(from RussellMuck 10/23/02)
["Rua"] says, "Yummy.... instant capuccino...."
["Calin"] thinks there should be a drink called quaffaccino.
["Rua"] asks, "Do I want to know?"
["Calin"] asks, "Know what?"
["Rua"] says, "What on earth it is."
["Calin"] says, "Obviously something good to drink, with a name like that."
["Rua"] says, "I'm at a loss for words..."
["Calin"] says, "Hrm. Perhaps quaffuccino would be a better spelling."
["Calin"] says, "It's something that you quaff. Try to keep up."
["Sessa"] asks, "What are you quaffing?"
["Calin"] says, "Quaffuccino."
["Sessa"] says, "I think it should be Crappaccino."
["Cal"] asks, "something that makes you vomit?"
["Paw"] purrs, "Actually, I wouldn't expect a Crappaccino would make you *vomit*..."
["Sessa"] is amussed.
["Pearl"] says, "Eewww."
["Paw"] purrs, "Yeh."
["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Sounds like another name for [wiki:Laxative Ex-Lax]."
["Sessa"] says, "But it is crappaccino because it is crappy instant stuff, not cuz ummm, yeah, won't go there again."
["Cal"] says, "thus the vomit comment."
["Calin"] says, "But _I_ was talking about quaffuccino. Which wouldn't be crappy, it would be quite quaffable."
["Sessa"] asks "How would you do that?"
["Calin"] says, "Well if I knew..."
["Sessa"] says, "Maybe you should figure it out..."
["Calin"] says, "Then I'd make my fortune by becoming the Quaffuccino King."
["Sessa"] says, "Quaffaccino Queen has a better ring."
["Calin"] says, "Well... we could all be in on it, and be the Quaffuccino Quorum."
["Sessa"] says, "I wanna be the jester mascot!!"
["Rua"] says, "Make it stop....."
["Calin"] says, "Cool. You be the jester mascot. And I'll be the Quaffuccino King."
["Rua"] asks "Can I be the queen?"
["Calin"] says, "Sure!"
["Rua"] says, "Yay!!!!"
["Sessa"] says, "And we will have ["Pearl"] the Princess."
["Calin"] says, "And ["Cal"] can be the Quaffuccino Kender!"
["Sessa"] asks, "What does he do?"
["Calin"] says, "The [wiki:Kender kender]? Probably absconds."
["Rua"] asks, "What about ["Paw"]?"
["Calin"] says, "["Paw"]... Hrm."
["Calin"] says, "Not sure yet."
["Sessa"] says, "["Akili"] Acrobat."
["Calin"] asks, "Why do we need an acrobat in our quorum?"
["Akili"] is hardly an acrobat, at any rate.
["Sessa"] says, "Well I don't want to entertain by myself."
["Calin"] says, "You're the MASCOT. It's all you."
["Sessa"] joins in on the cappaccino goodness.
["Rua"] says, " I'm the queen, I get to sit around.... with ["Pearl"]...."
["Calin"] rolls his eyes.
["Pearl"] thinks that we'll be quaffing at you, not with you.
["Calin"] chuckles.
["Rua"] asks, "Is that getting old ["Calin"]?"
["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "["Akili"] the... Assassin? Nah."
["Calin"] says, "I don't think it would be very proper for the queen to have an ill-concealed affair with the princess."
["Sessa"] says, "Sure, but you would have to use a spoon."
["Pearl"] will be doing great things as Quaffing Princess--building a library and inviting the gypsies to the ball.
["Rua"] says, "I never said what I would be doing with ["Pearl"], just that we'd be together."
["Sessa"] says, "A cappuccino spoon, for all your assasination spoon."
["Calin"] says, "QUAFFuccino."
["Calin"] says, "Don't forget our gimmik."
["Pearl"] says, "No, a [wiki:Spork SPORK] not a spoon."
["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "But, but... there IS no spoon. Now, a [wiki:Spork spork], *that* I could get behind."
["Calin"] laughs.
["Pearl"] says, "That's what I'm saying ["Akili"]."
["Sessa"] says, "Okay. That works. I can deal with that."
