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(from RussellMUCK 7/31/02)

["Calin"] sings o/~ Please don't change. Please don't break, Oh the only thing that seems to work at all is you. Please don't change at all for me- A restful breeze moves slowly across the plants.

["Pearl"] says, "That's a good song, ["Calin"]. Better than Sheryl_Crow's 'If it makes you happy' that's on now."

["Calin"] says, "Well... actually they kind of go together."

["Calin"] says, "If I was willing to change so you didn't have to."

["Paw"] tries some [wiki:Cake_(band) Cake] he hadn't heard before.

["Pearl"] asks, "Like what, ["Paw"]?"

["Paw"] purrs, "You Turn The Screws, Rock And Roll Lifestyle, Walk On By, Nugget, Open Book..."

["Calin"] says, "Of course, one of the sad truths about relationships is that men tend to love women for who they are, and then they change. And women tend to love men for who they could be, but they don't change."

["Paw"] purrs, "Not as good."

["Pearl"] laughs at ["Calin"]'s statement.

["Paw"] purrs, "It's true."

["Calin"] says, "Funny perhaps. True entirely too often though."

["Pearl"] says, "I'm sorry."

["Calin"] says, "Well... it's because men look for perfection and women look for potential."

["Pearl"] doesn't know what to say to that.

["Pearl"] asks, "["Paw"], what's your take on this?"

["Calin"] chuckles. "Well, you could start by voicing an opinion on it. It is just my opinion, after all."

["Pearl"] says, "Unfortuntely, I tend to agree in most cases. Wasn't sure how to voice my opinion on the right and wrong of it all/"

["Calin"] says, "Ah. Well... it's not right, it's not wrong, it's just true. *feels like he's in the [wiki:Into_the_woods woods] or something*"

["Pearl"] says, "I mean, objectively it sounds better to look for potential versus perfection."

["Calin"] says, "True."

["Calin"] says, "Perhaps."

["Pearl"] says, "Your chances of finding perfection are impossible (unless you're pathetically in love and thus blind)."

["Calin"] says, "It's hard to say though. From a male perspective, it's better to look for perfection, because otherwise you'll always be trying to change your partner into what you think they should be, or disappointed because they're not."

["Pearl"] says, "But looking for potential is sure to disappoint some percentage of the time."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "Potential doesn't imply change though."

["Calin"] says, "Yes it does."

["Pearl"] says, "Perhaps women try to coax men into the potential that they see there, the potential they looked for in the first place."

["Calin"] says, "Potential involves having the possibility to be or do something you currently aren't."

["Calin"] says, "Which means you could change into it."

["Pearl"] says, "If you have the potential to be ... say, a great banker, a women doesn't CHANGE a man into a banker, just brings out the great banker in him, encouraging him (hopefully)."

["Calin"] says, "I'm seeing a clear female perspective here."

"What if he doesn't want to be a banker?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] asks, "Then why is there the potential there?"

"And what's the difference between changing a person, and 'bringing out' something in a person?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "Don't know."

["Pearl"] says, "Women work well with hints and clues, so she must have seen evidence in the man for the potential great banker in the first place."

["Calin"] says, "Right. What if he's comfortable where he is? Guys often don't want to give up comfort for change."

A soft breeze moves slowly across the shrubs.

["Calin"] says, "Let's take Dante for example, in Clerks."

["Calin"] says, "Veronica wanted him to go back to school and stuff."

["Pearl"] says, "In my opinion, changing a person, is making them something their not, usually to please yourself or for your own benefit. 'Bringing out' the best in a man is hopefully for mutual benefit."

["Calin"] says, "It's not that he didn't want to necessarily, but he didn't like the pressure."

["Pearl"] says, "they're not, sorry."

["Paw"] purrs, "Of course, Dante was an asshole..."

["Calin"] says, "And that's why women do that."

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah, the pressure part is what gives women the bad name."

["Pearl"] says, "Not all women pressure, I think."

["Calin"] says, "Because like you, they see a difference between changing a person and 'bringing something out' in him."

["Calin"] says, "I'm sorry, but to me it's the same thing."

["Pearl"] says, "oh."

["Paw"] doesn't see the difference either.

["Calin"] says, "Not that all change is bad, mind you."

["Pearl"] arrghhs.

["Calin"] says, "But it is change."

["Paw"] purrs, "But that's probably because I'm a guy."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] takes a deep breath.

["Paw"] purrs, "Differences between men and women."

["Calin"] says, "Don't get upset about it."

["Calin"] says, "We all know there are differences between how men and women think."

["Calin"] says, "I find it interesting to discuss this."

["Pearl"] says, "I'm totally not. It's just hard to get my opinions and thoughts across on the tiny screen, and before your next thought pops up,"

["Calin"] chuckles. "Oh ok."

["Pearl"] says, "Personally I think it great to have conversations with men because of their different way of thinking. It is wonderfully challenging."

["Pearl"] says, "I think that's one reason (of many obvious other ones) that I'm heteosexual."

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Calin"] says, "Well, I've rarely come across ideas where men and women seem so clearly different though. Usually when someone says an idea is 'typically male' or 'typically female,' I find that it's more stereotyping than actual."

["Paw"] purrs, "Yeah... I find this particular difference rather intriguing."

["Pearl"] asks, "What do you mean?"

["Pearl"] asks, "The changing idea?"

["Paw"] purrs, "I've heard the concept that women look for potential, men for women as they are. I always thought of it falling into the 'stereotype' before, though."

["Calin"] knew it to be sometimes true, but it never occurred to me that we might have completely different ways of seeing 'change.'

["Paw"] purrs, "It's interesting to see that at least between the three of us, such a disparity in understanding."

["Pearl"] says, "Well, maybe it's an evolution thing: men look for the woman as they are for the baby. Women look for men as potential for long-term stability."

["Paw"] nods, "Probably something like that."

["Calin"] says, "Possibly."

["Pearl"] says, "I just talked to another woman here. She's with me. You gotta be careful with people in that respect."

["Calin"] says, "Although that doesn't really make sense."

["Calin"] says, "Evolution comes into play when a particular trait makes an individual less likely to survive and reproduce."

["Calin"] says, "Now, men wanting women for childbearing purposes fits with that..."

["Calin"] says, "Oh, and the children are more likely to survive if the women are with stable supportive men."

["Calin"] says, "Ok, it does make sense."

["Pearl"] says, "That's what I meant. It's gotta be something subconscious, if you believe the evolution theories of psychology."

"Sure, why not?" asks ["Calin"].

["Paw"] purrs, "Well, and if women look for it, that also increases the likelihood."

["Pearl"] says, "I know, I, as a woman, am definitely looking for the long-term stable type."

["Calin"] says, "Huh."

"How does that go back to wanting people to change?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "Oh, just the potential thing I guess."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "It goes back to the potential part. That's why my argument against the changing people makes sense. Why would a woman want her stable man to change?!"

["Paw"] purrs, "Not particularly that they want change, but they look for the possibility."

["Calin"] says, "She does. From a male point of view."

["Pearl"] says, "Only if she saw the potential for him to be stable there."

["Paw"] asks, "Which broadens the range?"

["Calin"] says, "But as we discussed, bringing out potential means 'change' to men."

["Calin"] says, "But not to women."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "I don't get it. How are they the same?!"

["Calin"] says, "Because both involve things not remaining the same."

A steady calm falls on the fountain.

["Calin"] says, "When something is no longer the same as it was, it has changed."

["Pearl"] says, "That's generalizing then"

["Calin"] says, "Nope. Define change."

["Paw"] asks, "Who was it that was telling me that women experience many more distinct emotions than men do?"

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Calin"] says, "Not I."

["Pearl"] says, "No poking fun."

["Paw"] purrs, "["Kimia"] or ["Pearl"], I don't remember."

["Pearl"] says, "["Kimia"]."

["Paw"] purrs, "Anyway, that probably has something to do with this."

["Calin"] says, "Perhaps."

["Pearl"] says, "Give me a minute, and I might be able to explain myself."

["Calin"] nods.

["Paw"] purrs, "Men see fewer gradients in meaning, color and emotion."

["Pearl"] says, "better than before, anyway."

["Paw"] purrs, "Or at least categorize them into smaller categories."

["Calin"] can't agree with that without further definition.

["Paw"] purrs, "Bigger categories, less of them."

["Calin"] says, "Ah, possible."

["Paw"] purrs, "I see the same color that ["Pearl"] does, I just call it green."

["Calin"] says, "Right, she might call it deep forest or something."

["Calin"] says, "And no man even knows what Puce looks like."

["Calin"] says, "Or Mauve."

["Calin"] says, "Or probably [wiki:Chartreuse_(color) chartreuse]."

["Paw"] purrs, "Men have a greater need to have black and white. So that they can make quicker decisions."

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Paw"] purrs, "Hunting and stuff."

["Calin"] says, "I think we're getting more toward stereotyping here, and away from fact."

["Pearl"] asks, "Yeah!! Okay. Potential means there's something already there with those elements/attributes, agreed?"

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Pearl"] asks, "What does potential mean then?"

["Calin"] says, "Potential means possibility."

