Cauldron, Part 16
* Metal wreckage and broken gears lie strewn about this oddly shaped chamber. Standing in the middle of the room is the half-build metal framework of a four-legged, five-foot-tall construct with one arm ending in a spiked wedge. Its other arm is nowhere to be seen. Gear doors are set into the north and south walls. Near them, two roughly hewn tunnels lead into darkness. Webs fill the corners of the room.
The creeper looks to Tillandor expectantly.
Jiona sees Tillandor nodding definitively, and inquires of him, "Did you work something out?"
Tillandor says, "Yes. The creeper shall be our guide, leading us to the Well of Kazmojen."
The creeper nods to Tillandor and speaks in his language.
Calico grins, a somewhat creepy cat grin.
Ethkin fondles his way around the qualish-oid frame to Jiona...
Calico resumes her inspection of inside the machine.
Ethkin murmers something to Jiona..
Jiona gives Tillandor a satisfied smile and a nod, then looks curiously at Ethkin when he approaches.
Tillandor says, "We shall make our way back to the entrance, and he will lead us from there."
Calico asks, "Jiona, need any springs or gears?"
Jiona seems to sniff a bit while trying not to be obvious about it, then murmurs something back to Ethkin before answering Calico, "I think I'm good, but I do need more of those power things. I might be able to get one of them working now, if we want to stop back there." She turns to Tillandor, and inquires, "Which way does our new guide recommend?"
Tillandor repeats, "First, we must make our way back toward the entrance."
Kristof raises an inquiring eyebrow.
Calico says, "Back the way we came, I'd guess."
Tass asks, "Why is that?"
Calico climbs out of the machine.
Tass asks, "Have we been going the wrong way this whole time?"
Jiona can't visibly blush through her fur, but still manages to look embarrassed at missing Till's earlier statement.
Tillandor frowns irritably. "Because that is the way we must go, if we wish to find the well."
Tass sighs in exasperation, roles his eyes, and looks to get moving.
Calico wanders back to the tunnel they came in by.
Jiona, not seeing that there's any point in wasting time, starts leading the way back from whence they came, and glances back to see if anyone else is following.
Kristof lets Tillandor lead the way.
Tass snags Ethkin and move out.
Calico leads back the way she remembers towards the enterance.
Tillandor waits for the creeper.
The creeper follows.
The creeper attempts to keeps some distance, and is rather uncomfortable so close to all of you.
Kristof keeps his distance from the creeper.
Tass starts to trot to keep up with Claico.
Calico scouts a bit ahead, and waits where the path divides.
The creeper follows along, keeping an eye on Jiona, but trying to seem nonchalant about it.
You sense that Ethkin is looking for you in Game Room.
Jiona slows down a bit when she starts passing by the contraptions, looking at them with undisguised interest, and waits a bit for Tillandor to catch up before asking him, "I don't suppose these will be needed to get to where we're going? Or that our guide knows what they're for?"
* The DM fast forwards to the Mask Room.
* The DM asks, "Any last comments before we get there?
Tillandor speaks to the creeper.
The creeper grimaces and growls, speaking to Tillandor.
Tillandor says, "These metal beasts have been here far longer than the creepers. He does not know."
Jiona pulls out one of the crystals she liberated from... somewhere earlier... that looks like a perfect fit for one of the gaps on the contraptions. "Shall we find out, or pass?"
Tillandor says, "If you must."
Calico keeps barely in sight in front, eager to find the well.
Ethkin asks, "Find out what?"
Tass pipes up and says, "Do you know what it will do?"
Jiona considers for several long moments... then pockets it again, shaking her head. "No. The children are more important. Let's keep going."
Tass says, "Because if you don't, then I would say definatly no."
Jiona nods to Tass, not otherwise addressing his question since her mind is made up, and doesn't stop again until reaching the mask room.
* After several minutes, you arrive at the mask room...
* This forty foot by forty foot room has twelve copper masks on its ten foot high walls. There are two gear doors in the southern wall, a passage into the darkness to the west, a stair to the east. The masks giggle at you and you hear the sound of birds and rustling leaves.
Ethkin presumes we'll be heading Weast next.
The creeper lingers behind.
Calico tilts her head noting the change in the sounds in this room.
Tillandor approaches the creeper, and speaks.
Jiona doesn't seem put out by the noises, as they sound like what she recalls when she first entered, and waits expectantly for their guide.
