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From RussellMuck, September 2006

["Paw"] posits: "The only way to improve chocolate is to smother it in more chocolate."

["Shelly"] says, "I agree."

["Calin"] frowns.

["Calin"] says, "The only way to improve chocolate is to dilute it almost to the point of non-existence."

["Paw"] purrs, "You only say that because you pretend to dislike it."

"Which is tastier: a glass of chocolate milk, or a glass of hershey's chocolate syrup?" asks ["Calin"].

["Paw"] purrs, "I don't truly believe you hate chocolate. I think you think it is overused."

["Calin"] says, "I don't hate it."

["Calin"] says, "I'm eating a brownie right now."

["Calin"] says, "I _DO_ believe it should be used like a seasoning, not like a food."

["Paw"] blecks, "Yeah, but that's like eating straight cocoa powder."

["Calin"] says, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "Which is nasty."

["Paw"] purrs, "When I was a kid, I saw that cocoa powder box... and I said 'That is the essence of chocolate."

["Calin"] says, "Chocolate is only good when used in small quantities mixed with other food."

["Paw"] ponders.

["Shelly"] says, "That's just a matter opinion."

["Paw"] purrs, "Ice cream with chocolate shell > chocolate shell."

["Calin"] says, "We drink milk flavored with chocolate rather than chocolate syrup. We eat cookies with chocolate chips rather than solid bars of chocolate."

["Paw"] purrs, "And the chocolatey concoction I was enjoying earlier is dark chocolate over a chocolate fudge."

["Calin"] says, "SOME people eat solid bars of chocolate I suppose."

["Shelly"] says, "I eat chocolate bars all the time."

["Calin"] gags. "As for opinion..."

["Calin"] says, "We're talking about comestables."

["Calin"] says, "There are no facts when it comes to eating preferences."

["Paw"] purrs, "I think many things that are 'chocolate' are without cocoa butter, which makes them flawed as a chocolate. And as such should not be eaten straight. Such as chocolate syrup and chocolate shell."

["Paw"] purrs, "Whereas a good chocolate bar should have the cocoa butter which tempers the sharp taste of the cocoa powder."

["Calin"] says, "And milk."

["Paw"] purrs, "But I am by no means an expert."

["Calin"] says, "Dark chocolate, I really do dislike."

["Paw"] purrs, "Dark chcolate I find very tasty."

["Calin"] says, "It is bitter and rough."

["Paw"] purrs, "As long as it is GOOD dark chocolate."

["Calin"] says, "Milk chocolate is smooth and sweet"

["Paw"] purrs, "and generally when it's used with something else. Like the dark chocolate smothered fudgey stuff I was eating."

["Paw"] hms.

["Paw"] purrs, "Perhaps that is the posit I should have made."

The tranquil calm falls silently through a cool rain.

["Paw"] posits, "The only way to improve dark chocolate is to smother something sweet with it."

["Calin"] says, "Agreed, though I can't agree that this would improve the sweet food."

["Paw"] asks, "Dark chocolate dipped strawberry > strawberry?"

["Paw"] purrs, "Dark chocolate dipped banana > banana."

["Calin"] says, "If > means 'is better than' I disagree."

["Paw"] purrs, "Ahkay."

["Calin"] says, "I'd rather eat the plain strawberry."

["Calin"] says, "Or dip it in a lighter sauce."

["Paw"] purrs, "Then truly opinions are not facts."

["Calin"] nods.

["Paw"] purrs, "Which is good."

["Paw"] purrs, "Because then EVERYONE in the world would have the same opinions."

["Paw"] purrs, "And that would suck."

"As I said, I truly dislike dark chocolate. So why would I enjoy something tasty dipped in something untasty?" asks ["Calin"].

["Paw"] purrs, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "You are right that I can enjoy chocolate though."

["Calin"] says, "Just of a smoother variety."

["Calin"] says, "I still think enough is enough, of course."

["Paw"] purrs, "See, if everyone in the world had the same opinion, everyone in the world would want to live in the exact same place, and would want to eat the same foods and would all be in love with Marilyn Monroe. Or something."

["Paw"] purrs, "Thus, differing opinions are very handy."