["Pearl"] says, "I'd want to be BEHIND the [wiki:Spork spork] anyway, ["Akili"]. Certainly not in front of it--ouch."
["Akili"] stalks around with a Giant Spork.
-of Clause.
["Rua"] says, "Yay, giant [wiki:Spork spork]!!!"
["Sessa"] says, "It MUST be white though, and made of plastic."
["Calin"] asks, "Not cream colored?"
["Cal"] thinks this is getting silly.
["Calin"] asks, "Getting?"
["Akili"] takes a moment to polish his legendary [:GiantSporkOfClause:Giant Spork Of Clause].
["Calin"] says, "It got silly a long while ago."
["Cal"] asks, "like, a couple years ago?"
["Calin"] says, "Perhaps."
["Sessa"] says, "Well, it could be cream colored if it matches the Quaffaccino."
["Calin"] says, "Ah, good call."
["Akili"] goes around and assassinates cups of quaffuccino with his Giant Spork.
["Rua"] says, "Hey, I was going to drink that..."
["Sessa"] says, "No, you assassinate the cappuccino."
["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Ah. Eliminate the opposition, good plan."
["Sessa"] says, "Exactly."
["Akili"] runs into the night, sporking as many Starbucks as possible.
["Sessa"] says, "YAY!"
["Sessa"] says, "["Akili"] the HERO!"
["Sessa"] says, "I don't think anyone would mind if you accidently on purpose got a couple of those Jamba Juices and Panda Expresses while you are at it."
["Rua"] says, "No, I don't think they would..."
["Akili"] thinks that falls under 'collateral damage'.
["Sessa"] says, "Don't forget McDonalds, everyone has just accepted that they have taken over...but if you started destroying them...."
["Rua"] says, "Hey, why don't we just sell the idea to Starbucks and then make a ton of money off of it...."
["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Maybe because that's *fraternizing with the enemy*!"
["Akili"] brandishes his Spork ominously, and confesses that he's having way too much fun with this.
["Pearl"] giggles.
["Rua"] says, "Hey, don't threaten me, I'm your queen."
["Sessa"] is on ["Akili"]'s side.
["Rua"] says, "Fine, it was just an idea."
["Pearl"] is on ["Akili"]'s side ... of the Spork so she doesn't get stabbed.
["Rua"] pouts.
["Sessa"] pulls ["Rua"]'s bottom lip.
["Sessa"] says, "Yank!"
["Pearl"] picks her Queen up and takes her away to do queenly things.
["Rua"] glares evily at ["Sessa"].
["Rua"] says, "I don't think I'm in the mood ["Pearl"]..... they've upset me."
["Cal"] wonders what a Kender is.
["Sessa"] wonders what ["Paw"] is.
["Sessa"] says, "Well the Prince of course!"
["Sessa"] says, "["Paw"] the Prince with ["Pearl"] the Princess."
["Rua"] says, "Awww, my 'children' have cute names...."
["Pearl"] rolls her eyes.
["Rua"] laughs
["Sessa"] says, "P.P. & P.P. forever!"
["Pearl"] laughs.
["Sessa"] laughs.
["Akili"] chuckles.
["Pearl"] suddenly sees the possibility for role playing here now.
["Rua"] says, "Oh, no, what did we start..."
["Pearl"] says, "It's all ["Calin"]'s fault--him and his quaffucino."
["Sessa"] says, "The Quest for Quaffuccino."
["Paw"] purrs, "It's all Russellfault!"
["Paw"] points to the MUCK's name.
["Sessa"] says, "Um no, It is ALWAYS ["Paw"]'s fault."
["Pearl"] shakes her head.
["Rua"] says, "Or ["Calin"]'s."
["Sessa"] is reminded of Into the Woods.
["Pearl"] is too.
["Calin"] says, "And through the dell. The path is straight, I know it well..."
["Akili"] rumbles lightly, "Yeah, don't go blaming *me*. I just run the place. :)"
["Sessa"] says, "So it's YOUR fault, and isn't mine at all."
["Akili"] has been tempted to role-play on here several times, but it's too easy to get distracted by all the other uses this place has.