Here are various sites Paw visits from time to time, or at least wants to remember where they are. |
I'm Riff! Which Sluggy Freelance Character Are You?
Sluggy Freelance Megatokyo PVP Real Life Comics Order of the Stick Penny Arcade Questionable Content VGcats xkcd Dreamland Chronicles Gaming Guardians Bob The Angry Flower. Funny Farm Sinfest Angst Technology Nukees Joe Cartoon - Strange Shockwave toons. DM of the Rings Foxtrot Spooner NEWS FLASH GAMES Various Web Games Wii-enabled collections: Videlectrix Wiicade Albion Black Sheep Wiiplayable Poodwaddle Wii-enabled singles: Cursor10 Gerrymandering InuYasha Card Battle Samorost Singing Horses Draw. Dance! Too Many Ninjas! Other Wii stuff: Celebrity Miis Wii + Flash Not Wii-enabled: Bible Fight Zelda and the Lamp LAGLESS SFA2??? PORTFOLIOS
Eric To
Sam Dolan
Ryan Griffin
*Wouter van Oortmerssen*
Ben Ritter
World Building Stuff:
World Building Links
Scammer gets scammed story. Powerpuff Girls Saving the world before bedtime! The official Cartoon Network page for the coolest superheroes ever! If you have never seen this show, you MUST! Powerpuff Girls Yet another great PPG website. This one has alot of media and stuff. It even has Craig's original concept pieces in MPEG format! Powerpuff Girls A great fan site for the Powerpuff girls. Check out the sounds archive. Gotta love that song "Love Makes The World Go Round" from the "Mime For A Change" episode. A website of humor. Some not so tasteful. Seanbaby. 404 Error.The Egyptian Book Of The Dead (The Papyrus of Ani.) This is indeed some creepy stuff. The 'spell list' is at the end. =) A facinating story about antigravity, skeptics should not apply. Star Wars Trilogy film summary done with photos of legos. Custom lego creations. He's pretty good at what he does. Things people argue about. Flying Cars: The Future is NOW. A Mona Lisa fanpage. Diaries of LOTR characters. Evan, strange movies involving Star Wars action figures. Star Wars Helmets by Don Post. More. Lightsabres. Most everything you wanted to know about them. Lord Of The Rings, the movie! It is awesome! I can't wait for the next one… here is the higher bandwidth official page. Victims online. Fun. Abridged script of Chasing Amy. Not for faint of heart. Jared Ivey's page. What's the weather in space? Have a favourite book? Vote for it here. The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy Books. The official TMNT site. My sister's Anime site has lots of Anime pics and stuff. Dr. Megavolt and Christian Ristow's Machines of Destruction. Mr Lawrence Watt-Evans This link will take you to the page of my most favourite fantasy author of all time. His guestbook is interactive! |
City of Heroes/Villains
Paragon Wiki, essential info. COH Planner, a build planning site. Tammry, my main character. REFERENCES Evil, information for the aspiring overlord. Free sounds, for downloading to whatever project you are working on. CounterExploitation a website that tells you how to find and disable annoying adware, etc. Even tells you what files to look for etc. Very Useful. Internet Movie Database has information on practically EVERY movie. GameFaqs has information on practically EVERY videogame. Old plans of various things. Good DnD fodder. Lycos Maps does free mapping... =) Good for those long road trips. But Google does better maps is a great source for definitions. Perfect for rant material too! Yahoo! Mail That's a motto to get behind. Free email for the planet. Now what do we do about SPAM? Deja news Your friendly neighborhood free newsgroup reader. Trust me, you'll find it useful. The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy in an online searchable format. Amusing. Pink Monkey, a website of free literature. ICQ is the ultimate 'get ahold of friends while they are online' software. Get it! My current ICQ status is Go explore the Croatian city of Zagreb (it's the capitol) Now THAT is a virtual tour. Further Confusion's main site. The Babelfish is an online translating tool. Sometimes it creates some questionable translations, but... it's still fun. It will do English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Portugese and now Japanese! Shigeru Miyamoto the man, the legend. The Shrine! Video Conversion notes. My blog which is rather infrequently updated. STORES A great wedding present for someone you hate. (or someone particularly twisted who you happen to like.) LAFFAesque LARP games, and various other things. NCS is the place to import games and stuff. Good prices and very courteous. has import NEO GEO pocket games! Hard