["Paw"] purrs, "They allow for variety, and the continuance of the human race."

["Paw"] purrs, "Or at the very least, variety."

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Calin"] says, "Right. If we all ate the same apple at the same time, we might well all starve."

["Paw"] purrs, "Yeah."

["Paw"] purrs, "And if we all loved Marilyn Monroe... well bugger the fruitful and multiply part. Our race would die off a few generations after she does."

["Calin"] says, "Heh."

["Calin"] says, "I think I've been losing my taste for candy over the last few years."

["Paw"] purrs, "I think it's a part of getting old."

["Paw"] purrs, "Kids have a voracious appetite for it."

["Paw"] purrs, "There's no way I could eat that much candy now."

["Calin"] says, "I still enjoy it, but I've been known to leave a bag of candy unfinished on my desk for weeks."

["Paw"] nods.

["Calin"] says, "It's odd to consider how refined sugar has changed the world."

["Calin"] says, "And how recent the invention of refined sugar really is."

["Paw"] purrs, "Like High Fructose Corn Syrup"

["Calin"] reads up, and sees that it's not really all that recent.

["Paw"] purrs, "Yeah... there were lots of things that came from World War II that suck."

["Paw"] purrs, "There was a period of belt-tightening there that has since forever changed our culture."

["Calin"] says, "Heh. From 1625-1750, sugar was worth its weight in gold."

["Calin"] says, "Or more."

["Paw"] purrs, "Wow."

The still calm silently falls across the cool plants.

["Calin"] says, "It seems that in the 1700s, the economies of most of the french caribbean islands was almost completely driven by sugar production."

["Paw"] purrs, "Whoah."

- between 1701 and 1810 nearly one million slaves were brought to work in Jamaica and Barbados.

["Paw"] purrs, "High Fructose Corn Syrup wasn't invented until the 1970s"

["Calin"] says, "Maybe that's the recent one I was thinking of."

["Paw"] purrs, "Apparently much cheaper than Sugar"

["Paw"] purrs, "Longer shelf life."

["Paw"] purrs, "And easier to blend and transport."

["Paw"] afks for a late lunch.

["Paw"] goes Away From Keyboard. (AFK)

A steady rain drips lightly on the trees.

The soft stillness quietly settles in a light sprinkle.

A motionless stillness settles silently through a light sprinkle.

["Paw"] finishes lunch and another episode of Firefly.

["Paw"] purrs, "That is a good TV show."

["Paw"] purrs, "Easily as good as the movie."

["Shelly"] says, "I haven't seen the show or the movie."

["Paw"] purrs, "Both very excellent."

["Paw"] purrs, "I recommend them highly."

["Shelly"] nods. "I'll look into them"

["Paw"] purrs, "I can't say there's a particular order you should see them in... though it'd spoil less plot if you saw the TV show first."

A gentle sprinkle drips quietly on the warm trees.

["Shelly"] says, "Okay."

["Shelly"] says, "I swear some people are blind."

["Calin"] says, "SOME people ARE blind."

["Shelly"] says, "There is this health care company who keeps sending me information about being a instructor for them."

["Calin"] says, "A sign of blindness if ever I saw one."

["Calin"] grins.

["Shelly"] says, "I even sent back an email stating I have credential to teach elementary not be a instructor for health stuff."

["Calin"] blinks. "Health care. You're not a health care instructor."

["Shelly"] says, "Exactly."

["Shelly"] asks, "At the top of my resume it clearly reads K-8 Washington State Certification with a primary endorsement in Reading Education... where does that state health care?"

["Paw"] chuckles.

["Shelly"] says, "The job is to 'teach our electronic health record to clinicians.' as quoted from the email."

["Paw"] raises an eyebrow.

["Calin"] hates marketing people.

["Paw"] purrs, "Well, maybe you could do that, but it's certainly not what you were trained for."

A hushed calm settles quietly across the grass.

["Shelly"] says, "I probably could do this, but it's not getting me the right kind of experience I'm looking for to getting a full time teaching job at the ELEMENTARY level."

["Shelly"] says, "At least by subbing, I have my foot in the door."