The creeper stands in the middle of the room filled with broken cots, and the broken bodies of his comrades. He turns to you as you enter the room with an inscrutible expression on his face. He speaks again in his language.
Ethkin uh-ohs to himself as we all enter the room with the cots, and tries to remember who threw the first 'punch'.
Tillandor nods sadly to the creeper.
Tass looks curiously in the room. "What went on in here?"
Calico continues her lunch.
The creeper moves towards the south tunnel, "This is the way."
Calico interrupts her lunch again to hit the road.
Tillandor follows.
Jiona follows alongside Tillandor. In whatever direction it actually ends up being.
Tillandor ooks "He did speak a little common. No problem there."
The creeper accent is heavy, and hard to make out, but it seems he knows this particular phrase rather well for some reason. =D
Tass shrugs when no one answers his question and moves on, stepping carefully through the mess.
Kristof shrugs and says, "No idea. Although it certainly didn't seem to favor them to well," pointing at the corpses.
Jiona glances back at Tass, realizing no one answered his question, and steps back to briefly murmur to him.
Tillandor steps into the tunnel.
Ethkin murmers to Tass, "We had a, er, scuffle, with some of our new 'friends' people."
Calico rushes to get up with Tillandor.
Jiona whispers, "Tillandor was jumped when we first emerged into this room, so we defended ourselves... of course, they may have also thought they were defending themselves. We did what we had to." to Tass and DM.
The creeper moves away from the tunnel, sitting on a cot and looking angrily at his slain kin.
Tass nods with sympathy.
Jiona nods back to Tass, and returns to Tillandor's side.
Ethkin suddenly feels useless, and wishes he knew something of Creeper society, so he could offer some sort of condolance.
Tillandor says quietly, "Do no grieve yourself overmuch. Should they have been living when our guide came upon them, they likely would not be now."
Kristof says quietly back to Tillandor, "A grudge?"
Tillandor says, "They abandoned him to his ragged fate."
Kristof shrugs and nods his acceptance.
Calico awaits a direction to take.
Jiona winces, her ears tilting back, and slowly nods.
Kristof asks, "Is our guide not coming with us?"
Tillandor leads to the left. "This way."
Tillandor says, "No. He has not been farther than this himself."
Tass moves along with the party, takeing one last long look at the creeper as he passes.
Ethkin mumbles, "Oi."
Kristof looks back and asks, "So what will he do now?"
Tillandor says, "It was a sad turn, I think, that led us down the other path first."
* The tunnel curves upward noticably, at a 45 degree angle.
* The tunnel seems to open upward into a room.
Jiona looks surprised at that, having thought they'd get a bit more assistance, but would have to admit that being put on the right path is certainly worthwhile. "It worked out well for him," she says after a few moments' consideration.
Calico recalls suggesting they explore south after their previous guide vanished.
Tillandor trudges up the hill, pushing himself along with his staff.
* A creature leaps out of the darkness, striking at Tillandor.
Tillandor dohs! as he falls back.
Tass tries to peer around the party to see what is up ahead.
* The creature's thin blade nicks Tillandor's shoulder, causing some bleeding.
The creeper says, "Initiative"
* Calico rolls 1f20+5: -10,5 = -5.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+3: 14,3 = 17.
* Kristof rolls 1f20+9: 5,9 = 14.
* Tass rolls 1f20: -10.
* Tass rolls +4: 4.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+2: 12,2 = 14.
* DM rolls 1f20+2: 18,2 = 20.
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+3: 12,3 = 15.
* The creature whips it's blade around for another strike while Tillandor is offguard, catching a good solid swipe across Tillandor's chest
The DM says, "Go Jiona"
Jiona shouts, "Tillandor!" in both concern and exasperation, and moves past him, trying to provide some cover to him from the creature. She lifts out a palm, almost within touching range, and a brighter arc cracks across the intervening distance.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+8: 8,8 = 16.
* Jiona rolls 1d10+2: 3,2 = 5.
The DM says, "Go... Ethkin."
- The arc briefly connects her and the creature with a snap and a whiff of ozone, but it doesn't seem to be as wounded by the strike as Jiona would have preferred.
Ethkin raises a hand in a fight stance towards the being, and sends a somewhat different energy at it..
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+5: 11,5 = 16.
* The creature crumples to the floor in a fetal position, bleeding profusely on the floor.
* The creature whimpers a bit, trying not to look at Jiona or Tillandor.
The DM says, "Go Tillandor/Kristof."
Tillandor intones something in undercommon.