["Paw"] purrs, "Capable of being but not yet in existence"

["Calin"] says, "So it is not impossible for me to be a good banker. Thus I have the potential to be a good banker."

["Pearl"] says, "Look it up in the dictionary"

["Paw"] purrs, ""

["Paw"] purrs, "Way ahead of ya."

- Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent: a potential problem.

["Pearl"] exclaims, "exactly!"

- change: To cause to be different: change the spelling of a word.

["Paw"] purrs, "Potential problem is not yet a problem."

["Paw"] purrs, "Once it becomes a problem, it has changed."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "Back exampl.e"

["Paw"] purrs, "A potential CEO is not yet a CEO. When he becomes a CEO, he has changed."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "No, you're screwing the meaning!!"

["Calin"] shakes his head.

["Pearl"] exclaims, "You're being guys, it's not fair when you fight like this!"

["Calin"] says, "I have the potential to be anything which I neither am, nor lack the capability to become."

["Paw"] purrs, "I'm just saying that is how I see it... We've already established that men and women think differently on this."

["Calin"] says, "However, any change from my current status is, by definition, a change."

["Pearl"] says, "Fine. Back to the black and white thing."

["Paw"] asks, "What is 'bring out potential'?"

["Pearl"] says, "To emphasis a certain part that is already there."

["Paw"] doesn't suspect he can find that in the dictionary.

["Calin"] says, "Oh."

["Paw"] purrs, "Ah... that is different."

["Calin"] says, "Not a traditional definition of potential, but alright."

["Pearl"] says, "In my example: say the potential was organized and good at math--thus he had the potential to be a great banker."

["Calin"] says, "Or a rocket scientist."

["Calin"] says, "Or a programmer."

["Pearl"] says, "Fine, true."

["Paw"] purrs, "But not a football player."

["Calin"] says, "Or a mathemetician."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

["Paw"] asks, "What if he wanted to be a painter, though?"

["Pearl"] says, "So there were elements that he was showing outwardly that representing the traits that would be good in a banker."

["Calin"] says, "Or a good many other things."

["Pearl"] says, "Fine, be a painter, that wasn't my example."

["Calin"] says, "Sure it could be."

["Calin"] says, "A person who is organized and good at math could also want to be a painter."

["Pearl"] says, "If he WANTED to be a painter, that's a different discussion. I was trying to explain potential at the time."

["Paw"] purrs, "I think we are getting off here..."

["Calin"] says, "Ok ok."

["Pearl"] says, "Thank you."

["Paw"]'s fault.

"So... he's good at math, and he wants to be a banker. Where does the woman come in?" asks ["Calin"].

["Paw"] asks, "If he hadn't thought of being a banker?"

["Paw"] asks, "And hadn't realized he had the ... potential?"

["Pearl"] says, "She sees that he's got the potential to be a good banker, sees he's good at math, etc. She's not changing him into a banker. She's bringing out the banker in him."

["Calin"] says, "Well if he hadn't thought of it, he probably has other plans and desires."

["Pearl"] says, "Yes, thank you, ["Paw"]."

["Paw"] purrs, "Or he was ["Stack"]."

["Pearl"] says, "Unless he's unmotivated."

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah."

["Calin"] says, "Well... it still sounds like change."

["Paw"] wonders if ["Becca"] is really a woman.

["Paw"] purrs, "Maybe she sees the potential for a big slug."

["Pearl"] says, "If she was a mature woman, she's want to bring out the best in ["Stack"]."

["Calin"] says, "If he hadn't thought of being a banker, but she thinks he'd be good at it... How can he know he wouldn't be better as a rocket scientist."

["Pearl"] says, "His potential for whatever. She'd know best, if she knows him."

["Calin"] says, "Ah. There it is."

["Pearl"] asks, "What?"

["Paw"] asks, "Because she is an outside observer?"

["Paw"] asks, "Why wouldn't he know?"

["Calin"] says, "The woman's opinion that she knows better than he himself what he's best suited for."

["Pearl"] says, "No, because she's inside and knows him personally."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "NO!"

["Calin"] says, "Just playing devil's advocate here."

["Pearl"] says, "Devil's something."

["Calin"] says, "I know it's not always bad like that, but it certainly does happen."

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah. That' gives women a bad name. I'm talking the ideal situation."

["Paw"] mmmms, smells food.

["Pearl"] says, "Deserter."

["Paw"] heys, has food!

["Calin"] says, "Well in the ideal situation, a woman would never change during a relationship, and men would always be more than happy to be who their woman wanted them to be."

A restful breeze silently moves over the grass.

["Paw"] purrs, "Whoah. Gettin' mean."

["Calin"] says, "That wasn't mean."

["Calin"] says, "Or not intended as such."

["Paw"] purrs, "No... the deserter comment."

["Calin"] says, "Oh, I missed that."

["Pearl"] says, "Kay. Sorry."

["Paw"] purrs, "'Sokay."

["Pearl"] says, "Just think it's not nice to have this intense conversation, and then say your piece and leave without hearing the other side."

["Pearl"] says, "My dad does that."

["Paw"] nods, "I know... all i have to do is microwave stuff, though."

["Pearl"] says, "Because he thinks he's all knowing and stuff."

["Paw"] purrs, "Well, I was only noting that my tummy was growling and that I smell food, and happen to have food."

["Paw"] purrs, "No reason to accuse me of deserting."

["Pearl"] says, "Yup. Good food too. See ya later then."

["Paw"] brb.

["Paw"] goes Off To Microwave (OTM)

["Pearl"] finds something to do at work so she doesn't burst of frustration.

["Calin"] says, "Sorry, didn't mean to frustrate you."

["Pearl"] says, "It's okay. It's just a hard medium to have this discussion."

["Calin"] says, "Oh... sorry."

["Pearl"] says, "Then with you and ["Paw"] typing back and forth, it didn't seem fair because you're both on the same 'side'."

["Calin"] says, "I guess it doesn't help that we're kind of ganged up on you."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah, that's what I mean."

["Pearl"] says, "Then you twist logic around and I don't get a chance to argue back."

["Calin"] says, "Well, he's away. Type to your heart's content, and he'll read it when he gets back."

["Pearl"] chuckles.

["Calin"] says, "It's not my intention to twist. I'm just saying as I see."

["Paw"] returns.

["Pearl"] says, "I just hoped you'd understand my perspective. Don't have to agree, just see it."

["Calin"] says, "I kind of do."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, that's something."

["Paw"] nods, "Yeah, I see it."

["Calin"] says, "I think what we can all agree on is that men and women see things differently. Like japanese people not being able to pronounce 'l'."

["Paw"] hehs.

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah. I totally get the see things differently. I think they argue differenly too!"

["Paw"] purrs, "I think that people argue differently."

["Calin"] says, "To me, bringing out potential is change, and trying to bring out potential in someone else is a very dangerous undertaking, because of your chances of being wrong about their desires and their potential."

["Pearl"] says, "yeah."

["Paw"] purrs, "Not sure I'd gender restrict that."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, I see your view, ["Calin"]."

["Calin"] says, "To you, bringing out potential is not change, and not dangerous, because you understand the person (if you know them well enough), and can help guide them toward their potential."

["Pearl"] says, "But originally I think we were talking about what men and women were looking for."

["Pearl"] says, "I never said, not dangerous."

["Calin"] says, "Oh uh..."

["Calin"] says, "Then I guess I don't understand."

["Pearl"] says, "Everything's almost about right, just take out the 'not dangerous' part of your statement."

["Calin"] says, "I thought the whole point of the discussion was for us men to understand why women want us to change."

["Calin"] says, "That's in man-speak, so don't get upset."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, but I see it as small changes, tweaking."

["Pearl"] says, "Not career changes, habit alterings."

["Calin"] says, "Yeh."

["Calin"] says, "I find it interesting that there's no real discussion about the other half of my statement which started all this, about what men and women want."

["Pearl"] says, "'He has the potential to be a great father if only he'd remember to turn off the oven when he's done' and such."

""Excuse me?" asks ["Calin"]."

["Pearl"] asks, "What do you mean? That men are looking for perfection?"

["Calin"] says, "Yeah."

["Paw"] purrs, "And make Chicken Broccoli Cassarole more often."

["Paw"] purrs, "Yep."

["Pearl"] giggles at ["Paw"].

["Paw"] purrs, "Looking for you to be, as you are, someone we want to be with."

["Pearl"] says, "I got an appointment at noon, but we can start now if you want."

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Paw"] purrs, "Note the Billy_Joel song 'Just the Way You Are.'"

["Pearl"] says, "You're looking for perfection, but you'll take us the way we are. That's settling for less. How terrible."

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Paw"] purrs, "No..."

["Calin"] chuckles at the echo.

["Pearl"] says, "My turn to twist and play Devil's advocate."

["Calin"] says, "Yup."

["Pearl"] says, "Then explain better."

["Paw"] purrs, "We aren't settling. We wouldn't be with that person if we didn't think we were happy with them as they were. Ostensibly *Cough ["Stack"]*"

["Calin"] says, "Perfection may not mean what you think it does."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay..."

["Pearl"] asks, "At least my meaning of potential was in the dictionary. You wanna explain perfection to me?"

