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What if we could use @teleport in Real Life?


Calin ganks a donut from the conference room, left over from a meeting that just ended.

Calin says, "Sprinkles can't fill the emptiness inside me! ...But it'll help."

Akili snickers. "I want a doughnut."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Scratch that. I want some pizza."

Calin chuckles.

The restful current quickly blows over the shrubs.

Akili decides to stop thinking about other food, lest he lose his appetite for his sandwich.

Calin says, "Well come on over this evening. Sessa and I are throwing a little party for Paw. We went to Costco last night and picked up a couple of pizzas, a cake... and a case of Henry Weinhardt's root beer."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Aw, man. I'd SO be there if I could. Sadly, my real-life counterpart still hasn't found the @tel command."

Calin chuckles.

Calin says, "And what a useful command it would be."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Yeah. It'd allow me to visit you guys tonight."

Calin says, "I think public knowledge of such a thing would break our global economy like a dry twig."

Akili rumbles lightly, "And OH how much FUN we'd have doing it."

Calin nods.

Calin says, "Overnight, the oil companies and airlines would crumble."

- Why yes, Reality *is* a computer simulation, and I've just found the root shell!

Akili rumbles lightly, "All parts of the travel industry."

Akili rumbles lightly, "Anything having to do with physical transportation, for that matter. Bus lines, freight, railroads, tankers, semis...."

Calin says, "Ford and Toyota..."

Calin says, "Recreational vehicles would probably stick around though."

Calin says, "You don't ride your bicycle up the mountain just to get there, after all."

Calin says, "Nor do you get on a jetski just to get across the lake."

Akili rumbles lightly, "It dawns on me that @tel wouldn't be as useful if you didn't have a way to look up reference numbers for objects and places... although you could teleport to the location of someone else without knowing that."

A quiet draft swiftly blows over the training ground.

Akili rumbles lightly, "You'd have people standing around to serve as markers."

Calin says, "Well... I think names are not unique."

Calin says, "So you'd probably need their ["dbref"] number too."

Akili rumbles lightly, "If there is a way to get ["dbref"]s, then you can probably include NASA in that crumble list."

Calin says, "Although... more likely you'd just use lat/long coordinates."

Calin says, "Heh. Yeah."

Calin says, "Actually... I think NASA would be fine."

Akili is struck by the horrible thought of various groups teleporting explosives around.

Calin says, "They'd really be able to step up their pace."

Akili rumbles lightly, "True."

Calin says, "None of this waiting for 9 years to see what Pluto is like."

Calin says, "Yeah... explosives = bad."

Akili rumbles lightly, "True, although anyone could go there, really."

Calin says, "But NASA would have the proper equipment (like space suits)."

Akili rumbles lightly, "I suppose telescopes might be useful, so you can see where you're going to be going first."

Calin nods.

Akili rumbles lightly, "That's be really fun, if abuse (such as finding ways of killing people) could be prevented."

Calin says, "Controlling it like that means that SOMEbody out there is One."

A humid wind rises sorrowfully over the warm trees.

Akili rumbles lightly, "True."

- Russell raises a hand.

Calin frowns at Russell. "Well then get with the teleporting already!"

Akili chuckles.

Calin spontaneaously gets 'we are one' stuck in his head.

Akili laughs!

Akili sings o/~ As you go through life you'll see, there is so much that we... don't understand-

Akili rumbles lightly, "...Such as how to use the @tel command."

Calin says, "Yeah. Like how to use @tel."

Calin laughs.

Akili exclaims, "Uvamind!"

Calin grins.

Akili asks, "Wow. That's, what, the third time we've done that?"

Calin sings o/~ And the only thing we know is things don't always go... the way we planned.-

Calin says, "Like when we tried to @tel some dynamite."

Akili exclaims, "Oh No! This is not what I wanted!"

Calin says, "I dunno. It happens from time to time."

Akili asks, "Of course. Hey, how do we count to the highest number?"

Calin laughs.
