You thought MeanTime was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet. This meter goes from 1 to 10, although anything beyond 7 has a layer of dust on it (it's hard to get higher unless you're saying something about someone to their face).  It also has a little bell at the top, much like one of those old 'test your strength' games.

The Mean-O-Meter has been a staple presence in ["RussellMUCK"] for several years.  Although now infrequently used, it serves as a reminder that the speaker is venturing into the realm of being a mean f.... um, of being mean.

It is also occasionally used by the speaker, after the comment is made, to serve as emphasis.

Technically, it is a global action on the [wiki:MUD MUCK], used with the prefix mean, and otherwise treated as a pose action.  A common use is mean dings!; which returns The Mean-O-Meter dings!

Historically, mention of (or even mild allusion to) [wiki:Elephant Bet] or ["Becca"] activates the Mean-O-Meter shortly afterwards.

The Mean-O-Meter dings!  9.5!


Mean-O-Meter (last edited 2006-09-05 00:18:59 by paw)