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(Note: At the time, Annor was called Aiur)

Paw is all hyped up on gaming ideas, having realized who the true star of the whole story of Matro, the Gods and everything truly is.

Akili grins. "Me?"

Paw purrs, "I'm not sayin."

Akili rumbles lightly, "That's totally understandable, and profoundly irritating, after a statement such as that. :)"

Paw purrs, "The true star of the story is an immortal."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Interesting. Okay."

Akili decides to not explain just what Akili is, since that's still being determined anyway. :)

Akili rumbles lightly, "I'm a little worried that he may do something reckless in the future, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that."

Paw asks, "Akili?"

Paw purrs, "Oh, I'm totally counting on him to do something reckless."

Paw asks, "Why do you think Eldar picked him?"

Akili rumbles lightly, "Well... something personally destructively reckless, more like. Way beyond his general chaosness."

Paw raises an eyebrow, "Something I need to be prepared for in particular?"

Akili asks, "I hope not. I'm certainly not prepared for it. :) Want an explanation?"

Paw nods

Paw purrs, "indeed I do."

A steady stillness falls on the warm bushes.

Shelly is now Active. (ACT)

Akili rumbles lightly, "Well... you already know that Akili is from another world, originally. The incident that brought him to Aiur is still unwritten, but it was with the help of his mother, who... in power and abilities, she's essentially a supernatural person, like - but different - than Eldar. There are various reasons behind that, and one of the tradeoffs was not remembering where he came from, or any of his past history. However, he's learning a great deal about magic and the nature of reality where he is, and his strength in manipulating it is always increasing. If he were faced with trying to defeat Matro... one of the ideas that has occurred to him would be to channel all of the raw chaos of magic he can possibly draw, and willfully focus it to try to destroy that world. 'It would kill Akili' doesn't do the outcome justice."

Paw purrs, "I see."

Paw purrs, "That... changes things."

Paw purrs, "Not to say you'll find yourself face to face with Matro..."

Paw purrs, "Though..."

Paw raises an eyebrow.

Paw purrs, "Holy cow."

Akili rumbles lightly, "That's not to say he would, of course. Just that it's one of the things that would occur to him."

Paw's eyes widen and certain things suddenly seem much more... obvious.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Depends on how desperate the situation was."

Akili grins. "Glad to be of help."

Paw makes some mental notes.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Personally, I'd like to see Akili survive. One of those reasons he made the tradeoff to go to Aiur was to learn to become similar in skills as his mother. His death there wouldn't be *permanent*, although he could certainly no longer exist there... but by trying to change reality to that degree, it wouldn't kill him so much as... undo him. At least with the way things currently work. Destroying a world is pretty significant, after all, and he's not certain that would wipe out Matro either."

Paw sees an uber game in the near future, requiring certain other gamers to join us.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Akili's been an interesting character. He's become a great deal more than I ever expected, and some of the guides in the directions he's taken came about completely without my intervention."

Akili asks, "Other gamers... like Stack?"

Paw purrs, "Yeah."

Paw purrs, "Definitely Stack."

Shelly wishes she could join again but knows it's not possible.

Paw purrumbles, "I have a plan!"

Akili smiles. "Never say impossible."

Akili gives Paw an intrigued look. "Do tell."

Shelly snickers. "That's why I said it wasn't possible. Never said impossible."

Paw purrs, "But we need Stack."

Paw purrs, "But my plan..."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Oh, by the way. I should point out that as a matter of humor, Saranya - Akili's mother - is one of the entries on the Aid/Query list."

Paw purrs, "Would allow us to have Stack with us."

Akili rolls his eyes at Shelly. ;)

Paw purrs, "Ah. That makes it make more sense then. I noticed that one."

Shelly picks them up and hands the eyes back to Akili.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Thanks."

Paw purrs, "We have a character in the group that Stack could play very easily."

Paw purrs, "Now... how to get Stack to game with us without bringing... the horror."

Akili rumbles lightly, "I still haven't determined how Saranya would know about Aiur, or choose to get involved. That would be an RP with Eldar that hasn't happened."

Akili suggests a chainsaw.