to find stuff. SNK has pulled it's marketing out of the US of A and now we have to import!!! is the only place I could find that impossible to find but much heralded version of SNK vs Capcom for the NEO GEO pocket. Unfortunately they only have the import Japanese version now. Amazon is now OUT of NGPs, but still has a stock of American software (only 7 games). NCS still has Neo Geo pockets. eToys has some various styles of Neo Geo Pocket. Toys 'R' is now part of And Buyrite has NeoGeo Pocket Colors for 39$! Custom swords online! Neet. Buy yourself a DeLorean. You KNOW you want one! Custom CA plates online. A serious Magic cards store. How to use them. Magic news. A place to buy old games. Also here and here and here. Custom Tee Shirts by Ace Quality Products. CD Now has music. Yay! Good place to find import CDs, and even some videos. We picked up 'Never Been Kissed' from here before it came out on video by buying the Rental version. It was expensive, but totally worth it. =) EBay An online auction place. This is where I get all of my construx. =) Buy some! Amazon is also a good place to buy games. Just not imports. And they can find you ANY book, given time. Even rare books such as those by… MUSIC Audiofind is the place to look for Mp3s. Try using where X is the name of the band you want to search for. Lyrics page. Not a bunch, but good stuff. MP3s ultimate list. Another list. The BEST list. MODEified mp3 archive. Free covers of Depeche Mode music. I like the stuff by Khoa Ho very much. He rocks with his piano skillz. A page about Trio. |
GAMES Video Games Video Game Maps and other sorts of sprite rips. ROM? ROM! Sodaplay Constructor is the coolest waste of time I have found yet. =) Imagine Gaming Network This is the place for video game news. MUGEN Showdown is the ultimate place to get more characters/ backgrounds, or whatever for M.U.G.E.N., the ultimate in freeware fighting game engines.Here also. MugenTomb Street MUGEN, Mugen Boards, Mugen Guild, Mugen Fury, which references the latest version of Windows Mugen, MUGEN Nation N64 News Go here for the latest and greatest N64 news. I only look here for reviews on N64 games as of late. They are fairly unbiased. Funcoland has all the classic games for near-reasonable prices. Better prices than you usually see on Ebay, anyhoo. You can also get old consoles. A place to buy Videogames. Because that is what life is all about. The game I worked on. A much better representation of the game I worked on. Screenshots and everything! The Message Boards. FAQ. Or you can just go to my page here on it. Elecbyte is a videogame company of sorts. They have a freeware fighting game engine they are working on. Click HERE to go directly to that. Shoryuken The ultimate place to find stuff on Street Fighter games. Combo movies and more! The newest and most insane techniques are detailed here also. Dreamcast News page. This is an IGN site, but I go to it often enough I figured I'd just put ina direct link. =) Console controllers used on your PC? Good idea! Look no further. Armageddon Games has a freeware copy of Zelda Classic for the PC. It runs great. I don't use it anymore, tho, I have a functional top-loading NES now. Official site for unofficial Neverwinter Nights modules. GraalOnline:, a Zelda 3ish MMORPG. Robotduck, a website of cool games. A cute little Fish Game. Cyrkam Air Tos, an awesome little flash game of 'throw the paper ball in the wastebasket'. A website of games. Haven't tried it yet... Killer list of games. Video Game Depot. Import gaming delight. A Powerpuff Girls Game ! It is Shockwave, but quite fun... It's a promotional valentines thing, and I don't know how long it will stay up. Game is dead. Oh well. Pod Racer Arcade by Sega. Take a look, it looks really awesome. They are using the Naomi hardware to develop the game and they are using a twin lever style control, just like the movie.. =) To get the most out of this site, you will need Shockwave. =) Currrrse Microsoft: Bejeweled. Dance Dance Karnov. River City Hacky Sack
Agyris. Unique gaming world + table. FurryMUCK is a Furry themed chat world I frequent. Pop over to here to learn more. ADnD stuff straight from the horse's mouth. (Magic) TSR is owned by Wizards of the Coast now (the Magic: the Gathering guys) and they have created 3rd edition. Silly people. We're already up to 6th edition. 3rd is a definite improvement over 2nd, and is required to use our newer classes. Monsters Open Source 3rd edition stuff.
All Your Base Are Belong To Us. A nifty page of random stuff. A Borribles page. |