["Calin"] says, "I don't mean that we're all looking for the perfect woman, of the right height and build, who will cook and clean for us, and ... etc."

The quiet wind silently moves over the cool arched gateway.

["Calin"] says, "I didn't see your meaning in the dictionary."

["Pearl"] says, "Anyway."

["Calin"] says, "Weird. I thought the definition we pasted validated the male point of view. That's fascinating."

["Calin"] says, "Beyond compare."

["Calin"] says, "Anyway."

["Calin"] says, "What I meant when I said we look for perfection, is that we look for someone we can be happy with."

"What can be more perfect than being happy?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] asks, "The 'perfect for you' thing?"

["Calin"] says, "Once we've found that person, the last thing we want is for her to change."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "I completely understand that part."

["Calin"] says, "Women have a tendancy to change though."

["Pearl"] asks, "How do they change?"

["Calin"] says, "It depends on the woman."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, give me some example to work with."

["Calin"] says, "Of course, we all change. It's inevitable."

["Pearl"] asks, "What you can change, but not women?"

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Calin"] says, "We all can and do."

["Paw"] purrs, "Men just want to stay the same. And women don't."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "Oops. I'm DYING to continue this, but my person just came in. Be back soon."

["Paw"] idles for some Neverwinter Lunch.

["Pearl"] says, "Maybe you can formulate your thoughts for when I return."

["Calin"] idles for some regular lunch.

["Pearl"] says, "Cool"

["Pearl"] goes Away From Keyboard. (AFK)

["Calin"] says, "Part of the difficulty here is that we as men, have to define what we think women want."

["Calin"] says, "I agree with ["Paw"] that men don't want to change, and women do..."

["Calin"] says, "But I can't think of examples to quantify that."

["Calin"] says, "At least, none that aren't too stereotypical to be admitted as evidence."

["Akili"] has connected.

["Calin"] says, "You just walked into a discussion about some of the differences between men and women."

["Calin"] says, "["Pearl"] isn't going to like that she's now even more outnumbered."

["Akili"] laughs.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Well, I suppose I could connect a female character.... :)"

["Calin"] says, "We're on hold though, while ["Paw"] eats lunch and ["Pearl"] has a meeting."

["Calin"] says, "I'll catch you up if you want."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Sure, go for it."

--- catching ["Akili"] up has been clipped, so as not to be redundant --

["Kimia"] has connected.

["Kimia"] waves.

["Calin"] waves. "Discussing differences between men and women. ["Akili"] is just about to give his point of view."

["Kimia"] raises an eyebrow.

--- catching ["Kimia"] up has been clipped --

["Akili"] chuckles. "Give me leeway for incorrect wording, since I don't think on my feet quite so quickly as you do. Anyway, I do agree that bringing out whatever potential might exist is change, simply because if that potential wasn't being used in the first place, then to use it afterwards is a change. Good or bad, it's still a change from what was. To recognize that the potential exists isn't necessarily a change, though, except in the sense that it's now been pointed. And for the last part.... I think it depends. Some people have a really strong knowledge of character, and I think you're one of them, ["Calin"]. While I suppose I know myself to a certain point, some things I'm just not going to see, as I'm too close to the problem, so to speak. It would not surprise me in the least to discover I had potential in something I was completely unaware of - perhaps because my experiences never lead me to think in that direction."

The hushed breeze silently rises across the grass.

["Calin"] nods. "Of course, we hadn't made any statements as to whether any of what we're discussing is good, bad, right, or wrong."

["Akili"] nods.

["Kimia"] takes a deep breath as she finishes the mighty log.

["Akili"] continues reading, and ponders.

["Kimia"] thinks about the current things going with her parents for the moment.

["Kimia"] says, "Hmm"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Interesting. When talking about potential before reading the log, ["Pearl"]'s definition is what I was thinking of."

["Calin"] says, "Interesting."

["Calin"] says, "Personally, I'm more a believer in choices than predestiny, which probably effects how I see potential."

A peaceful breeze rises slowly across the grass.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "And I think that's a matter of viewpoint. While as humans there's very little we can't do if we apply ourselves, I've thought that there are certain things that we might happen to have an natural advantage of. If we're unaware of those natural advantages we might have, then it would be a potential that ["Pearl"] was discussing. But you, for example, disbelieve in the idea of talents. Not that that's wrong, but it could also explain your viewpoint."

["Calin"] says, "Anyway, don't worry too much about having missed that part. We still have to discuss the male part of it."

["Calin"] shrugs. "I haven't really failed anything I've set my mind to, so either I have all talents (which I disbelieve), or it's more a matter of interest."

["Kimia"] asks, "Without interest in something whats the point?"

"Exactly. And how can another person know your interests better than you do?" asks ["Calin"].

["Kimia"] nods. "Exactly."

["Calin"] says, "I don't know if it's really fair to discuss this much farther before ["Paw"] and ["Pearl"] return."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "["Kimia"], what made you decide to try RPing? I know it was a long time after I originally mentioned it before you actually did."

["Kimia"] nods. "Yes we shouldn't go much into this until ["Paw"] and ["Pearl"] gets back."

["Kimia"] thinks for a moment. "I was mostly curious at first about it."

["Kimia"] says, "And I wanted to do something different."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Hm."

["Pearl"] is now Active. (ACT)

["Pearl"] says, "Wow, you guys talked about a lot while I was gone. I just caught up."

["Pearl"] says, "I found myself nodding to a lot of what ["Akili"] said."

["Calin"] suspects that ["Akili"] and/or ["Kimia"] are going to ruin our clearly defined gender patterns.

["Pearl"] says, "Maybe ["Akili"], I don't see how ["Kimia"] would."

["Akili"] thinks it'll be him.

["Pearl"] says, "But that's good."

["Calin"] says, "Oh, I dunno."

["Kimia"] plays innocent.

A steady calm settles on the bushes.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Something which I'm sure makes a large difference is that I have less experience with my own relationships than anyone currently connected."

["Pearl"] asks, "Should we wait for ["Paw"]?"

["Calin"] says, "["Kimia"], ["Akili"]... before we get too far I'd like to know if you think my original statement is often true or not."

["Pearl"] asks, "Or just jump in, as we're leaning toward?"

["Calin"] says, "About men not wanting change, and getting it, and women wanting potential, and not getting it."

["Pearl"] says, "Well now... that's not quite right."

["Calin"] says, "So look in the log."

["Pearl"] says, "Were we discussing whether you're original statement was true more often than not?"

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Calin"] says, "See, so far we'd gone on the assumption (because we all agreed) that it was often true."

["Pearl"] says, "I thought we were just picking it apart, in attempt to understand it..."

["Calin"] says, "And so we were trying to understand WHY it's true."

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "If ["Akili"] and ["Kimia"] don't believe it to be true, then we've got a whole different situation."

["Pearl"] says, "But the argument would be the same, I think, whether they think it's true or not."

["Calin"] says, "Not really."

["Calin"] says, "For example: I say men are looking for perfection. ["Akili"] says: No they aren't."

"Now what?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "I pretty much agree with that statement, though I object to the implication and assumptions it makes."

["Calin"] says, "Well sure, that'"

["Pearl"] says, "Oh, I see, ["Calin"]."

["Calin"] says, "s one of the things we duscussed."

["Calin"] says, "In order to have reasonable discussion, some things must be accepted as truth."

["Pearl"] says, "We were on the second part when I left, the perfection part. So ["Akili"]'s points are appropriate."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay."

["Calin"] says, "So I was asking, basically, if we can continue to assume that my statement is generally true."

["Pearl"] says, "I'm game.,"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I think I'd also agree that men are looking for their idea of perfection."

"Anyway, where were we?" asks ["Calin"].

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "At the 'why don't men like it when women change' question, I think."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Aside from surveying mine and ["Kimia"]'s opinions."

["Calin"] says, "Ah yes, ["Paw"] had just said: Men just want to stay the same, and women don't."

["Calin"] nods.

["Calin"] says, "And I was trying to substantiate that."

["Pearl"] says, "Goes back to the potential thing:"

["Calin"] says, "Kind of."

"So why don't men also want to see potential through?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Women constantly reevalute themselves: looking for that potential to improve themselves. Maybe that's how they change to you."

["Calin"] says, "I'm certain of it."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'm not sure if I can answer that yet, although I will try to use it as a given for this discussion. :)"

["Calin"] says, "You don't have to."

["Calin"] says, "The thing I said at the start is a given now."

["Calin"] says, "["Paw"]'s statement is still up for debate."

["Pearl"] asks, "["Calin"], why don't men want to improve themselves by seeing their potential?"

["Akili"] nods. "That's what I meant - what you said at the start."

["Calin"] says, "Oh ok."

["Calin"] says, "Just because I have the potential to be something, doesn't mean I want to be."

["Pearl"] says, "I'm talking potential to be better than you are now."

["Kimia"] says, "I agree with ["Paw"]'s statement about men staying the same and women changing."

"Who's opinion of better?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Say, yours, for now."

["Calin"] says, "Well, I always strive to be the 'best' I can be."

["Pearl"] says, "You, for example, felt you had to potential to be a great tech guy."