Kristof began his rush towards the creature, drawing his blades, but stops when he sees the creature down in the fetal position. He stands poised with his blades ready to strike, should the creature or another choose to foolishly attack.
* This room is a small 10 by 10 room with a hole in the floor that you came in through. The room is empty except for a small pile of rags and half eaten rat corpse in the northwestern corner, and a cowering creature that looks similar to the creature you just left.
Ethkin is tempted to call back to the creeper to come and see if he knows this guy, but chooses not to...
The DM says, "Off initiative, feel free to go anyone."
Tillandor holds out his hand demandingly.
Calico rushes forward to inspect Tillandor's wounds.
* The creature whimpers, and holds out a small silver key on a chain.
Jiona moves aside for Calico to check on Tillandor, while she keeps a close eye on the creature.
Tillandor grabs the key roughly, and points with his other hand, speaking in a commanding tone.
Tass hangs back, finding it hard to get around the knot of people.
The DM the creature slinks into the corner, seeing no other exit.
Kristof moves to the corner, examining the ground.
Tillandor frowns around the room, then turns again to the creature and speaks.
Calico, sensing a tense diplomatic situation, holds her tongue for the moment from repremanding Tillandor.
* The creature points at Jiona, covering his head.
Kristof picks up the sword the creature was wielding.
Kristof muses in thought for a moment.
Jiona tilts her head slightly as the creature points at her, but doesn't otherwise move or drop her guard.
Tillandor speaks demandingly.
* the creature whimpers some more in response to Tillandor's speech
Kristof moves next to Jiona and asks, "Do you know how to use one of these?" pointing to a rapier.
Tillandor says, "Jiona, you may well be standing on the secret door."
Kristof looks down to where Tillandor indicates, examining the ground closely.
Tass moves up to get a better look at the small room.
Kristof nods and says, "Good eye Tillandor. It appears she is standing on top of one."
Jiona glances at the rapier, evaluating it, then shrugs a little. "Not as a weapon, but perhaps as a projectile." She looks back over to Tillandor, grins a bit at his comment, and looks down at the floor. "Oh," she remarks. She moves aside a little then reaches down to the ground, undoing a small latch.
Kristof raises an eyebrow and asks, "A projectile?"
Calico tries to attent to Tillandor's wounds without getting in the way of his negotiations.
The DM types...
Kristof looks at the rapier, looks at Jiona, looks back to the rapier again, then with a slight look of bafflement shrugs.
* Empty weapon racks line the walls of this dusty, 10 foot high room. IN the middle of the floor rests a large wooden chest with a flat lid and iron hinges. Atop the chest sits a small silver cage holding a black rat with a white mark on it. It grips the bars and squeaks excitedly.
The DM says, "Yellow = chest. Grey = weapon racks."
Tillandor gestures toward the room. "Would one of you please proceed?"
Kristof moves forward, examining the area thoroughl.
- thoroughly.
Tillandor follows into the room, and approaches the rat cautiously.
Calico asks, "while they proceed, how about we do something about these gashes?"
Jiona follows alongside Kristof, mentioning to him, "Did you not see me throw my spear?"
Tass follows, eagre to examine the new room.
Kristof nods and says, "Spear yes. I just wouldn't think to throw a rapier."
The DM is typing...
Calico chases her reluctant patient.
* Tillandor reels back in pain, and the wooden chest scoots away.
The DM says, "initiative"
Jiona flashes a smile at Kristof. "It's sharp and pointed. It'd work just as well... whoa!" She's interrupted by the sound of the chest moving. "What happened?"
* Calico rolls 1f20+5: 12,5 = 17.
* Tass rolls 1f20+4: 6,4 = 10.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+2: 12,2 = 14.
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+3: 18,3 = 21.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+3: 4,3 = 7.
* Kristof rolls 1f20: -10.
* DM rolls 1f20+1: 13,1 = 14.
The DM says, "Ethkin, What is your plan"
The DM says, "Actuallly..."
The DM says, "Kristof... take a free turn."
The DM says, "You were in here first, and are not surprised."
Kristof woots.
The DM grimaces.
The DM says, "Hold on, back up."
The DM says, "Everyone seemed to be pretty cautious... I looked at the gameboard, saw Till next to the chest and overreacted."
The DM says, "Gimme a sec."
The DM says, "Retconning... chest didn't move, Tillandor didn't take damage."
The DM says, "Paging players..."
Calico rewinds.
