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["Akili"] asks, "What is it with you and combat on here, ["Cal"]?"

["Calin"] chuckles.

["Cal"] has little opportunity to Boffer.

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I guess, but that's the not the first time I've heard allusions to 'wizard warring' on here."

["Calin"] says, "You know... [:Russell:One] wins."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "That depends on how far back you pull the view. It's your server, so you'd win."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "But it's my domain name, so I'd win. Beyond that, I'm not sure how that'd go."

["Calin"] chuckles. "True."

["Calin"] asks, "But why would we want to destroy what we've put so much time and effort into building?"

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Because we're blatantly stupid, maybe."

says ["Cal"], "if it got beyond the [wiki:MUD muck], that would get nasty."

["Calin"] says, "Ah, I see."

["Calin"] says, "I think wars like that only have any meaning when the combatants do NOT have so much power."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Anyway, no, it's not likely to happen. All of that ended with the [:LeadPipe:pipe]. We know too much now."

["Calin"] says, "For example, M2s could have quite a rousing battle."

["Calin"] says, "Filled with cleverness and intrigue."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "I'd think anything between M2 and M4 would qualify in that regard."

["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "The wizard bit changes everything."

["Calin"] says, "Wizards of ["Akili"]'s and my caliber though... the SuperHeroSpot would be the size of the [wiki:MUD muck], if not the entire domain."

["Akili"] laughs.

["Akili"] exclaims, "No, the [wiki:MUD muck]! *CRUSH* Ack, the web server! *SHATTER* Augh, email! *OBLITERATE*"

["Calin"] laughs.