["Pearl"] asks, "Right?"

["Calin"] says, "However, that doesn't always mean everyone else has to think I'm the best."

["Calin"] says, "Perhaps the ideal life, for me, is lots of free time and no obligations. Starting a business then, is a very bad idea. Despite the fact that I may have a product that could make me a millionaire."

["Pearl"] says, "What if you had a girl friend at the time that pointed out to your that you had that potential."

"So what is better?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "the tech guy potential"

["Pearl"] asks, "What?"

["Calin"] says, "I don't have the potential to be a tech guy. I AM a tech guy."

["Pearl"] says, "I'm talking before you started this job."

["Calin"] says, "I was a tech guy before I was ever employed."

["Pearl"] says, "Say, when you were working at Staples. You weren't a tech guy then."

["Calin"] says, "I have gained skills and gotten better."

["Calin"] says, "Yes I was."

["Pearl"] asks, "So you changed by getting better?"

["Calin"] says, "I installed hard drives... I'd built my own computer..."

["Pearl"] says, "hang on"

["Calin"] says, "I did change, by gaining knowledge and experience."

["Pearl"] says, "You showed sign of your potential: you installed hard drives and built your own computer."

["Calin"] says, "Well, then you have to redefine what potential I showed."

["Pearl"] says, "Then you got this job because you realized your potential, or someone else did."

["Calin"] says, "I was already a tech guy. I may have showed potential to be a linux sysadmin..."

["Pearl"] says, "I just said, you showed potential by your messing around with computer."

["Calin"] says, "I showed ability by doing that."

["Pearl"] says, "yeah."

["Calin"] says, "Not potential."

The steady calm falls over the bushes.

["Calin"] says, "Er, well hang on."

["Pearl"] says, "Ability to do something, potential to do more with it."

["Calin"] says, "I did show potential."

["Calin"] says, "I showed potential to be a useful employee, so they hired me."

["Calin"] says, "I was not a useful employee to them before that though."

["Pearl"] says, "A useful tech guy."

["Calin"] shakes his head.

["Pearl"] says, "Wait, we were getting somewhere a second ago..."

["Calin"] says, "I think we're stumbling on a matter of definitions ago."

["Calin"] says, "Again I mean."

["Pearl"] asks, "So you always had the potential in you to be a tech guy. You exhibited this potential by playing around with computers. With me?"

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Calin"] says, "I disagree."

["Pearl"] asks, "How so?"

["Calin"] says, "Because I was already a tech guy, or I would not have been able to mess around with computers in that way."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, that's a matter of definition, like you were saying."

["Calin"] says, "Yup."

["Kimia"] asks, "Couldn't one say its an interest more than potential for something?"

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, let's take me as an example."

["Calin"] says, "To me, I probably showed potential to be a great tech guy when I demonstrated a good grasp of logic."

["Kimia"] says, "I'm not going into teaching cause of my potential. I'm going into it for my interest."

["Pearl"] says, "I showed potential to be an editor by having an interest in language my whole life."

["Calin"] says, "Then I became a tech guy by learning to work on computers."

["Pearl"] says, "Yes, ["Calin"]."

["Calin"] says, "Working on computers did not show potential to work on computers."

["Pearl"] says, "You realized that you had the potential to be a good tech guy then"

["Calin"] says, "It showed actual ability."

["Calin"] says, "Not really."

["Akili"] abruptly thinks of Rick.

["Calin"] says, "I may have showed potential, but I didn't notice it."

["Pearl"] says, "Let's slow down"

["Calin"] says, "Lets."

["Pearl"] says, "Right, you didn't realize it."

["Calin"] says, "Right. And nobody pointed it out, either."

["Pearl"] asks, "What if someone came along and pointed it out?"

"What if?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] asks, "Would they have been changing you?"

["Calin"] says, "For a long time I had no interest."

["Calin"] says, "And yes."

["Calin"] says, "Well, I probably would have ignored them."

["Pearl"] says, "Let me say something."

["Kimia"] decides she won't do any good in this conversation.

["Pearl"] says, "Change has certain meanings. I mean change as in not becoming a different person."

"What?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "I mean it as not becoming a different person altogether, just a different part of yourself,"

["Calin"] isn't a part of himself.

["Calin"] says, "I am myself, in complete."

["Pearl"] says, "You could have been a great many things in your life. You just realized a specific potential and chose that one."

["Calin"] says, "Er, completeness."

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Calin"] says, "I didn't realize, I didn't choose."

["Pearl"] asks, "No? You think you're life was already pre-determinted?"

["Calin"] says, "I just became."

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Calin"] says, "If anything, I chose to not choose."

["Pearl"] says, "What happened to you then"

["Calin"] says, "And this is where I ended up."

["Calin"] says, "We discussed my run of luck before."

["Pearl"] says, "But you always have choices. You chose to take the jobs."

["Calin"] says, "Not really."

["Pearl"] asks, "What? Why not?"

["Calin"] says, "I choose to have a paycheck, and I've been lucky enough to have a career."

["Calin"] says, "I've never turned down a job offer."

["Pearl"] says, "brb"

["Calin"] says, "Personally, I think all this typifies the whole 'men just want to stay the same' thing. Change is inevitable, but I've rarely if ever put any effort into directing that change."

["Paw"] returns from Neverwintering.

["Calin"] waves.

["Paw"] yeeks and decides not to read back through the log.

["Kimia"] says, "I think we are abusing the word potential here."

["Paw"] purrs, "Rather long."

["Calin"] nods.

["Kimia"] says, "Hi ["Paw"]."

["Calin"] says, "The gist of it is this:"

["Calin"] says, "Starting from your statement: guys just want to stay the same, and women don't."

["Calin"] says, "["Pearl"] suggested it went back to the potential thing."

["Kimia"] doesn't want to change.

["Calin"] says, "And since then we've been in a semantic argument about what is or isn't potential."

["Calin"] says, "Again."

["Kimia"] whispers to ["Paw"], "Mostly been between ["Pearl"] and Caliln."

The balmy calm falls across the warm arched gateway.

["Calin"] says, "Well... she brought up my life and current status as an example of seeing and following up on potential."

["Calin"] says, "Thus my latest statements about not doing anything of the sort."

["Kimia"] just butchered ["Calin"]'s name. "I thought that extra l would be nice. ;)"

"Heh. So ["Kimia"]. We've been abusing the word potential. What do you think it means?" asks ["Calin"].

["Paw"] asks, "An extra L and an E? Calline?"

["Pearl"] says, "Better than an e at the nd"

["Paw"] chuckles.

["Calin"] grins. "Or the e at the start of end."

["Kimia"] giggles.

["Pearl"] giggles at ["Calin"].

["Paw"] ponders his level some more.

["Pearl"] says, "Nothing like an all-day discussion on semantics and 'potential vs change' to burn the brain out."

["Calin"] grins. "Wait till I get going!"

["Calin"] says, "Oh wait, that's Vizzini."

["Pearl"] rolls her eyes.

["Pearl"] says, "Thank goodness death isn't on the line."

["Pearl"] says, "I guess I just want to know why men don't like to change or don't want to change or don't like change."

["Kimia"] says, "Its not the meaning of potential thats bothering me. Its how you guys are using it kind of reminds me of some slut hanging out on the corner or something."

["Pearl"] says, "Or all of the above"

["Calin"] says, "Whoa."

"How do you mean?" asks ["Calin"].

["Paw"] purrs, "She has potential, but she isn't using it..."

["Calin"] says, "Whoa."

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Paw"] asks, "Instead she sits on the corner being a prostitute?"

["Pearl"] says, "["Kimia"], you've seen Pretty Women too many times."

["Kimia"] hides as the alarms go off. "I didn't do it."

["Pearl"] says, "That's how they use it in that movie."

["Paw"] purrs, "Oh."

["Kimia"] says, "Yes I've seen it."

["Akili"] coughs. "That's woman, ["Paw"]."

"["Kimia"], can you explain what you mean?" asks ["Calin"].

["Kimia"] nods and will.

["Calin"] says, "And that was ["Pearl"], ["Akili"]. Not ["Paw"]."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Oops, sorry."

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah, my type-o."

["Paw"] thinks the conversation has the potential to keep him from doing work today.

["Calin"] coughs.

["Pearl"] says, "But that doesn't change the conversation."

["Pearl"] smiles.

["Paw"] purrs, "However, I don't intend to let it realize its potential."

["Pearl"] says, "Now you're just mocking me."

["Paw"] purrs, "Nope. Bein' serious."

["Paw"] has a presentation to get ready.

["Calin"] says, "That's a case where the potential will be realised or not realised by the way people react to it, not by any difference in the conversation itself."

["Kimia"] hmmms. "What I'm trying to get at (which is a big jumble in my head) is that your using the word potential like its... Let me try this again... to me you guys are using and using the word but to me it seems to be losing something here. (ideas are heaped there somewhere)."

["Calin"] says, "Which I suppose is a difference between a person's potential, and a thing's potential."

["Calin"] shakes his head.

["Calin"] says, "That didn't help, ["Kimia"]."

["Kimia"] nods. "Yeah it didn't help me either."