Kristof rewinds and knows nothing of evil chests with rats in cages.
The DM says, "Kristof has just entered the room and started searching..."
Kristof looks at the chest with caution and alarm.
The DM says, "resume"
Kristof calls out, "Don't get near that chest - I am pretty sure it is a mimic."
Tass pushes ahead, eager to see if there is any treasure in this new room.
Tillandor starts to follow in, but stops at Kristof's warning.
Tass face falls.
Jiona follows alongside Kristof, mentioning, "You saw me throw my spear, I'm pretty sure. A rapier isn't too dissimilar... what?" She pauses, giving the chest a cautious look.
Kristof says, "And there is another door - someone check the rune on it. It looks familiar."
* The chest scoots back as its lid forms a grin, "Very good eyes there, stranger."
Calico grabs Tillandor pulls down, and commands, "Sit."
Ethkin nods to conferm Kristof's warning, "I've never senses a mimic before, but it is alive."
Calico chases her reluctant patient.
* The chest says, "You all smell rather tasty. Which of you can I eat?"
Kristof asks, "I have to have good eyes in this line of work. Are you to let us pass or must we fight you?"
Kristof draws his swords slowly in a defensive posture.
The chest says, "Is that... cat I smell? mmmm..."
Tass prepares himself for a fight.
The chest sniffs a bit, "Ahhh wait..."
Jiona also shifts into a defensive stance. "You will not find us easy prey."
The chest asks, "Is that... meat on a stick?"
Calico prepares to throw a knife.
Kristof arches his eyebrows in surprise.
Ethkin gestures back in the last room, "No, but he might be on the menu."
Jiona blinks, thrown totally off-guard by that question. "...What?"
Tillandor says, "I may have some meat on a stick in my bag, if it would do."
Ethkin asks the mimic, "Why not eat the rat?"
The chest hmmmms, "How much? I am very hungry."
Tillandor rummages. "Ah, I already ate it."
Kristof whispers to Till and Jiona, "I think it might let us pass if we give it some."
The chest says, "I loathe rats. That's all they ever feed me... that and spiders. I hate spiders."
The chest says, "I will let you pass... for two weeks worth of food."
Ethkin says, "How 'bout a dead creeper."
Jiona quickly checks her own pack, and discovers that all she has left is the stick from that meal.
Tillandor whispers to Ethkin, "Go grab that not-quite-dead creeper!"
The chest says, "Mmmm... kinda stringy."
Tass thinks about the excess of food he recently bought...
Ethkin says, "There's a few back there that are only two days dead. Who knows, time may have tenderized them."
Tillandor asks, "Mimic, are you trapped in this room?"
The chest sniffs long and hard, "Ah... they are already beginning to rot."
Ethkin asks, "Is that, bad?"
Calico says, "of course rotten is bad."
Ethkin says, "Say that to a maggot."
The chest says, "I am not. I was paid to stay here for a while."
Ethkin says, "he might dissagree."
The chest says, "But they feed me badly. I would like something delicious for a change."
The chest turns to Jiona, "You smell RATHER delicious."
The chest says, "...Like a fresh salad."
Calico asks, "roast dire rat from this morning?"
Ethkin asks, "Grell?"
The chest says, "Surely you can do better than rats. I smell on you... biscuits."
Jiona smirks a bit. "I imagine you'd burn well, too. If it's salad you are craving... I have some still reasonably fresh herbs and the like that I haven't had much use for."
The chest asks, "Are those... rations?"
The chest says, "Ooooh... herbs and rations."
The chest asks, "Cheese? Is that cheese I smell?"
Ethkin says, "Cave Calamari? There's a dead Grell a few rooms away."
The chest says, "No wonder you all smell so tasty. You are carrying delicious foods."
Tillandor exclaims, "What in all the great world are you talking about? Who ever heard of a mimic who wished for a salad!"
Calico says, "I've a clove of garlic I could toss in if we're talking a food bribe."
The chest says, "Grell is too... what is the word? Chewy."
The chest asks, "I do not want salad... I merely mean miss fox smells nice and fresh... Perhaps she has been in the woods lately?"
Ethkin wishes they still had a freash meat wrap.
- fry wrap
Tass says, "I have a couple day's rations I am willing to spare, if others are willing as well."
Ethkin blinks, "We're right by the lock shop! Who want's to grab this guy a fry wrap?"
The chest says, "Surely you could spare a dozen rations between you all."
Ethkin asks, "Guys?"