Akili thinks for a moment. "If I had to classify her, she's a high level planeswalker. Rather than try to create her own world, she explores existing ones."

Paw purrs, "No no no... that would be more horrible."

Akili asks, "Airstrike?"

Paw purrs, "Not bad... but too likely to get Stack at the same time."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Horror lives with her parents, not with Stack."

The Mean-O-Meter :opens a bleary eye.

The Mean-O-Meter releases a gout of dust.

The steady stillness falls on the warm grass.

Akili hasn't yet decided what the consequences would be of Akili managing to find out where he came from, but... "I think he'd seriously consider trying to leave if he did. It'd be for the best if he didn't find out."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Unless that becomes the goal, of course."

Akili is now wondering what kind of recklessness you originally had in mind, although he doesn't expect an answer.

Akili also thinks he might make another window in his program that will contain a status list of changes made. "That's the Akili asks, "Any other details about Akili or Saranya that you'd prefer to know, since that seems to have been so helpful?"

Paw purrs, "If Akili had to either destroy Aiur or let all the inhabitants die, which would he choose."

Akili rumbles lightly, "...Gosh. That's... not a question I expected. Gimme a few minutes."

A steady calm settles on the warm plants.

Paw purrs, "Not that that choice would ever happen... =D"

Paw purrs, "Really."

Akili asks, "Does all of its inhabitants include the gods who watch over it?"

Akili asks, "How all-encompassing is 'destroy'?"

Paw purrs, "Let's assume you don't know the answer to those questions at the time. And you have say... one minute to decide."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Given only that bit of information, he'd let the inhabitants die. Because death is sometimes reversible, but if the world is destroyed, there'd be no place for them to go."

Paw asks, "Even if he'd be able to save a few inhabitants?"

Akili asks, "Where the heck would they go?"

Paw asks, "Uh... the moon?"

Akili rumbles lightly, "I don't think the moon would survive the destruction of the world for very long."

Paw purrs, "Wasn't ready for you to ask that question."

Paw asks, "Why not?"

Akili grins. "It *is* obvious."

Paw asks, "How versed in the physics of Aiur are you?"

Akili rumbles lightly, "Why not depends on whether or not the gods still exist."

Akili rumbles lightly, "A little. Gravity is always down, but I forget how the sun and moon orbit the world."

Akili probably knew at one time.

Paw purrs, "Yeah. Me too."

Akili grins.

Akili rumbles lightly, "Anyway. The gods create the reality that the world rides on. So without them, it would become unravelled."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Whichever option kept them alive would be the largest factor of his choice. I mean... imagine all the continents of the world were going to sink in an hour, and you could only rescue, say, 25 people. You're still dead."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Rescue by way of keeping them on a boat."

A steady calm settles on the warm trees.

Paw purrs, "but you could take them to an island."

Paw purrs, "Hawaii is not part of a continent."

Paw purrs, "Just part of a continental plate."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Let's suppose it was going to become Waterworld. No occupiable land whatsoever."

Paw purrs, "Yeah, well... that would suck."

Akili rumbles lightly, "A stranger, and more complicated, question would be: if Akili had to choose between everyone on Aiur dying, and the gods dying."

Paw purrs, "Wow."

Paw purrs, "That would suck."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Or, in the gods' case, being unmade. Not temporarily diminished, but *gone*."

Akili rumbles lightly, "I don't have a ready answer for that one."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Also, that thing about Saranya being the link between Akili's current location and getting to Aiur... that was why I asked, a long time ago, for permission to RP Eldar. I ended up not needing to, which is just as well... but it may come up someday."

Paw purrs, "I could do it if you want."

Paw purrs, "Not in the midst of finals, but eventually."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Eventually is likely several years from now. The story of him leaving probably won't be written until after his return."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Because once it's written that he's left... his current RP where he is has to stop."

Akili rumbles lightly, "And he can't return from that until I know what ends up happening to him while he's gone."

A warm calm falls on the shrubs.

Akili rumbles lightly, "His involvement in the events of Aiur have become a large part of his development, which is why I'm willing to do so much to continue gaming with you guys. I'd hate to be forced to discard all of that."

Akili smiles. "And I just like gaming."