["Kimia"] says, "Go figure."

["Paw"] purrs, "My lack or non-lack of participation is a difference in the conversation."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, let's stop there."

["Calin"] shakes his head. "You mean stop the conversation, or what?"

["Pearl"] says, "No, stop the meta-conversation that ["Paw"]'s doing."

["Calin"] says, "Ok."

["Calin"] says, "You're right, it's sidetracked."

["Kimia"] is trying to put together what she means.

["Pearl"] says, "Here's the way I see it: Women see potential in men, in their perspective. Men don't change, in their perspective."

"We don't?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "Men change."

["Pearl"] says, "Not according to what you just said..."

["Calin"] says, "It's inevitable."

["Calin"] says, "No, I said we don't WANT to change."

["Pearl"] says, "OHHH! That's different."

["Calin"] shakes his head.

["Akili"] knows he changes, but it's usually such a slow process that he's not always aware of it.

["Calin"] says, "Exactly."

["Kimia"] doesn't want to change.

A warm stillness settles on the castle.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Yeah, well, I didn't want to lose my job, either. ;)"

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Pearl"] says, "I don't think anyone does want to change, to some degree."

["Kimia"] says, "I didn't want you to lose your job either."

["Calin"] says, "I dunno."

["Calin"] says, "I've heard a few different times, both in movies/tv and in real life:"

- man: You've changed.

- woman: I've changed for the better. You're exactly the same.

["Pearl"] says, "Yup, that's perfectly what I mean."

["Calin"] says, "Not direct quotes, but the general idea."

"So what do you mean, women don't want to change?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Or even:"

["Kimia"] says, "The way you're using potential, to me, is like using the word of the week. Its fun to use that but after awhile you give it a new meaning. (but that doesn't mean you aren't using it right.)"

["Pearl"] says, "Or Woman: You haven't changed, but you've changed for the better."

["Calin"] says, "Sorry, that's a contradiction."

["Akili"] asks, "Could it be that men don't like women to change because what the woman might consider good change messes with the idea of perfection the man has of her?"

["Pearl"] says, "I know. It's to point out how someone can become a better person and still be true to themselves (because they realized their potential)."

["Calin"] says, "change & !change == false."

["Pearl"] says, "Yes, ["Akili"]."

["Pearl"] says, "'potential + person = men's def. of change'"

["Calin"] exclaims, "Any difference is change!"

["Calin"] says, "it's what change means."

["Calin"] says, "You cannot be different and still be the same."

["Calin"] says, "Period."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay. I see that. But to mean there are degrees of change."

["Pearl"] says, "to me, sorry."

["Calin"] says, "I can always change my name, if that's what you mean."

["Calin"] grins.

["Kimia"] giggles.

["Calin"] says, "No, you can change in some ways, be remain the same in others."

["Pearl"] asks, "Right. Is that changing who you are then?"

["Calin"] says, "Define who I am."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "Exactly!"

["Calin"] shakes his head.

["Pearl"] exclaims, "You got it!"

["Akili"] thinks he'd say yes.

["Calin"] says, "I'm telling you to define the expression 'who you are.'"

["Pearl"] exclaims, "I know you are. I'm saying that's exactly the question under all of this mess!"

["Calin"] says, "I don't think so."

"What does 'who you are' mean?" asks ["Calin"].

["Kimia"] says, "One person has many elements to them. Makes it hard to define 'who you are'."

["Calin"] says, "You asked if changing one element changes who a person is."

["Pearl"] says, "Right, ["Kimia"]. You change one element and the person is still who the person was, to some degree."

["Calin"] says, "I in return asked you what defines who a person is."

["Pearl"] says, "The elements that make up a person, help define a person."

["Calin"] says, "Lets look at it this way."

["Kimia"] says, "But I could change some element in my life and I could be a totally different person."

["Pearl"] says, "Right, ["Kimia"]. That's why it's tricky."

["Kimia"] thinks of her mother.

["Calin"] says, "If I meet a girl and fall in love with who she is (which to me means: pretty, interested in gaming, etc), and then she changes her interests and no longer games... Then who she is has changed."

["Calin"] says, "I don't care if she's the same in all other ways, the ways the I used to define her have changed."

["Pearl"] asks, "No longer games, or is no longer interested in gaming?"

["Calin"] says, "You know what I mean."

["Calin"] says, "If she changes one of the core things that I define her by, then to me she is different."

["Calin"] says, "Even if to her it was a small change."

["Pearl"] says, "Let's discuss 'core thing' then."

["Calin"] says, "It's whatever traits one person thinks of when thinking of another."

["Calin"] says, "For alot of my life, people have defined me at least partly by my hair."

["Kimia"] needs to find her gloves.

["Calin"] says, "If I were to cut it short or shave it off, that would be a huge difference, even though it's only superficial."

["Kimia"] laughs and would hate if you took your eyes out.

["Calin"] says, "There's another."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, but I consider the 'core' part of you, not to include your hair. Perhaps because I'm not superficial."

["Calin"] says, "Sure."

"Let me ask you then, how do you define me?" asks ["Calin"].

["Kimia"] says, "One would like to think they don't look for the superficial. But most do."

["Pearl"] says, "Personality. Tendencies."

["Calin"] says, "Superficial or not doesn't matter, I'm getting at 'core traits.'"

["Calin"] says, "Ok. Suppose my tendancies changed."

"Would I be the same person?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Then I would say NO, you'd have changed."

"Well... Who are you to tell me which traits I should define myself by?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "I'm talking core traits."

["Calin"] says, "Core to you."

["Calin"] says, "It's all a matter of opinion."

["Pearl"] says, "No, universal core traits."

["Calin"] says, "No such thing."

["Kimia"] says, "So what are core traits? Doesn't everyone choose different ones they focus on."

["Calin"] says, "That's what I'm saying."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, I'm saying people define themselves a certain way."

["Calin"] says, "Which is where this whole issue of changing comes from I think."

["Pearl"] says, "Then there's the way 'they are'."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "How an individual defines himself is not necessarily how other people view that person."

["Calin"] says, "Exactly."

["Pearl"] says, "Right, but it's deeper."

"What do you mean?" asks ["Calin"].

The balmy stillness falls over the warm courtyard.

["Pearl"] says, "There's our perspective of ourselves: how we see us, how others see us, etc. Then there's how we are, what makes us up."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "The latter may be true, but I'd find it difficult or impossible to classify it."

["Pearl"] says, "I IDENTIFY myself as a tall blond person, but the people around me see me as 'that nice quiet person in Marketing."

"Doesn't (how we see ourselves) + (how others see us) = (how we are) ?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "No. There's that whole tendencies and personality thing."

"Which is part of either how we see ourselves, or how others see us, isn't it?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "What's inside us: our tendencies to light fires, our open-minded perspectives, etc."

["Calin"] says, "If it's an element that we don't see, and nobody else sees, it could change and noone would know."

["Pearl"] asks, "So if a tree falls in the forest it doesn't make a sound?"

["Calin"] says, "What I'm saying is that if nobody is aware of it, it is irrelevant."

["Pearl"] says, "Maybe."

["Calin"] says, "Until such time as people become aware, anyway."

["Pearl"] says, "But we're not talking about what nobody notices."

["Calin"] says, "No. Which means what we're talking about is either how we see ourselves, or how others see us, or both."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, let's go with that for now."

["Calin"] says, "Ok."

["Pearl"] says, "That means either you or another person has to know about your tendencies."

["Calin"] says, "So, when a man says a woman has changed, it's because some element of how he sees her has changed."

["Pearl"] says, "In that view, yes."

["Calin"] says, "To her, it may be an inconsequential change, but to him, it is not."

["Pearl"] says, "It makes sense when you view it that way."

["Calin"] says, "Good."

["Pearl"] says, "Let"

["Pearl"] says, "let's apply this to the first half of that statement."

["Calin"] says, "Now, because men tend to be superficial (please disagree), men don't want women to 'change.'"

["Calin"] says, "And in this case, change can be something as simple as changing your style of clothes."

["Pearl"] says, "I don't see how that follow."

["Calin"] says, "And women may want men to change their style of clothes, but don't see it as a big deal."

["Kimia"] says, "I can see how men would be bothered by it."

["Pearl"] huffs.

["Calin"] says, "Go ahead."

["Pearl"] asks, "So you're saying men aren't superficial?"

["Pearl"] says, "I think having certain clothes and having a tendencies to wear certain clothes are different."

["Calin"] says, "I'm saying that they are, unless someone here has strong feelings otherwise."

["Calin"] says, "What you own is irrelevant to the example. What you wear isn't."

["Kimia"] says, "Some men like the way women dress and thast what attracts them to that woman. And by changing her look he's lost his interest."

["Calin"] says, "Not necessarily lost interest, but otherwise yes."

["Pearl"] says, "Women see the tendencies to wear clothes and may or may not chose that man. Or they may think that his wearing the clothes are just superficial, and thus not a 'core trait' and thus can be changed."

["Calin"] nods.

["Akili"] wonders.

["Pearl"] asks, "So it sounds like you're saying men are superficial in that there are no core traits to them?"

["Calin"] says, "I I suppose it all comes down to self-image vs your partners image of you."