Jiona's eyes narrow. "I will also donate the same. *I* am certainly not going to be anyone's meal."
The chest says, "Ooh, a fry wrap would be delicious."
Tillandor frowns, tiring of this. "I could not spare rations."
Calico couldn't spare more than a days rations.
Jiona glances at Tillandor, trying to sense his intentions.
Tillandor says, "I've nothing to feed you but death."
Kristof raises both eyebrows.
Kristof says, "I have rations."
The chest frowns, "Now, that is not a friendly way to talk."
Kristof frowns at Tillandor making calming gestures with his hands.
The chest says, "You may feed me with your death if you wish."
Ethkin walks up to Till, "We, could get, him, him, a, fry, wrap."
Tillandor says, "Oh very well."
Tillandor folds his arms and taps his foot.
Kristof nods and says, "We do have some rations. I think for some rations, we can come to an agreement. Let us and any who travel with us pass freely at any time. Are we agreed?"
Ethkin says, "Someone else will have to go. I don't know the way. I never saw the place."
Jiona looks like she's siding with Tillandor, not having taken kindly to the way the creature was speaking to her. "How do we know it will let us pass?"
The chest mmms, "Twelve rations?"
Ethkin sulks...
Calico also does not trust the chest furthur than she can throw it.
Kristof murmurs, "Twelve is quite a bit, perhaps 7?"
Tass says, "I don't know which fry shop you are talking about, and people want to move forward, not back wards right now."
- Tass says to Ethkin.
The chest hmms, "Nine."
Ethkin mumbles something about ignoring blind people and sulks in the corner.
Kristof says quietly, "I am thinking we may need to come back this way with the children, and I do not want to renegotiate."
The chest says, "And I will tell you something of this place."
The chest says, "Of the CHILDREN."
Kristof starts pulling out rations, then stops, obviously shocked to hear the chest speak of their goal.
* Tillandor rolls 1f20+1: 11,1 = 12.
* Calico rolls 1f20+4: 11,4 = 15.
Kristof says, "Agreed."
* The DM is rolling Sense Motive checks, btw.
* Jiona rolls 1f20+1: 12,1 = 13.
* Tass rolls 1f20+4: 11,4 = 15.
Kristof pulls out nine rations.
The chest says, "I will tell you what I know, then you will give me the rations, and I will let you through."
Kristof says, "And you will let us and any with us pass should we return."
The chest says, "Agreed."
Kristof says, "Without harm."
The chest grins, "Of course. No harm from me, directly or indirectly."
Ethkin ruffles through his fanny pack, and finds he only has 9 days of rations...
Kristof smiles and says, "Then we are agreed."
Jiona doesn't seem thrilled with the idea, but doesn't interrupt Kristof. Any additional knowledge of this place may be useful.
Kristof holds 9 days worth of rations in his hands.
The chest says, "There are dark... creeper things here. They made a deal with Kazmojen. He pays them a share of the proceeds from the slaves they kidnap."
Calico has less than 3 days of rations in her pack.
The chest says, "They also get to keep some of what they steal."
Ethkin pulls out a day worth...
Tass pulls out 3 from his pack, as he is carring a few extra rations for other people as well.
Kristof nods, waiting for the chest to continue.
The chest says, "I remember the children. They passed through here not long ago. They were taken into here from this door behind me, then back out through that door."
* The DM marks the door.
The chest says, "They were led by a few creepers into this room, guarded, then led out by hobgoblins who paid them some money."
Ethkin get's hopeful, then remebers that the hallway below splits.
Tillandor blinks. "They entered behind you, and left the way we came in?"
The chest says, "There was a boy ... his look was wistful."
The chest says, "Yes. That is the way they take all of their charges. Into this room, one way or another, then out through the door behind me."
Kristof nods.
Tillandor says, "So the leave behind you. Not the way we came in."
The chest says, "Well, the creeps often leave the way you came in, but the captives never do."
Kristof asks, "Slaves eh? Do you know who they are sold to?"
The chest seems to shrug, nearly knocking the cage with the rat off, "Those who desire slaves, I should suppose. There is a world down there, you know."
Kristof rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Tillandor asks, "Why is there a caged rat on your... lid?"
The chest says, "Ah. He is what I was paid to stay here and guard."
The chest says, "You cannot have him."
Tillandor shakes with silent laughter.
The chest says, "Without some compensation of course."
Jiona looks baffled. "What's so special about that rat that you were paid to guard it?"
