rounds:"
Tillandor is still 730 away.
The DM says, "A surprise round, and a flee round."
Jiona says, "And still almost killed one of the PCs."
Kristof says, "and a death! round."
Tillandor chuckles. "I was surprised it didn't do more damage to me on its second turn."
Kristof suspects some fudging involved.
Ethkin holds up a hand, "875."
Tass goes Away From Keyboard. (AFK)
Kristof isn't complaining though.
Tillandor says, "Maybe, maybe not. If I was paralyzed when it had its next turn, it might have decided there were more pressing things to worry about."
Kristof says, "Alright - I am out for the night."
Jiona says, "Hang on."
Jiona asks, "Next session?"
Tillandor says, "Ah, yes."
Kristof says, "Oh yeah."
Kristof asks, "Next Wed?"
Calico votes for next wednesday.
The DM says, "It did a full round move to flee."
Ethkin seconds the vote.
Jiona thinks the DM needed every other Wed, but waits for his decision.
Tass says, "I have finals next week, sorry."
The DM says, "didn't expect the spanish inquisition."
The DM says, "Yes, every other."
Tillandor says, "April 2nd then."
Kristof says, "Ok so two weeks. Got it."
Jiona checks the calendar. "Then April 2nd should... yeah."
The DM says, "Means Akili could run another."
Tass is happy with that.
Jiona says, "Yeah. And he wants to."
- *WHOOSH* NOOObody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Tillandor says, "Yes they do. They totally do."
Jiona watches Akili shake a fist and curse work in the background.
Kristof waves good night for now. "Let me know if you do run one the opposing Wed Akili."
Calico hopes Tass survives finals, "those school exams can make a grell seem tame."
Tillandor says, "Now."
Jiona nods, and waves. "I will. G'night."
Calico says, "goodnight."
Tillandor waves. "Night."
Kristof has disconnected.
Tillandor has disconnected.
Tass says, "'Night everyone."
The DM says, "Mostly because my work's milestones are biweekly."
Jiona logs out, too.
The DM says, "gnite"