["Calin"] says, "NO."

["Akili"] asks, "So is it that the idea of a man's potential, in a woman's eyes, are those things that can be changed that wouldn't affect the core traits she sees in him?"

["Calin"] says, "Yes."

["Calin"] says, "Exactly."

["Kimia"] says, "So with the change of clothes the man now has to find something else about that woman that he found attractive."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "Yes, ["Akili"]!"

["Calin"] says, "Well, with the change of clothes (and clothes is a really superficial example, so not quite realistic) he has to reevaluate how attracted he is."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'm glad we've finally cleared *that* up."

["Pearl"] says, "Thanks to you, ["Akili"]."

["Calin"] says, "However ["Pearl"], what a woman thinks aren't core traits could well BE core traits."

["Calin"] says, "And what a man thinks are core traits may not be."

["Pearl"] says, "True. That's why there's always trouble."

["Akili"] nods to ["Calin"]. "For both sides it's a matter of viewpoint."

["Calin"] says, "Which is where there's trouble."

["Kimia"] says, "We all have our own opinions of what core traits are."

["Calin"] says, "However, since a man often looks for 'perfection' from the start, the trouble comes when she changes."

["Pearl"] says, "Wow. So it's all point of view (and thus lack of communication)."

["Akili"] has another question.

["Calin"] says, "And since the woman looks for potential, the trouble is when he won't change."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Oh. Actually, nevermind; I think I know the answer already."

["Calin"] says, "Go ahead though."

["Calin"] says, "Enlighten us with your thoughts."

["Pearl"] says, "Yes, ["Calin"]. A woman changes what she considers to be superficial things. Her core traits are the same to her."

["Calin"] says, "And the man won't change what she considers superficial."

["Pearl"] says, "Sometimes, right."

["Calin"] says, "Because they may be core to him."

["Akili"] asks, "Man looks for perfection in a woman. A woman looks for a man in which, with a few changes, could be perfection to her. What's the accuracy of that?"

["Calin"] says, "Right for the man part. I'll let ["Pearl"] answer the second half."

["Pearl"] says, "Fairly accurate."

["Calin"] says, "Good."

["Pearl"] says, "Knowing there is no such thing as perfection, the woman looks for the closest, most secure pleasing man."

["Calin"] says, "And men look for women which they are happy with. Not necessarily WILL BE happy with, but are."

The balmy stillness falls across the warm grass.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "That could probably be an interesting example of appreciating what you have versus never quite being satisfied in the proper circumstances. :)"

["Akili"] puts a comma after satisfied.

["Pearl"] says, "Since she is on a quest to ever improve herself, it's natural for her to assume he'll do the same."

["Calin"] says, "I think it's an example of instant gratification vs planned perfection."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "That could also be."

["Calin"] smiles. "By Jove I think we've got it."

["Pearl"] says, "Yeah, since women naturally think ahead and men look for the now."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "So we're basically back where we started. The evolution explanation."

["Calin"] says, "Nah. We don't need to know why we act differently."

["Pearl"] says, "Just that we do."

["Calin"] says, "We act differently because we're different."

["Calin"] says, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "And in what ways we think differently."

["Calin"] says, "I now know enough to (hopefully) avoid certain pitfalls."

["Pearl"] says, "Yup. So don't you expect static perfection and we shouldn't expect long-range change."

"Don't you?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "I think the lesson here is to make sure you consider your partner's self-image, as well as your image of them."

["Pearl"] says, "But I can't keep asking men in my life whether they think something is a core trait or not..."

["Akili"] asks, "Why not?"

["Akili"] grins.

"Yeah, why not?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "That's tedious."

"Is it worse than risking being wrong?" asks ["Calin"].

["Akili"] asks, "Are there really that many things you'd want to ask about before trying to change?"

["Pearl"] says, "'Do you mind vacuuming for me? Or were you expecting me to clean the house all the time for the rest of our lives?' like this>"

["Calin"] says, "Well, that's kind of a different story."

["Pearl"] asks, "How?"

["Calin"] says, "Because it doesn't have to do with self-image as much as tolerance."

["Akili"] has an idea of how to answer that.

["Pearl"] says, "What if the perfection you speak of is the core trait of cleaning."

["Calin"] says, "I will clean the house when I feel it is dirty."

["Calin"] says, "If you clean it before then, cool."

"See what I mean?" asks ["Calin"].

["Kimia"] nods and knows that one.

["Pearl"] asks, "What if the perfection is that she'll always do it before you?"

["Pearl"] asks, "Then I 'change' if I don't want to clean today?"

["Calin"] says, "Well, if that's a preconception, you should be aware of it."

["Pearl"] says, "That's what I'm saying. I'd have to ask about that small thing."

["Calin"] says, "Anyway, I wouldn't expect you to be cleaning a guys house when you first start dating."

["Pearl"] hmmms.

["Calin"] says, "And it's perfectly reasonable to ask if he expects it of you before moving in."

["Pearl"] says, "But that's what I'm saying. Cleaning is not one thing I consider as my 'core trait' so I wouldn't think to look for this in a man or to necessarily bring it up. It's a habit/superficial thing."

["Pearl"] says, "Changeable."

["Calin"] says, "If a man believes it's the woman's place to clean, then that's a core trait, and you should be aware of it before commiting."

["Pearl"] says, "Right!"

["Calin"] says, "So you ask."

["Calin"] says, "Yes, of course you ask."

["Calin"] says, "Never sign anything before knowing what's expected of you."

["Pearl"] smiles.

["Calin"] says, "Before you move in, make it clear you won't be doing all the cleaning."

["Calin"] says, "Unless you're willing to change that for him."

["Pearl"] says, "I'd think that the expectation of a woman to clean all the time would be part of a man's personality, and thus show."

["Calin"] says, "I would think so too, but you never know."

["Pearl"] says, "I know."

["Pearl"] says, "Good stuff to know here."

["Calin"] says, "Man, that would be a perfect relationship. Where both people freely communicated, and asked each other everything."

["Calin"] says, "Rather than just assuming, and being wrong."

["Pearl"] says, "No, it's be a healthy relationship, not perfect."

["Calin"] says, "Define perfect."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I've read many times that one of best components of a lasting relationship is communication."

["Pearl"] says, "Most things have a way of coming up anyway, it's how you handle it that counts at that point."

["Calin"] says, "As have I. And yet, don't cound on getting it."

["Pearl"] asks, "You don't count on getting good communication?"

["Calin"] says, "No."

["Pearl"] asks, "Huh?"

["Akili"] nods, and can see problems just with that principle between his brother and Sara.

["Calin"] says, "People don't communicate. Especially women, when something is bothering them."

["Pearl"] says, "That's a terrible assumption."

["Calin"] says, "It's true, from my experience."

["Akili"] has heard nothing and nevermind more often than he could count, unfortunately.

["Calin"] says, "What's wrong? 'nothing.'"

["Pearl"] says, "Perhaps you need to readjust your definition of communicate,"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Communication: A dialog between two or more people."

["Pearl"] says, "Women work by other devices than oral communication. That's another difference between men and women."

["Calin"] says, "My idea of communicate is this: What's wrong? I'm just not attracted to you anymore, I'm sorry."

["Calin"] says, "Which annoys men something fierce."

["Calin"] says, "Women KNOW men don't communicate through 'other devices,' and yet they insist on doing it anyway."

["Pearl"] says, "We do what's natural. So do you! I don't fault you for it."

["Calin"] says, "Yes... but it's far easier for you to communicate in the common language than for us to learn yours."

["Pearl"] says, "I'll ignore that for a second. Consider this:"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "If a woman tries to convey something to a man using one of those 'other devices' that men aren't as capable of using (or using well), then there's your lack of communication right there."

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

The warm calm settles on the ivy clinging to the wall.

["Calin"] waits to consider.

["Pearl"] says, "But they can learn to read the signals and help put her communication orally."

["Pearl"] says, "For example, if I'm really upset, I can't talk. What should I do? Well, the only way to get that I'm upset across is to give clues."

"Why risk disaster until we learn, when you could just use words?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "See above."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'm not quite so sure about that. Very obvious signals (yelling, plate throwing, etc.), yes. Subtle things - a slight tilt of the head, a shift in the eyes - no, or very unlikely."

"And with the platethrowing... WHAT's the matter?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "I might have no clue."

["Pearl"] says, "No, I'm talking about crying, small short-word answers, sighs."

["Akili"] chuckles. "I was exaggerating, but you have a point."

["Pearl"] says, "Thank you ["Akili"]."

["Calin"] says, "If you're crying, I will understand that something is bothering you."

["Calin"] says, "We rarely have trouble identifying these signs."

["Akili"] is quiet in general. When he's really quiet, he might not have anything to say, or he might just have a stomachache. Good luck telling which is which.

["Pearl"] says, "So, once you know that something's bothering me, be patient and help me get it out orally."

["Calin"] exclaims, "Right. 'What's wrong?' Nothing. "What's wrong?" Nevermind. "What's wrong" QUIT FREAKING BOTHERING ME ABOUT IT!"

["Pearl"] says, "I don't see that happening with a woman."