Ethkin asks, "Is he an enchanted person?"
The chest says, "I see none of you are gnomes, so I am not specifically ordered to keep him from you."
The chest says, "I do not know."
Kristof looks on with some bemusement.
Ethkin asks, jerking a thumb over his shoulder, "And what's beyond _this_ door?"
Kristof says, "I don't think we came here for your charge."
The chest says, "But they laughed when they gave him to me. He squeaks at anyone who is not a creeper or hobgoblin."
Tillandor's eyes narrow as he watches the rat. "That... is a familiar."
Ethkin asks, "Anyone speak rat?"
The chest asks, "You recognize him?"
Jiona obviously sniffs the air, looking thoughtful, then blinks in startled surprise at Tillandor's statement.
Tillandor says, "I don't know this rat. I recognize what he is though."
Calico says, "I expect his owner might pay well for his recovery."
Tillandor says, "Somewhere there is a wizard or sorcerer who is missing their familiar."
The chest says, "Possibly. I'd say this rat is worth another... six rations."
Calico says, "we can discuss buying the rat later, after we rescue the children."
Tillandor says, "Oh, very well," and pulls out two. "I'm afraid this is all I can spare."
Ethkin thinks it's a air trade, even though he cannot afford it himself.
Tass is attentive to the conversation that is going on around him.
- air=fair
The chest says, "Well, I suppose I'll be here with the rat when you come back. If you come back."
Kristof chuckles. "Perhaps his 2 with 2 more would do the trick?"
Jiona looks at Tillandor, then digs out four more of her own and adds them to his stack.
Tillandor exclaims, "There you are, 6 for the rat!"
Tass says, "What is our total right now? I have three to give."
The chest says, "Done."
Ethkin adds two more, to the one he has out.
The chest moves forward and places the rat on the floor with a pair of psuedopods that look like part of the chest.
Kristof gives the chest the rations he had been holding, "You have earned well your keep. Many thanks."
The chest begins scooping rations into its mouth.
Tillandor picks up the cage, and eyes the rat. "Where's your master?"
Ethkin tosses in his three.
Jiona starts to make a gesture to pull the cage safely away from the mimic's apparent reach, but stops when Tillandor grabs it anyway.
The DM asks, "So that's a total of 15 rations. Where are they coming from?"
The DM says, "I want a quick tally."
Jiona donated four.
Kristof says, "9 from me."
Tillandor says, "2 from me."
The DM says, "Excellent."
Tass can give three, but only if nesisary.
Ethkin gave three.
The rat points upwards excitedly, looking at Tillandor.
Kristof examines the door.
Tillandor asks, "In the city?"
Ethkin walks up to Till, and 'peers' at the rat.
Jiona gives the weapons racks a quick glance, looking for anything that might be useful.
The chest shuffles off to the corner with his pile of rations.
Calico slips around to the nest door.
The rat nods at Tillandor excitedly
Tillandor grimaces. "I will take you there eventually, but for now you'll have to come with us."
Tass also looks at the wepon racks, looking for a pole arm.
The rat looks mildly confused.
- weapon
Tillandor hangs the cage from his backpack.
Calico checks if the dooor is open or needs a key.
* Kristof inspects the gear door and begins fiddling with it.
Ethkin scans the other side of the door.
Kristof hmmmms
- .
Tillandor says, "I do have a key, given me lately by the creeper."
Tillandor asks, "Perchance it fits this door?"
Kristof mumbles behind him without looking away, "Can you guys check your keys to see if you have a matching rune?"
* The DM asks, "Who has which key again
Jiona nods to Kristof, and pulls out her key to check it. She has key #1.
Tass checks his key.
Calico checks her key.
Ethkin has no key.
Tillandor compares the key he received in the last room.
Tass says, "Ah, it's mine."
Tass walks up to the door and cautiously puts his key in the lock.
Kristof holds up a hand to prevent Tass from coming closer and says, "There is a trap of course."
Kristof finished tinkering with the door and then says, "I think the key will bypass it though."
Kristof motions Tass forward.
Jiona grins. "I would think that's what the correct key would do."
Tass nods to Kristof with a tinge of attitude, puts the correct key in the lock.
Kristof shrugs, "Never hurts to be careful," and glances at Tillandor.
* The door rolls away revealing a rather small room, with a little dust and no furnishings.
Calico enters and looks around.
Kristof moves inside, examining the surroundings.