["Shelly"] says, "I'm up for a long term subbing position come the end of october."

["Calin"] blinks, and misread that: I'm up for a long term snubbing position...

["Shelly"] laughs.

["Shelly"] says, "I found out some good things about the last interview I did."

The quiet mist hangs silently on the bushes.

["Shelly"] says, "I found out that they took only the top 4 canidates for interviews and that during the interview, they found I was very articulate and honest about my answers... Maybe the honesty was my downfall. ;) Actually the lack of experience was my downfall."

["Paw"] doesn't think he could handle a long-term snubbing position.

["Shelly"] says, "And it's with Kindergarteners."

["Paw"] purrs, "huh"

["Shelly"] says, "I'm going to be subbing in a kindergarten class"

["Calin"] says, "I could handle it if it meant I was snubbing others."

["Calin"] says, "Not so much if it meant I was being snubbed."

["Calin"] snubbs salespeople all the time.

["Paw"] purrs, "Yeah, salespeople I could snub. I think it depends on what kind of people I'd be snubbing."

["Paw"] purrs, "I mean if it were like sitting behind a counter snubbing people of all walks of life... that would be too depressing."

["Paw"] purrs, "Over the phone snubbing, especially if it were just snubbing people who called me, that'd be easy."

["Paw"] purrs, "Now if I were required to call people and snub them... yeah I don't think I could do that."

["Paw"] purrs, "I mean, it'd be fun at first. But after a while I'd feel like a punk crank caller."

["Calin"] says, "Seriously. A punk snubber."

- "Hello?"

["Calin"] says, "I do NOT want to talk to you."

- "But YOU called ME!"

- ["Calin"] says, "Yeah, so what the heck are you doing still on the phone with me? Hang up. NOW."

- "Uhhh... no."

- ["Calin"] says, "...." *hangs up*

["Paw"] purrs, "I mean, if the guy is belligerent and stubborn... you'd have to give up and move on to someone who would let you snub them."

["Calin"] laughs.

["Calin"] says, "Totally."

["Paw"] purrs, "I mean, no use wasting time on snubless people."

A quiet fog settles silently in a hushed breath of air.

["Calin"] grins. "Beware of snubless monkeys."

["Paw"] chuckles.

["Paw"] purrs, "And pit bulls."

["Paw"] purrs, "Pit bulls cannot be snubbed."

["Calin"] says, "Look at their noses. They're already as snubbed as they're going to get."

["Paw"] purrs, "Of course... they're not terribly likely to be picking up the phone."

["Paw"] purrs, "They're THAT good."

["Calin"] says, "Yeah, but you can't make those kind of assumptions."

["Paw"] purrs, "True."

["Paw"] purrs, "Not if you're going to be a professional snubster."

["Calin"] says, "You could make the call, and start out your snubber in the normal fashion, and not realize you're talking to a PIT BULL until it's too late."

- "Hello?"

["Calin"] says, "What's the matter with you, picking up the phone like that."

- "Pardon me?"

["Calin"] says, "Why are you still on the phone??"

- And that was when the pit bull bit my head off.

["Paw"] purrs, "Dude."

["Paw"] purrs, "Not even any early warning signs."

["Paw"] purrs, "Straight into the whole bitin' off hedz thing."

["Calin"] says, "Seriously."

["Calin"] says, "Who would have expected a pit bull to start out so well-spoken."

["Paw"] purrs, "At least when it's in person, you can tell by the stubby little forelegs."

["Paw"] purrs, "Any potential snubee with stubby little forelegs is likely to bite of your head."

["Calin"] nods. "You just have to make sure you're looking for them."

["Paw"] purrs, "Or worse."

["Paw"] purrs, "Eat the bathroom you're using."

["Calin"] says, "Yeah, that was a pit bull."

["Calin"] says, "Funny how I never noticed it before. I probably wasn't looking for the stubby forelegs."

["Paw"] nods, "The ancient ancestor of the modern pit bull, anyway."

["Paw"] purrs, "That lawyer was just lucky he wasn't trying to snub him. It could have been far worse."

["Paw"] purrs, "I don't know how, but I don't think we want to go there."

["Calin"] says, "Totally."