["Calin"] says, "We have one phrase for 'what's wrong.'"

["Calin"] says, "It's 'what's wrong.'"

["Calin"] says, "That was a bit exaggerated."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, then you have to try adding some non-oral things. Touch her hand, let her know you care if she's upset or not."

["Calin"] says, "We don't tend to speak that language."

["Calin"] says, "Now, I'm exaggerating again."

["Pearl"] says, "If you don't care, that's her worst nightmare. ...You can't touch her hand? You can vocalize saying 'I care.'"

["Calin"] says, "Men do know some of this stuff."

["Akili"] thinks. NVSL. Non-Verbal as a Second Language.

["Calin"] says, "It can be frustrating beyond belief though."

["Pearl"] says, "I'll teach NVSL courses, ["Akili"]." ["Pearl"] laughs.

["Calin"] says, "If I didn't care, I wouldn't ask."

["Pearl"] asks, "What's frustrating?"

["Pearl"] exclaims, "How are women to know that? You didn't say it?!"

["Calin"] says, "Getting a woman to tell you what's wrong."

["Calin"] says, "Sure I did. Ask ["Kimia"]."

["Pearl"] says, "I promise you, if you get it across to the woman that you sincerely care if she's upset, she'll open up."

["Calin"] exclaims, "After a while I stopped asking, or after the first 'nothing.' I'd say good, cause I'm in a great mood!"

["Kimia"] says, "["Calin"] and I've had that whats wrong, nothing conversation many times."

["Pearl"] says, "There's a different in the tone of voice too remember, Mr. Oral."

["Akili"] went through an entire school year with one of his female friends only telling him that he'd done something she could never forgive, but refusing to ever tell him about it.

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, but don't group all women, ["Akili"]."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'm not."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'm just saying that I've seen it a lot, and not just indirectly."

["Pearl"] says, "Sometimes, it becomes a game to some women, just because it's so frustrating to get what you want."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I did eventually find out, and I understood her reasons for not telling me, but it was frustrating."

["Akili"] chuckles. "Once it becomes a game, though, it can be hard for the man to know if she's playing or not."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "I know. I don't like when women play games like that!!"

["Calin"] says, "For me, playing the game too often (game or not) is like crying wolf."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "I totally agree!"

["Calin"] says, "For every time I hear 'nothing,' I'm a little less inclined to ask next time."

["Akili"] recalls Sara calling his brother near midnight because she got a paper cut from a cardboard box, and was upset when Dave 'didn't care'.

["Pearl"] says, "I understand. Bt I hope you understand that she needs to know you WANT to know the true answer."

["Calin"] says, "If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't ask."

["Calin"] says, "Period."

["Pearl"] says, "Exacly, ["Akili"]. That's a perfect example."

["Pearl"] says, "But I may not hear it in the tone of your voice. How can I tell if you're telling the truth about caring."

["Calin"] says, "Let me ask you something."

["Akili"] had to side with his brother on that one.

"Why would a guy pretend to care?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Men lie, so we have to use other clues about what you're saying."

["Kimia"] says, "Well you have to trust that he cares."

["Calin"] says, "Men lie to get sex."

["Kimia"] laughs.

["Pearl"] exclaims, "Oh, my gosh!! Yes, I've known MANY guys who pretend to care!!"

"Why?" asks ["Calin"].

"Why did they pretend to care?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "You already said it."

["Akili"] asks, "Do all roads lead to sex, though?"

"Yes, but if the relationship has already passed that point, why lie?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "To give her what he thinks she needs."

"Isn't that caring?" asks ["Calin"].

["Akili"] retracts his question as ["Calin"] asks a better one.

["Pearl"] says, "Pacify her."

"If he wants to give her what she needs, doesn't he care?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Shut her up."

["Calin"] says, "he could just ignore her."

["Pearl"] says, "No, not necessarily."

"Why not?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Give her want she needs just to pacify her so she'll do what he wants."

["Pearl"] says, "Look at ["Becca"]."

"Uh... what about her?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Well, no, nevermind."

["Kimia"] says, "Welll I'm going to go for now. I'll talk to you guys laters."

["Akili"] waves to ["Kimia"].

["Calin"] says, "And I'd rather not, thanks."

["Pearl"] waves.

["Kimia"] waves. "Bye and don't stare at ["Becca"] too long. Its bad for your health."

["Kimia"] has disconnected.

"Ok, back to ["Becca"]. What were you saying?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] asks, "Doesn't ["Stack"] do what ["Becca"] wants? Do you really think it's to make her happy, as the ultimate end? Or does he do it so she'll leave him alone, or will be 'happy' and not kill herself or whatever?"

The warm calm falls on the trees.

["Calin"] says, "He does it because he doesn't want her to kill hersefl."

"Doesn't that mean he cares?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Well, hang on."

["Pearl"] says, "He cares about not feeling guilty about her supposed death. He cares about not making trouble."

["Calin"] says, "Good point. However he does care."

"What does she want him to care about?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "We sorta had this conversation on Friday."

["Calin"] says, "Nah. We talked about what she wants in general."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, that's a question I can't answer for ["Becca"]. I think if she really had an answer, most of their porblems would go away."

["Calin"] says, "Right. So the woman in general, who says 'nothing.'"

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "She wants to know that he cares, but he wouldn't ask if he didn't."

"So what does she specifically want him to care about?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "That's the one I can't answer."

["Calin"] says, "Ok, lets take you."

["Pearl"] says, "Okay."

["Pearl"] asks, "What about me?"

"If I asked you what's wrong, and you couldn't answer, or said nothing... Why would would you?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "As I said before, I may be too upset to be able to speak."

["Calin"] says, "Gotcha."

["Calin"] says, "That's different, I think."

["Pearl"] says, "Or if I said 'nothing' I think it's usually because I think whatever's making me upset is a big deal and will take time. I need confirmation that you'd care to take the time to find out."

["Calin"] says, "More than just asking what's wrong."

["Pearl"] says, "Yup."

"Well... if I didn't care why would I ask?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "I fear stopping in the middle of a deep conversation for a superficial reasons. So I really want to make sure you want to continue."

["Calin"] says, "I'm afraid I didn't quite follow that."

["Pearl"] says, "And if I'm going to share this big thing that's bothering me, I'm opening myself up to heing hurt. I need some reassurance that you're not going to hurt me."

["Calin"] says, "Oh oh I get it."

["Pearl"] asks, "yeah?"

["Calin"] says, "Aside from past experience."

["Pearl"] asks, "Why aside from past?"

["Calin"] says, "No, I mean I understood about not wanting to stop for superficial reasons."

["Calin"] says, "Yeah. I have to prove myself again before we have this conversation. Last time only got me a one-problem ticket."

["Pearl"] says, "hang on, work calls."

["Calin"] nods.

The warm stillness falls across the grass.

["Akili"] goes to get some food.

["Pearl"] says, "I'm back."

["Calin"] waves.

["Pearl"] asks, "["Calin"], you were saying something about past experiences?"

["Calin"] says, "Yeah. I have to prove myself again before we have this conversation. Last time only got me a one-problem ticket."

["Pearl"] asks, "Huh?"

["Calin"] says, "I was saying that you can't rely on past experience, to know that I'm not going to hurt you."

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "Why not"

"?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "I'm missing something."

- ["Pearl"] says, "And if I'm going to share this big thing that's bothering me, I'm opening myself up to heing hurt. I need some reassurance that you're not going to hurt me."

["Pearl"] says, "'Hurt me' can be in a lot of way. Like leaving before the conversation is through for superficial reasons (bathroom, bored, etc.)."

["Calin"] says, "Yes, but if this has happened before, and the person in question proved they were trustworthy..."

["Pearl"] says, "Women know that people have moods. Maybe you're not in the mood to listen this time."

A warm calm settles across the grass.

"Why test them?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "Oh."

["Pearl"] says, "Well we most definitely won't open up if you're an untrustworthy person (core trait). But if it's a mood thing, with the same person from last time, that's different."

["Calin"] says, "Hrm, ok."

["Calin"] says, "Well, I don't think the whole non-verbal communication thing will get cleared up."

["Calin"] says, "We've kind of wound down, and I don't feel like we're making any enlightening progress on it."

["Pearl"] asks, "What still needs clearing up? I only see that women have many ways to communicate and men want it all to be verbal,right?"

["Calin"] says, "Pretty much."

["Pearl"] says, "Nothing to discuss there. Only that we need to be aware of each other's ways."

["Calin"] says, "With the other I came to better understand things, so in the future I might take more precautions about my image of someone, and their self image."

["Calin"] says, "With this... Other than understanding that women are difficult, I'm not getting anywhere."

["Pearl"] says, "Hey, I'd hope that you've learn to better communicate with women."

["Pearl"] says, "DOn't just put up a block by saying they're 'difficult'."

["Calin"] says, "The problem seems to be all on the other end though. Not much I can do."

["Pearl"] says, "What? That's terrible."

["Calin"] grins, expecting a reaction.

["Pearl"] asks, "Oh, so you're willingly difficult and hard to communicate with?"

["Calin"] says, "Nope. I use plain english, and accepted common language."

["Pearl"] says, "Just so you know, that's something superficial that some woman may want to change about you."