* There is another gear door at the north end of the hall. There appear to be no other exits than the one you came in and the northern door
Jiona follows after Kristof and Calico.
Tass after being pushed aside, Tass moves into the room, searching around.
Calico checks her key against the northern door.
* Kristof does a quick search of the room, carefully.
Tillandor enters, and compares his key.
* Tass searches the room as well
Kristof mumbles, "Traps on the northern door. But what have we here?"
Kristof moves to a section of the wall on the eastern side.
Tillandor says, "Ah, here we are," and approaches the northern door with his key.
Tillandor fits the key, and turns it.
* The door rolls away, revealing...
* The floor of this octagonal room is actually a large wooden platform supported by taut iron chains looped over eight enormous pulleys bolted to the fifteen-foot ceiling. One end of each chain is fastened to a corner of the platform, while the other end drops through a hole in the center of the platform, connected to something far below. Set into the northwest wall is an iron panel with an iron lever jutting from it.
Kristof shakes his head and mumbles, "Maybe I am losing it...."
The rat says, "Hold on..."
Tillandor holds up the cage. "Now just a moment."
The DM hold on.
Tillandor says, "Oh."
The DM says, "That was supposed to be me."
Kristof chuckles.
Kristof says, "I MUST be losing it if a rat talks..."
Tillandor was thinkin the same thing.
* Two armed Hobgoblins stand on the platform. They brandish their longswords.
* One hobgoblin says, "Hold. What is your businiess here?"
Kristof steps forward boldly saying, "Forgive me good sir, I heard you had a most excellent selection here."
Ethkin turns pail, "Bloody hell, they can fly!"
The hobgoblin asks, "What? What do you mean?"
Ethkin exclaims, "KRIS! WATCH OUT!"
Kristof looks around suddenly in alarm.
The hobgoblin asks, "What does this foolish man mean?"
Calico says, "We're interested in your employers slave market."
Kristof says, "I am looking for workers you see..."
The hobgoblin gestures to Ethkin, "Why do you bring this mad blindman?"
Tass looks up, readying himself for an arial assault.
Jiona also looks startled, but eventually realizes what's confusing Ethkin. "They're not flying," she tells him. "It's a suspended platform."
Kristof says, "He has his... uses."
Ethkin blinks...
The hobgoblin says, "Entertainment, perhaps."
Kristof says, "Entertainment if nothing else."
Kristof chuckles.
The hobgoblin grins a toothy grin with blackened teeth.
Kristof says, "If you would please, I am anxious to see what you have to offer."
Tass rolls his eyes, relaxing a bit.
The hobgoblin asks, "It is unusual for overworlders to come here... what brought you to Kazmojen?"
The hobgoblin seems disbelieving.
Kristof says, "Rumor, workers from the overland are so expensive this time of year. And I have some... work that needs to be done away from prying eyes."
Tass creeps slowly forward in the group.
Kristof winks.
The hobgoblin nods, "This is a rather large entourage you have here..."
The hobgoblin leers at Jiona, "Are any of them for sale?"
Calico hisses at the suggestion.
Kristof chuckles and says, "My bodyguards of course. I wouldn't enter without the proper protection would I?"
Jiona gives Kristof a look, but keeps silent, although her jaw tightens at the obvious leer, her ears tilting back.
Kristof says, "The depths are not always so friendly to lone travellers."
Kristof asks, "Besides, how else am I to keep 20 slaves in line?"
The hobgoblin grimaces, "Well, you can explain yourself to Kazmojen, I suppose. All of you, come on board."
* The Hobgoblins sheathe their weapons and move towards the switch.
Kristof offers a slight bow, and hops onto the platform.
Tillandor follows doubtfully.
Calico follows, remaining near the door.
Jiona reluctantly follows after Kristof, making sure to keep as much distance as she can between herself and the hobgoblins, and stays near Tillandor.
Tass moves in the room, keeping Ethkin close, remebering his reaction to the platform earlier.
Ethkin swallows a grimace and blithly tells Kris with a grin, "See boss? I told you a chain with neck cuffs woulda been cheaper."
The hobgoblin continues to look at Jiona rather unabashedly, while the other pulls the lever.
* With a jolt, the platform begins to decend into the darkness.
* The walls turn from bare gray stone to a strange polished black stone as the elevator creaks and groans down the shaft. After a minute long decent down the dark shaft, the wooden floor shudders as it comes to rest, and the chains stop rattling. Above, the shaft rises into darkness. The only exit from this room appears to be an iron-reinforced wooden door set into the wall.
