AD&D 6th Edition Rules |
Note: Use the newest version of MSIE or Netscape with this page and things should work fine. If you have trouble with the PDFs over there though, just download the .dat and rename it .pdf and it will work fine.Here you can find some of the classes and the current character sheet we use for AD&D 6th Edition. AD&D 6th Edition is what we call our current set of house rules, character classes and stuff like that. The character sheet has been modified to fit on one page, get rid of the stuff we never use, and make room for stuff we need space for. Note that we have a stat called MP. That stands for Mind Power. Mind Power is a new stat we use to show a character's strength of will. See House Rules for details. ADEPTS: BLACK is BACK! The Blue, Grey and Black Adepts are playable and very cool now. Each Adept color specializes in a certain type of magic. White Adepts specialize in Rune magics, Brown Adepts specialize in Golem making. Adepts can only use any particular spell variant only once, but otherwise have no limit as to how many spells they can cast. As they raise in levels, they get access to a broader set of effects. Adepts are fun to play for those who don't mind being a little creative and creating your own spells from scratch. They tend to be very flexible when they have enough time to create a spell for a given situation. The Adepts are now compatible with 3rd Edition! ELEMENTALIST: An Elementalist pulls magical energies from the differing elements around him. Each element has certain properties that can be applied to magic. The Elementalist can use these unique properties and even mix them to create different effects. Most Elementalists will have a broad set of skills in all the elements, but they also can focus on just one or two Elements. An Elementalist character gets a certain amount of points that he can put into the five elements, and the points for each element regenerate differently depending on the Elementalist's surroundings. If an Elementalist is in a cave, for example, he will regenerate Earth points very quickly, but be slower to regenerate Air points and probably Fire points unless there is a bonfire or campfire or pool of boiling lava. Elementalists are fun to play because of the variation of effects that can be created by combining the different elements together, and the fact that as more points get poured into an Elementalist spell, the effects increase EXPONENTIALLY. Elementalist is currently 3rd Edition compatible and has their own special feats list. FARADHIM: A Faradhim can constantly cull and use magical energies from the world about him, and thus is practically never at a lack for spell power. In doing this, the Faradhim attunes himself to be able to any kind of naturally occurring magic found in the world. Faradhim are fun to play because even though their spells lack the oomph and variety of Wizards and other spellcasters, they are able to continually cast their spells. The Faradhim is currently 3rd Edition compatible and have their own special feats and skills. THE NEW WIZARD: Wizards are masters of the arcane and are the most ancient of spell casters. Through complicated rituals and specially charged materials, they produce magical results. Wizard spells are very specific and very powerful. Wizards are fun to play because their spells are more interesting and their magics tend to be much more powerful and have a much more lasting effect on the world. The New Wizard is currently 3rd Edition Compatible, though I have yet to go through the spell lists and modify them for 3rd Edition. BLOOD MAGE: Blood Mages are savage warriors who gain power from the shedding of blood; the blood of others, or their own. In large-scale combat, they sometimes seem unstoppable, as they build up power from the carnage and unleash their Blood Spells. A Blood Mage regenerates damage at an alarming rate and has an amazing durability. Blood Mages are fun to play because they are deadly in close combat not only because they can fight and shrug off damage, but because they can cast powerful magics. The Blood Mage can be played in 3rd Edition with some work. I will fix it up later (or if someone asks nicely). SORCEROR/SORCERESS: The Sorceror is a magician chosen by his God to represent him to the world and enforce the edicts of his God among other spellcasters. The Sorceror is required by his God to learn to cast both divine and arcane magics. As the Sorceror gains in strength, he becomes closer to his God and is granted special divine and arcane powers. The Sorceror is fun to play because he gets to combine the powers of the divine and the arcane. The Sorceror can be played in 3rd Edition with some work. I will fix it up later (or if someone asks nicely). THE BATTLER: The Battler is a frightening looking apparition. He will only use weapons or armor that he has created, or another Battler has created. He is never happy with the look of a weapon or piece of armor unless it has at LEAST six spikes and two serrated edges. The Battler doesn't truly believe in magic, and develops the ability to shrug off magical attacks. The Battler is fun to play because he is an excellent fighter. The Battler is currently 3rd Edition compatible, and a very cool alternative for fighter. They gain bonus feats like a fighter, but from a different list and just a little slower. I am aware that some of the .doc tables print a little strangely, still trying to figure that out. Some stuff to come:
Spellcasting Classes: |
DOC Adepts (Blue and Grey) 4/24/02 NOW 3rd Ed compatible! |
DOC HTML Elementalist 4/18/02 NOW 3rd Ed compatible! (Doc Only) |
DOC Faradhim 4/24/02 |
DOC The New Wizard. 4/19/02 3rd Edition Version |
DOC Player's New Wizard spells. 1/21/02 |
DOC DM's New Wizard spells. Email me. 1/21/02 |
DOC The Blood Mage 1/21/02 |
DOC The Sorceror/ Sorceress 11/12/00 |
Fighter Classes: |
DOC The Battler (3rd ed!) 04/18/02 |
DOC The Street Fighter 11/12/00 OLD, made practically redundant by Monk. |
Stories: Genesis.txt
6th Ed House Rules.