["Calin"] says, "Er, an."

["Calin"] says, "I know that it's possible to run the gauntlet and survive a non-verbal encounter, but I haven't learned anything that would make it easier."

["Pearl"] says, "However knowing you better, I may attritute it as a core trait." ["Pearl"] smiles.

["Calin"] grins.

["Calin"] says, "And yes, I am comparing it to a very strenuous and dangerous physical test."

["Pearl"] asks, "What do you need to know, since we're having a productive conversation?"

["Calin"] says, "Well, ideally a simple way to get around the difficulty, and establish communication."

["Pearl"] asks, "What would prepare you for this 'stenuous and dangerous physical test'?"

["Pearl"] asks, "The difficulty?"

["Pearl"] asks, "What do you mean?"

["Calin"] says, "The block between one person and another, which prevents communication. The 'nothing.'"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Nothing, nevermind, I don't want to talk about it, complete silence, that sort of thing."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "Oh, that's easy to overcome."

["Calin"] listens.

["Pearl"] says, "I thought I already told you."

["Calin"] must have missed it.

["Pearl"] says, "You touch her hand and say that you care, sincerely."

["Calin"] takes notes. "Touch her hand. Got it."

["Pearl"] says, "You be persistent, that shows her you care."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "Sometimes a guy will stop asking and give up a second before I'm about to spill it. That's the worst!"

"So if I touch her hand and ask 'what's wrong' enough times, I'll get through?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "You could always just spill it earlier."

["Pearl"] says, "No, not just 'what's wrong?'"

["Pearl"] says, "Sometimes you gotta vary it: use those speach skills."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "It's not like we have a progress meter to go by. Who knows, maybe you sincerely don't want to talk about it right now."

["Calin"] says, "Speech."

["Calin"] nods.

["Calin"] says, "And if it's a problem with me, asking again may incur your wrath."

["Pearl"] says, "Peachy speech."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "There are certain things *I'm* not likely to talk about, however pressed."

["Pearl"] says, "That's why you ask 'did I do something?'. Usually if it's a 'no' that's easy to say."

["Calin"] says, "You may not realize it, but it can be a very fine line to walk. On the one side, you succeed. On the other, a terrible, unbreachable wall is thrown up between you."

["Akili"] chuckles. "Was it something I did?" "How could you *possibly* not know, you *jerk*!"

["Calin"] says, "The risk is too great sometimes, so guys stop asking."

["Pearl"] says, "Then you talk about what you might not have done wrong..."

["Calin"] says, "Not because they don't care, but because they're afraid."

["Pearl"] says, "hang on there."

["Pearl"] says, "That's a terrible thing for a woman to say."

["Calin"] says, "I agree. That kind of thing does happen, but there's a trait you want to avoid."

["Pearl"] asks, "Wouldn't you like to know what you did wrong though, if you're talking to the right woman?"

["Pearl"] asks, "What if it's something simple?"

["Calin"] says, "For every word we say that does not get us the answer, the size of our error goes up one notch."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "Maybe the woman wants to talk about it, but how do you approach a fragile guys's ego with 'You did something wrong, let's talk'?!"

A balmy calm falls over the warm ivy clinging to the wall.

["Calin"] says, "If we ask what's wrong, and get a nothing, it might be simple. If we press further, and still get nothing, it's worse than that."

["Calin"] says, "Let's examine that."

["Calin"] says, "You did something wrong."

"That's kind of presumptive, isn't it?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "She wouldn't say it like that, that's my point of it being hard to approach in conversation."

["Calin"] says, "If she's thinking it though..."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "You did something I feel is wrong would probably be more accurate."

["Pearl"] says, "So now there's something wrong, but it's hard to bring up orally, which he expects..."

["Calin"] says, "Why would someone do something that is 'wrong?'"

"Can't I discern right from wrong?" asks ["Calin"].

["Pearl"] says, "Okay, 'wrong' in that it hurts someone."

["Calin"] says, "Ok."

["Calin"] says, "Well an easy way to get that point across is: 'You hurt me.'"

["Pearl"] says, "So you did something to hurt me' is more accurate."

["Calin"] says, "That will get his attention, without necessarily throwing up his defenses."

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

["Calin"] says, "Take notes, children. "'Wrong' is probably the wrong word to use.

["Pearl"] says, "But the woman's upset, remember, she's not thinking in the form of correct oral statements."

"So we just have to put up with whatever she gives us?" asks ["Calin"].

["Calin"] says, "Sounds an aweful lot like standing in front of a wave, and trying to weather it."

["Pearl"] says, "No, you have to understand that for the moment she may not be thinking clearly because she's upset."

["Calin"] says, "I don't think that holds up in court."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "So can you blame us for not talking?!"

["Pearl"] says, "If we talk, we say the wrong thing."

["Calin"] says, "Guys learn to control themselves. Well, not all guys. But it's unacceptable for us not to."

["Pearl"] says, "Same for women. We control by not talking when we know we wouldn't have control."

["Calin"] says, "So what you're saying is that there are times when you just need to leave women alone."

["Pearl"] says, "NO! Well, sure there are times. But I have to say for me, I almost never want to be left alone when I'm upset."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "So we can't leave you alone, we can't talk verbally, and men don't do non-verbal communication well. Talk about your lack of options. :)"

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] says, "You can talk verbally, I never said you couldn't."

["Pearl"] says, "You can touch, is that so hard?!"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "But there's no point if you're not currently able to articulate your problem."

["Calin"] says, "And say what? Until we know the nature of the problem, some words are dangerous."

["Calin"] nods.

["Pearl"] takes a deep breath.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "No, that's not so hard. I'll certainly remember that."

["Akili"] thinks for a moment.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I guess the best thing to do...."

["Pearl"] says, "Words aren't just for solving problems. Sometimes words comfort."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Would be to try to comfort her, rather than get her to say anything about what's bothering her just yet."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "Exactly, ["Akili"]!"

["Pearl"] says, "Perfect."

["Pearl"] says, "NOW, we're getting somewhere."

["Calin"] says, "Right. So you go up, and you touch her hand, and you say... 'Worrying... will get you nowhere.'"

["Calin"] grins.

["Pearl"] says, "No, silly."

["Akili"] nearly spits out his mouthful of soda.

["Calin"] grins. "Back to the woods, I guess."

["Pearl"] exclaims, "["Paw"]'s actually tried that one on me, ["Calin"]!"

["Calin"] says, "Whoa."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "And he lives to tell the tale? I'm impressed. ;)"

["Calin"] says, "That was what the prince told Jack's mother, when she thought Jack was dead."

["Calin"] says, "Of course, I've told ["Kimia"] that too."

["Pearl"] says, "I meant the 'worrying' line, not the into the woods one."

["Calin"] says, "Because she gets upset when she can't see the future."

["Pearl"] says, "Because you can't use logic on women when they're upset. All they care about is being comforted and cared for."

["Calin"] says, "No, it helped with ["Kimia"]."

["Pearl"] says, "Well, she must have calmed down enough to listen."

["Calin"] says, "Like when we were on the side of the freeway in oregon, at about 10pm, with the truck dead."

["Pearl"] says, "And you must have said it as a comfort, not as advice. Or at least that's probably how she took it."

["Calin"] says, "She wanted to freak out, curl up into a ball, and give up."

["Pearl"] says, "Yup, she needed comfort and reassurance that all will be well."

["Calin"] says, "I think what I told her was that tomorrow would still come, regardless of her giving up. She'd do alot better when it did come if she hadn't given up."

["Calin"] says, "Then this weird guy with only one ear picked us up, and drove us to my sister's house."

["Pearl"] says, "That's too deep for me if I'm in the too-upset-to-talk moment."

["Calin"] says, "Well it worked for her."

["Pearl"] says, "Cool."

["Calin"] says, "Heck, it works for me."

["Pearl"] says, "When I know I'm cared for, it will work perfectly for me too."

["Calin"] says, "That's what keeps me from giving up when things are really bad. The fact that with my plans or against them, tomorrow still happens."

["Pearl"] says, "See, that's depressing for me, like that."

["Calin"] says, "Not me."

["Pearl"] says, "okay."

["Calin"] says, "It means don't give up, because no good will come of it."

["Pearl"] says, "See, I guess I'm just a quitter in some ways."

["Calin"] says, "And since I'm not usually ready to kill myself to keep the sun from rising in the morning, I just keep going."

The steady calm falls on the warm grass.

["Pearl"] says, "I can see how not worrying will work in that advice, but not the 'not giving up' part."

["Pearl"] says, "Sometimes giving up and trying something else is better."

["Calin"] says, "Well... I agree."

["Calin"] says, "I meant giving up in a more universal way."

["Pearl"] says, "yeah, I know."

["Calin"] says, "For example, out on that freeway... the only way to 'give up,' would be to curl up in a ball and hope things look better when you open your eyes."

["Calin"] says, "Which they rarely will."

["Pearl"] says, "Right."

["Pearl"] says, "Thanks ["Calin"] (and ["Akili"]), this has been very informative."

["Akili"] smiles. "Certainly one of the more fascinating conversations I've been a part of."

["Calin"] nods.