* DM says, "Everyone, follow the red and blue square.
Jiona's tail twitches at the shift of balance when the floor begins to move underfoot. She does give the hobgoblin a glare in exchange for his stare.
Calico tries the door.
The hobgoblin gives a toothy grin back to Jiona. The other hobgoblin jabs him with an armored elbow. The first one grimaces, turning away.
* The door opens with ease.
The hobgoblin says, "Hold on, let us go first."
The hobgoblin says, "You might upset the guard dog."
Calico stands well aside.
Jiona can't quite hide her smile when the one hobgoblin elbows the leering one.
* The DM types...
Ethkin nonchalantly asks Kristof, "Are we gonna get young ones this time?"
Ethkin asks, "Boss?"
Kristof sighs and says, "If you are good, perhaps we will pick up a few."
Ethkin grins and claps his hands, "Ohboyohboyohboy."
Kristof follows somewhat behind the hobgoblins.
Kristof looks around, wondering what their idea of 'guard dog' is.
* The ceiling of this hall rises to an apex twenty feet overhead. The floor, walls, and vaulted ceiling are composed of smooth black stone that almost seems to absorb light. Two cylindrical iron cages, each one five feet tall and two feet wide, dangle from the ceiling by iron chains. The base of each cage hangs five feet above the floor. A strange sculpture stands in the middle of the hall between the two cages: a five foot tall column of roughly hewn gray stone covered in sharp protrusions. Four crystal tipped shapes just from the stony mass, each one pointing in a different direction.
Calico hisses under her breath at the thought of getting too close o a guartd dog.
* DM notes: Red SS are statue.
* The leering hobgoblins stands to the side, while the other beckons you onward, "Follow me," he says as he heads down the hall.
Calico cautiously steps through the door.
Kristof follows confidently.
Tillandor follows doubtfully.
Tass follows behind Kristof, alert, but not outwardly alarmed.
Jiona makes sure to follow in front of Tillandor, wary for dangers.
Ethkin follows Kristof, resisting the urge to 'Egor Limp'.
The hobgoblin seems to give the statue a rather wide berth.
Kristof also gives the statue a wide berth.
Tass follows suit.
Calico follows near the wall.
The hobgoblin walks to a seemingly blank wall and taps a pattern onto the stone.
* As you approach the wall, you smell a rancid rotting stench.
* The wall slides away, revealing another room.
Jiona's muzzle visibly wrinkles at the smell as she draws nearer to the wall.
* DM is typing the desc for the next room...
Kristof oocly appreciates the notes that DM is typing something.
* Ethkin rolls 1f20+5: 18,5 = 23.
Ethkin inhales the stench, does NOT retch, and says to Kristof, "IS it luch time yet boss?"
- luch=lunch
* The dceiling in this square chamber rises to an apex thirty feet overhead. Great pairs of iron doors are set into opposite facing walls, although only the north west doors are sealed with a heavy iron bar. Each corner of the room holds a two foo tall torchiere carved in the likeness of an ovoid creature with three stubby legs, three eyes, and three spindly arms spaced equidistantly around its pebbly body. Smoke issues from a gabing toothy mouth atop the creature's "head".... (more)
Kristof wrinkles his nose and says, "We will eat after we finish our business here."
* A nine foot tall gray stone statue of a dwarven warrior stands before the southeast pair of iron doors, facing northeast. The dwarf stares blankly forwards, two glistening black gems where his eyes would be, a spiked helmet resting atop his formidable brow. HIs armor bears graven glyphs, and a shield is slung over his back. His stony gauntlets rest on the handle of a great stone axe etched with fiery patterns. The head of the weapon is planted firmly on the floor. Draped over the statue is a mass of iron chains ending in nasty barbs, spikes, hooks and blades. Some of them are coiled around the statues arms and legs to keep them from sliding off. (done)
* Calico rolls 1f20+1: 3,1 = 4.
The hobgoblin beckons you forward. You see four other hobgoblins standing near the northwestern pair of doors, guarding.
Kristof follows the hobgoblin, taking in his surroundings.
Tillandor speaks quietly, "Stay away from the chains on the statue."
Ethkin resists the urge to ask what statue.
Jiona winces again as the wall opens, but joins the othrs inside, nodding her understanding of Tillandor's warning.
The hobgoblin heads towards the southern pair of doors, "Follow me."
The DM slams on the brakes.